blob: 251a437d981874574c45c0c49135643ef9c3cff1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Implement volume and disk management.
// TODO(b/241434344): Things farming out to external processes should be
// implemented in a common helper library instead.
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use libc::{self, c_ulong, c_void};
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use std::ffi::{CString, OsStr};
use std::fs::{create_dir, read_dir, read_link, remove_file, OpenOptions};
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::thread;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crate::cookie::{set_hibernate_cookie, HibernateCookieValue};
use crate::files::HIBERNATE_DIR;
use crate::hiberutil::{
checked_command, checked_command_output, emergency_reboot, get_device_mounted_at_dir,
get_page_size, get_total_memory_pages, log_io_duration, stateful_block_partition_one,
use crate::lvm::{
create_thin_volume, get_active_lvs, get_vg_name, lv_exists, lv_path, thicken_thin_volume,
use crate::snapwatch::DmSnapshotSpaceMonitor;
/// Define the name of the hibernate logical volume.
const HIBER_VOLUME_NAME: &str = "hibervol";
/// Define the name of the thinpool logical volume.
pub const THINPOOL_NAME: &str = "thinpool";
/// Define the known path to the dmsetup utility.
const DMSETUP_PATH: &str = "/sbin/dmsetup";
/// Define the path to the losetup utility.
const LOSETUP_PATH: &str = "/sbin/losetup";
/// Define the size to include in the hibernate volume for accumulating all the
/// writes in the resume boot. Usually (as of mid 2022) this is about 32MB. Size
/// it way up to be safe.
const MAX_SNAPSHOT_BYTES: i64 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Define the amount of extra space in the hibernate volume to account for
/// things like file system overhead and general safety margin.
const HIBER_VOLUME_FUDGE_BYTES: i64 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Define the number of sectors per dm-snapshot chunk.
const DM_SNAPSHOT_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 8;
/// Define the list of logical volumes known to not need a snapshot.
const NO_SNAPSHOT_LVS: [&str; 3] = [THINPOOL_NAME, HIBER_VOLUME_NAME, "cryptohome-"];
/// Define the size of a volume snapshot.
const SNAPSHOT_SIZE: u64 = 512 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Define the size of the unencrypted snapshot, which is a little bit bigger.
const UNENCRYPTED_SNAPSHOT_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Define the number of milliseconds to wait for all dm-snapshot merges to
/// complete.
const MERGE_TIMEOUT_MS: i64 = 1000 * 60 * 20;
/// The pending stateful merge is an object that when dropped will ask the
/// volume manager to merge the stateful snapshots.
pub struct PendingStatefulMerge<'a> {
pub volume_manager: &'a mut VolumeManager,
monitors: Vec<DmSnapshotSpaceMonitor>,
impl<'a> PendingStatefulMerge<'a> {
pub fn new(volume_manager: &'a mut VolumeManager) -> Result<Self> {
let monitors = volume_manager.monitor_stateful_snapshots()?;
Ok(Self {
impl Drop for PendingStatefulMerge<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(e) = self
.merge_stateful_snapshots(&mut self.monitors)
error!("Attempting to merge stateful snapshots returned: {:?}", e);
// If we failed to merge the snapshots, the system is in a bad way.
// Reboot to try and recover.
emergency_reboot("Failed to merge stateful snapshots");
enum ThinpoolMode {
pub struct VolumeManager {
vg_name: String,
hibervol: Option<ActiveMount>,
impl VolumeManager {
/// Create a new VolumeManager.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let partition1 = stateful_block_partition_one()?;
let vg_name = get_vg_name(&partition1)?;
Ok(Self {
hibervol: None,
/// Activate the thinpool in RO mode.
pub fn activate_thinpool_ro(&mut self) -> Result<Option<ActivatedLogicalVolume>> {
let thinpool = ActivatedLogicalVolume::new(&self.vg_name, THINPOOL_NAME)
.context("Failed to activate thinpool")?;
.context("Failed to make thin-pool RO")?;
/// Change the RO thinpool to be RW.
fn make_thinpool_rw(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
.context("Failed to make thin-pool RW")
/// Set up the hibernate logical volume.
pub fn setup_hibernate_lv(&mut self, create: bool) -> Result<()> {
if lv_exists(&self.vg_name, HIBER_VOLUME_NAME)? {
info!("Activating hibervol");
let activated_lv = ActivatedLogicalVolume::new(&self.vg_name, HIBER_VOLUME_NAME)
.context("Failed to activate hibervol")?;
if let Some(mut activated_lv) = activated_lv {
} else if create {
} else {
return Err(HibernateError::HibernateVolumeError()).context("Missing hibernate volume");
// Mount the LV to the hibernate directory unless it's already mounted.
if get_device_mounted_at_dir(HIBERNATE_DIR).is_err() {
let hibernate_dir = Path::new(HIBERNATE_DIR);
let path = lv_path(&self.vg_name, HIBER_VOLUME_NAME);
info!("Mounting hibervol");
self.hibervol = Some(ActiveMount::new(
/// Create the hibernate volume.
fn create_hibernate_lv(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
info!("Creating hibernate logical volume");
let path = lv_path(&self.vg_name, HIBER_VOLUME_NAME);
let size_mb = Self::hiber_volume_mb();
let start = Instant::now();
create_thin_volume(&self.vg_name, size_mb, HIBER_VOLUME_NAME)
.context("Failed to create thin volume")?;
thicken_thin_volume(&path, size_mb).context("Failed to thicken volume")?;
// Use -K to tell mkfs not to run a discard on the block device, which
// would destroy all the nice thickening done above.
.context("Cannot format hibernate volume")?;
"Created hibernate logical volume",
size_mb * 1024 * 1024,
/// Figure out the appropriate size for the hibernate volume.
fn hiber_volume_mb() -> i64 {
let total_mem = (get_total_memory_pages() as i64) * (get_page_size() as i64);
let size_bytes = total_mem + MAX_SNAPSHOT_BYTES + HIBER_VOLUME_FUDGE_BYTES;
size_bytes / (1024 * 1024)
/// Create snapshot storage files for all active LVs.
pub fn create_lv_snapshot_files(&self) -> Result<()> {
let snapshot_dir = snapshot_dir();
if !snapshot_dir.exists() {
debug!("Creating snapshot directory");
create_dir(&snapshot_dir).context("Failed to create snapshot directory")?;
let active_lvs = get_active_lvs()?;
let zeroes = [0u8; 4096];
for lv_name in &active_lvs {
// Skip certain LVs.
let mut skip_lv = false;
for skipped in NO_SNAPSHOT_LVS {
if lv_name.starts_with(skipped) {
skip_lv = true;
if skip_lv {
let snapshot_size = if lv_name == "unencrypted" {
} else {
let path = snapshot_file_path(lv_name);
if path.exists() {
info!("Reinitializing snapshot for LV: {}", lv_name);
} else {
info!("Creating snapshot for LV: {}", lv_name);
let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
.context(format!("Failed to open snapshot file: {}", path.display()))?;
// Clear out the snapshot if it exists for some reason so we don't
// accidentally attach stale data.
for snap_name in Self::get_snapshot_file_names()? {
if !active_lvs.contains(&snap_name.to_string()) {
info!("Removing old snapshot: {}", &snap_name);
delete_snapshot(&snap_name).context("Failed to delete old snapshot")?;
/// Set up dm-snapshots for the stateful LVs.
pub fn setup_stateful_snapshots(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
for lv_name in Self::get_snapshot_file_names()? {
/// Set up a dm-snapshot for a single named LV.
fn setup_snapshot(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<()> {
info!("Setting up snapshot for LV: {}", name);
let path = snapshot_file_path(name);
let loop_path = Self::setup_loop_device(&path)?;
let activated_lv = ActivatedLogicalVolume::new(&self.vg_name, name)
.context(format!("Failed to activate LV: {}", name))?;
let origin_lv = read_link(lv_path(&self.vg_name, name))?;
Self::setup_dm_snapshot(origin_lv, loop_path, name, DM_SNAPSHOT_CHUNK_SIZE)
.context(format!("Failed to setup dm-snapshot for {}", name))?;
// The snapshot is set up, don't try to deactivate the LV underneath it.
if let Some(mut lv) = activated_lv {
/// Set up a loop device for the given file and return the path to it.
fn setup_loop_device<P: AsRef<OsStr>>(file_path: P) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let output = checked_command_output(Command::new(LOSETUP_PATH).args([
.context("Cannot create loop device")?;
/// Set up a dm-snapshot origin and snapshot. Example:
/// dmsetup create stateful-origin --table \
/// "0 ${STATE_SIZE} snapshot-origin ${STATE_DEV}"
/// dmsetup create stateful-rw --table \
/// "0 ${STATE_SIZE} snapshot ${STATE_DEV} ${COW_LOOP} P 8"
fn setup_dm_snapshot<P: AsRef<OsStr>>(
origin: P,
snapshot: P,
name: &str,
chunk_size: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let size_sectors = Self::get_blockdev_size(&origin)?;
let origin_string = origin.as_ref().to_string_lossy();
let snapshot_string = snapshot.as_ref().to_string_lossy();
let origin_table = format!("0 {} snapshot-origin {}", size_sectors, &origin_string);
debug!("Creating snapshot origin: {}", &origin_table);
&format!("{}-origin", name),
.context(format!("Cannot setup snapshot-origin for {}", name))?;
let snapshot_table = format!(
"0 {} snapshot {} {} P {}",
size_sectors, &origin_string, &snapshot_string, chunk_size
debug!("Creating snapshot table: {}", &snapshot_table);
&format!("{}-rw", name),
.context(format!("Cannot setup dm-snapshot for {}", name))?;
/// Get the size of the block device at the given path, in sectors.
/// Note: We could save the external process by opening the device and
/// using the BLKGETSIZE64 ioctl instead.
fn get_blockdev_size<P: AsRef<OsStr>>(path: P) -> Result<i64> {
let output =
.context("Failed to get block device size")?;
let size_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
.context("Failed to parse blockdev size")
/// Create monitor threads for each dm-snapshot set up by hiberman that
/// triggers a resume abort if the snapshot gets too full.
pub fn monitor_stateful_snapshots(&self) -> Result<Vec<DmSnapshotSpaceMonitor>> {
let mut monitors = vec![];
for name in Self::get_snapshot_file_names()? {
let snapshot_name = format!("{}-rw", name);
// Only monitor snapshots that are actually set up, which
// resume-init may not set up if the cookie was set to EmergencyReboot.
if get_dm_status(&snapshot_name).is_ok() {
/// Kick off merges of all dm-snapshots managed by hiberman, and wait for
/// them to complete. Takes in a vector of space monitor threads which will
/// be stopped once the merge has commenced.
pub fn merge_stateful_snapshots(
&mut self,
monitors: &mut [DmSnapshotSpaceMonitor],
) -> Result<()> {
if !snapshot_dir().exists() {
info!("No snapshot directory, skipping merges");
return Ok(());
// First make the thinpool writable. If this fails, the merges below
// won't work either, so don't try.
.context("Failed to make thinpool RW")?;
let mut snapshots = vec![];
let mut bad_snapshots = vec![];
let mut result = Ok(());
for name in Self::get_snapshot_file_names()? {
let snapshot = match DmSnapshotMerge::new(&name) {
Ok(o) => match o {
Some(s) => s,
None => {
Err(e) => {
// Upon failure to kick off the merge for a snapshot, record
// it, but still try to complete the merges for the other
// snapshots.
error!("Failed to setup snapshot merge for {}: {:?}", name, e);
result = Err(e);
// With the merge underway, the snapshots won't get any fuller. Stop the
// monitor threads since they're no longer needed, and would start
// logging errors if the snapshot devices were deleted out from under
// them.
debug!("Stopping monitor threads");
for monitor in monitors.iter_mut() {
// Wait for the merges that were successfully started to complete.
wait_for_snapshots_merge(&mut snapshots, MERGE_TIMEOUT_MS)?;
// Clear the hibernate cookie now that all snapshots have progressed as
// far as they can towards completion.
set_hibernate_cookie::<PathBuf>(None, HibernateCookieValue::NoResume)
.context("Failed to clear the hibernate cookie")?;
// Now delete the all snapshots
let mut delete_result = Ok(());
for snapshot in snapshots {
if let Err(e) = delete_snapshot(& {
error!("Failed to delete snapshot: {}",;
delete_result = Err(e);
for name in bad_snapshots {
if let Err(e) = delete_snapshot(&name) {
error!("Failed to delete bad snapshot: {}", name);
delete_result = Err(e);
// Return the merge setup error first, or the delete error second.
/// Set the thinpool mode for the current volume group.
fn set_thinpool_mode(&self, mode: ThinpoolMode) -> Result<()> {
let (name, table) = Self::get_thinpool_table()?;
let mut thinpool_config = ThinpoolConfig::new(&table)?;
match mode {
ThinpoolMode::ReadOnly => thinpool_config.add_option("read_only"),
ThinpoolMode::ReadWrite => thinpool_config.remove_option("read_only"),
let new_table = thinpool_config.to_table();
let _suspended_device = SuspendedDmDevice::new(&name);
reload_dm_table(&name, &new_table).context("Failed to reload thin-pool table")
/// Get the thinpool volume name and table line.
fn get_thinpool_table() -> Result<(String, String)> {
let line = dmsetup_checked_output(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args([
.context("Failed to get dm target line for thin-pool")?;
let trimmed_line = line.trim();
if trimmed_line.contains('\n') {
return Err(HibernateError::DeviceMapperError(
"More than one thin-pool".to_string(),
.context("Failed to get thinpool table");
let split: Vec<&str> = trimmed_line.split(':').collect();
if split.len() < 2 {
return Err(HibernateError::DeviceMapperError(
"Bad dmsetup table line".to_string(),
.context("Failed to get thinpool table");
Ok((split[0].to_string(), split[1..].join(":")))
/// Return a list of strings describing the file names in the snapshot
/// directory.
fn get_snapshot_file_names() -> Result<Vec<String>> {
let snapshot_dir = snapshot_dir();
if !snapshot_dir.exists() {
return Ok(vec![]);
let mut files = vec![];
let snapshot_files = read_dir(snapshot_dir)?;
for snap_entry in snapshot_files {
let snap_name_entry = snap_entry?.file_name();
/// Object that tracks the lifetime of a mount, which is potentially unmounted
/// when this object is dropped.
struct ActiveMount {
path: Option<CString>,
impl ActiveMount {
/// Mount a new file system somewhere.
pub fn new<P: AsRef<OsStr>>(
device: P,
path: P,
fs_type: &str,
flags: c_ulong,
data: &str,
unmount_on_drop: bool,
) -> Result<Self> {
let device_string = CString::new(device.as_ref().as_bytes())?;
let path_string = CString::new(path.as_ref().as_bytes())?;
let fs_string = CString::new(fs_type)?;
let data_string = CString::new(data)?;
"Mounting {} to {}",
// This is safe because mount does not affect memory layout.
unsafe {
let rc = libc::mount(
data_string.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
if rc < 0 {
return Err(libchromeos::sys::Error::last())
.context("Failed to mount hibernate volume");
let path = if unmount_on_drop {
} else {
Ok(Self { path })
impl Drop for ActiveMount {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let path = self.path.take();
if let Some(path) = path {
// Attempt to unmount the file system.
// This is safe because unmount does not affect memory.
unsafe {
info!("Unmounting {}", path.to_string_lossy());
let rc = libc::umount(path.as_ptr());
if rc < 0 {
"Failed to unmount {}: {}",
/// Object that tracks the lifetime of a temporarily suspended dm-target, and
/// resumes it when the object is dropped.
struct SuspendedDmDevice {
name: String,
impl SuspendedDmDevice {
pub fn new(name: &str) -> Result<Self> {
checked_command(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args(["suspend", name]))
.context(format!("Failed to suspend {}", name))?;
Ok(Self {
name: name.to_string(),
impl Drop for SuspendedDmDevice {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(e) = checked_command(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args(["resume", &])) {
error!("Failed to run dmsetup resume {}: {}", &, e);
/// Function that waits for a vector of references to DmSnapshotMerge objects to
/// finish. Returns an error if any failed, and waits with a timeout for any
/// that did not fail.
fn wait_for_snapshots_merge(snapshots: &mut Vec<DmSnapshotMerge>, mut timeout: i64) -> Result<()> {
info!("Waiting for {} snapshots to merge", snapshots.len());
let mut result = Ok(());
loop {
let mut all_done = true;
for snapshot in &mut *snapshots {
if snapshot.complete || snapshot.error {
all_done = false;
if let Err(e) = snapshot.check_merge_progress() {
error!("Failed to check snapshot {}: {:?}",, e);
result = Err(e);
if all_done {
if timeout <= 0 {
return result.and(
.context("Timed out waiting for snapshot merges"),
// Wait long enough that this thread isn't busy spinning and real I/O
// progress can be made, but not so long that our I/O rate measurements
// would be significantly skewed by the wait period remainder.
timeout -= 50;
/// Object that tracks an in-progress dm-snapshot merge.
struct DmSnapshotMerge {
pub name: String,
pub complete: bool,
pub error: bool,
snapshot_name: String,
origin_majmin: String,
start: Instant,
starting_sectors: i64,
impl DmSnapshotMerge {
// Begin the process of merging a given snapshot into its origin. Returns
// None if the given snapshot doesn't exist.
pub fn new(name: &str) -> Result<Option<Self>> {
let origin_name = format!("{}-origin", name);
let snapshot_name = format!("{}-rw", name);
let start = Instant::now();
// If the snapshot path doesn't exist, there's nothing to merge.
// Consider this a success.
let snapshot_path = Path::new("/dev/mapper").join(&snapshot_name);
if !snapshot_path.exists() {
return Ok(None);
// Get the count of data sectors in the snapshot for later I/O rate
// logging.
let starting_sectors =
get_snapshot_data_sectors(&snapshot_name).context("Failed to get snapshot size")?;
// Get the origin table, which points at the "real" block device, for
// later.
let origin_table = get_dm_table(&origin_name)?;
// Get the snapshot table line, and substitute snapshot for
// snapshot-merge, which (once installed) will kick off the merge
// process in the kernel.
let snapshot_table = get_dm_table(&snapshot_name)?;
let snapshot_table = snapshot_table.replace(" snapshot ", " snapshot-merge ");
// Suspend both the origin and the snapshot. Be careful, as the stateful
// volumes may now hang if written to (by loggers, for example). The
// SuspendedDmDevice objects ensure the devices get resumed even if this
// function bails out early.
let suspended_origin =
SuspendedDmDevice::new(&origin_name).context("Failed to suspend origin")?;
let suspended_snapshot =
SuspendedDmDevice::new(&snapshot_name).context("Failed to suspend snapshot")?;
// With both devices suspended, replace the table to begin the merge process.
reload_dm_table(&snapshot_name, &snapshot_table)
.context("Failed to reload snapshot as merge")?;
// If that worked, resume the devices (by dropping the suspend object),
// then remove the origin.
remove_dm_target(&origin_name).context("Failed to remove origin")?;
// Delete the loop device backing the snapshot.
let snapshot_majmin = get_nth_element(&snapshot_table, 4)?;
if let Some(loop_path) = majmin_to_loop_path(snapshot_majmin) {
delete_loop_device(&loop_path).context("Failed to delete loop device")?;
} else {
warn!("Warning: Underlying device for dm target {} is not a loop device, skipping loop deletion",
let origin_majmin = get_nth_element(&origin_table, 3)?.to_string();
Ok(Some(Self {
name: name.to_string(),
complete: false,
error: false,
/// Check on the progress of the async merge happening. On success, returns
/// the number of sectors remaining to merge.
pub fn check_merge_progress(&mut self) -> Result<i64> {
if self.complete {
return Ok(0);
let result = self.check_and_complete_merge();
if result.is_err() {
self.error = true;
/// Inner routine to check the merge
fn check_and_complete_merge(&mut self) -> Result<i64> {
let data_sectors = get_snapshot_data_sectors(&self.snapshot_name)?;
if data_sectors == 0 {
self.complete = true;
/// Perform the post-merge dm-table operations to convert the merged
/// snapshot to a snapshot origin.
fn complete_post_merge(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// Now that the snapshot is fully synced back into the origin, replace
// that entry with a snapshot-origin for the "real" underlying physical
// block device. This is done so the copy-on-write store can be released
// and deleted if needed.
// For those wondering what happens to writes that occur after the "wait
// for merge" is complete but before the device is suspended below:
// future writes to to the merging snapshot go straight down to the disk
// if they were clean in the merging snapshot. So the amount of data in
// the snapshot only ever shrinks, it doesn't continue to grow once it's
// begun merging. Since the disk now sees every write passing through,
// this switcharoo doesn't create any inconsistencies.
let suspended_snapshot =
SuspendedDmDevice::new(&self.snapshot_name).context("Failed to suspend snapshot")?;
let snapshot_table = get_dm_table(&self.snapshot_name)?;
let origin_size = get_nth_element(&snapshot_table, 1)?;
let origin_table = format!("0 {} snapshot-origin {}", origin_size, self.origin_majmin);
reload_dm_table(&self.snapshot_name, &origin_table)
.context("Failed to reload snapshot as origin")?;
// Rename the dm target, which doesn't serve any functional purpose, but
// serves as a useful breadcrumb during debugging and in feedback reports.
let merged_name = format!("{}-merged",;
rename_dm_target(&self.snapshot_name, &merged_name)
.context("Failed to rename dm target")?;
// Victory log!
&format!("Merged {} snapshot", &self.snapshot_name),
self.starting_sectors * 512,
impl Drop for DmSnapshotMerge {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Print an error if the caller never waited for this merge.
if !self.complete && !self.error {
error!("Never waited on merge for {}",;
/// Return the number of data sectors in the snapshot.
/// See
fn get_snapshot_data_sectors(name: &str) -> Result<i64> {
let status = get_dm_status(name).context(format!("Failed to get dm status for {}", name))?;
let allocated_element =
get_nth_element(&status, 3).context("Failed to get dm status allocated element")?;
let allocated = allocated_element.split('/').next().unwrap();
let metadata =
get_nth_element(&status, 4).context("Failed to get dm status metadata element")?;
let allocated: i64 = allocated
.context("Failed to parse dm-snapshot allocated field")?;
let metadata: i64 = metadata
.context("Failed to parse dm-snapshot metadata fielf")?;
Ok(allocated - metadata)
/// Return the number of used data sectors, and the total number of data
/// sectors. See
pub fn get_snapshot_size(name: &str) -> Result<(i64, i64)> {
let status = get_dm_status(name).context(format!("Failed to get dm status for {}", name))?;
let allocated_element =
get_nth_element(&status, 3).context("Failed to get dm status allocated element")?;
// Oops, the snapshot filled fully up and got deactivated by the kernel.
if allocated_element == "Invalid" {
return Ok((100, 100));
let mut slash_elements = allocated_element.split('/');
let allocated = slash_elements
.context("Failed to get dm-snapshot allocated sectors")?;
let total = slash_elements
.context("Failed to get dm-snapshot total sectors")?;
let allocated: i64 = allocated
.context("Failed to parse dm-snapshot allocated field")?;
let total: i64 = total
.context("Failed to parse dm-snapshot total field")?;
Ok((allocated, total))
/// Delete a snapshot
fn delete_snapshot(name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let snapshot_file_path = snapshot_file_path(name);
info!("Deleting {}", snapshot_file_path.display());
remove_file(snapshot_file_path).context("Failed to delete snapshot file")
/// Get the dm table line for a particular target.
fn get_dm_table(target: &str) -> Result<String> {
dmsetup_checked_output(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args(["table", target]))
.context(format!("Failed to get dm target line for {}", target))
/// Get the dm status line for a particular target.
fn get_dm_status(target: &str) -> Result<String> {
dmsetup_checked_output(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args(["status", target]))
.context(format!("Failed to get dm status line for {}", target))
/// Reload a target table.
fn reload_dm_table(target: &str, table: &str) -> Result<()> {
checked_command(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args(["reload", target, "--table", table])).context(
"Failed to run dmsetup reload for {}, table {}",
target, table
/// Rename a dm target
fn rename_dm_target(target: &str, new_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
checked_command(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args(["rename", target, new_name])).context(format!(
"Failed to run dmsetup rename {} {}",
target, new_name
/// Remove a dm target
fn remove_dm_target(target: &str) -> Result<()> {
checked_command(Command::new(DMSETUP_PATH).args(["remove", target]))
.context(format!("Failed to run dmsetup remove {}", target))
/// Delete a loop device.
fn delete_loop_device(dev: &str) -> Result<()> {
checked_command(Command::new(LOSETUP_PATH).args(["-d", dev]))
.context(format!("Failed to delete loop device: {}", dev))
/// Run a dmsetup command and return the output as a trimmed String.
fn dmsetup_checked_output(command: &mut Command) -> Result<String> {
let output =
checked_command_output(command).context("Failed to run dmsetup and collect output")?;
/// Get a loop device path like /dev/loop4 out of a major:minor string like
/// 7:4
fn majmin_to_loop_path(majmin: &str) -> Option<String> {
if !majmin.starts_with("7:") {
return None;
let mut split = majmin.split(':');;
let loop_num: i32 =;
Some(format!("/dev/loop{}", loop_num))
/// Return the file path backing the loop device backing a dm-snapshot
/// region for the given name.
fn snapshot_file_path(name: &str) -> PathBuf {
/// Return the snapshot directory.
fn snapshot_dir() -> PathBuf {
/// Separate a string by whitespace, and return the nth element, or an error
/// if the string doesn't contain that many elements.
fn get_nth_element(s: &str, n: usize) -> Result<&str> {
let elements: Vec<&str> = s.split_whitespace().collect();
if elements.len() <= n {
return Err(HibernateError::IndexOutOfRangeError())
.context(format!("Failed to get element {} in {}", n, s));
/// Define the number of elements in a thin-pool target before the options.
const THINPOOL_CONFIG_COUNT: usize = 7;
/// Define the configuration for a thin-pool dm target.
struct ThinpoolConfig {
config: String,
options: Vec<String>,
impl ThinpoolConfig {
pub fn new(table: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let elements: Vec<&str> = table.split_whitespace().collect();
// Fail if there aren't enough fields.
if elements.len() <= THINPOOL_CONFIG_COUNT {
return Err(HibernateError::IndexOutOfRangeError())
.context(format!("Got too few thinpool configs: {}", elements.len()));
// Fail if something other than a thin-pool target was given.
if elements[2] != "thin-pool" {
return Err(HibernateError::DeviceMapperError(
"Not a thin-pool".to_string(),
.context("Failed to parse thinpool config");
// Fail if the option count isn't valid, or if there is extra stuff on
// the end, since this code doesn't retain that.
let option_count: usize = elements[THINPOOL_CONFIG_COUNT].parse()?;
if THINPOOL_CONFIG_COUNT + option_count + 1 != elements.len() {
return Err(HibernateError::DeviceMapperError(
"Unexpected thin-pool elements on the end".to_string(),
.context("Failed to parse thinpool config");
Ok(Self {
config: elements[..THINPOOL_CONFIG_COUNT].join(" "),
options: elements[(THINPOOL_CONFIG_COUNT + 1)..]
.map(|v| v.to_string())
/// Add an option to the thinpool config if it doesn't already exist.
pub fn add_option(&mut self, option: &str) {
let option = option.to_string();
if !self.options.contains(&option) {
/// Remove an option from the thinpool config.
pub fn remove_option(&mut self, option: &str) {
// Retain every value in the options that doesn't match the given option.
self.options.retain(|x| x != option);
/// Convert this config to a dm-table line.
pub fn to_table(&self) -> String {
"{} {} {}",
self.options.join(" ")