blob: ff9caee5c7e9c19b72b47d6b33dbd06f5713e893 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/protobuf_lite_streams.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h>
using google::protobuf::io::CopyingInputStream;
using google::protobuf::io::CopyingInputStreamAdaptor;
namespace shill {
CopyingInputStreamAdaptor* protobuf_lite_file_input_stream(
const std::string& file_path) {
int fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open(file_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
if (fd == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": "
<< "Could not load protobuf file [" << file_path << "] ";
return nullptr;
auto* file_stream(new ProtobufLiteCopyingFileInputStream(fd));
auto* adaptor(new CopyingInputStreamAdaptor(
// Pass ownership of |file_stream|.
return adaptor;
ProtobufLiteCopyingFileInputStream::ProtobufLiteCopyingFileInputStream(int fd)
: fd_(fd), scoped_fd_closer_(fd_), previous_seek_failed_(false) {}
ProtobufLiteCopyingFileInputStream::~ProtobufLiteCopyingFileInputStream() =
int ProtobufLiteCopyingFileInputStream::Read(void* buffer, int size) {
return HANDLE_EINTR(read(fd_, buffer, size));
int ProtobufLiteCopyingFileInputStream::Skip(int count) {
if (!previous_seek_failed_ &&
lseek(fd_, count, SEEK_CUR) != static_cast<off_t>(-1)) {
// seek succeeded.
return count;
// Let's not attempt to seek again later.
previous_seek_failed_ = true;
return CopyingInputStream::Skip(count);
} // namespace shill