blob: a92624285d33ff58332819d33560d7c38d185903 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "shill/external_task.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class Error;
class ProcessManager;
static constexpr char kPPPDNS1[] = "DNS1";
static constexpr char kPPPDNS2[] = "DNS2";
static constexpr char kPPPExternalIP4Address[] = "EXTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS";
static constexpr char kPPPGatewayAddress[] = "GATEWAY_ADDRESS";
static constexpr char kPPPInterfaceName[] = "INTERNAL_IFNAME";
static constexpr char kPPPInternalIP4Address[] = "INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS";
static constexpr char kPPPLNSAddress[] = "LNS_ADDRESS";
static constexpr char kPPPMRU[] = "MRU";
static constexpr char kPPPExitStatus[] = "EXIT_STATUS";
static constexpr char kPPPReasonAuthenticated[] = "authenticated";
static constexpr char kPPPReasonAuthenticating[] = "authenticating";
static constexpr char kPPPReasonConnect[] = "connect";
static constexpr char kPPPReasonDisconnect[] = "disconnect";
static constexpr char kPPPReasonExit[] = "exit";
// PPPDaemon provides control over the configuration and instantiation of pppd
// processes. All pppd instances created through PPPDaemon will use shill's
// pppd plugin.
class PPPDaemon {
// The type of callback invoked when an ExternalTask wrapping a pppd instance
// dies. The first argument is the pid of the process, the second is the exit
// code.
using DeathCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(pid_t, int)>;
// Provides options used when preparing a pppd task for execution. These map
// to pppd command-line options. Refer to for
// more details about the meaning of each.
struct Options {
// Causes pppd to emit log messages useful for debugging connectivity.
bool debug;
// Causes pppd to not fork and daemonize, remaining attached to the
// controlling terminal that spawned it.
bool no_detach;
// Stops pppd from modifying the routing table.
bool no_default_route;
// Instructs pppd to request DNS servers from the remote server.
bool use_peer_dns;
// If set, will cause the shill pppd plugin to be used at the creation of
// the pppd instace. This will result in connectivity events being plumbed
// over D-Bus to the RpcTaskDelegate provided during PPPDaemon::Start.
bool use_shim_plugin;
// The number of seconds between sending LCP echo requests.
uint32_t lcp_echo_interval;
// The number of missed LCP echo responses tolerated before disconnecting.
uint32_t lcp_echo_failure;
// The number of allowed failed consecutive connection attempts before
// giving up. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
uint32_t max_fail;
// Instructs pppd to request an IPv6 address from the remote server.
bool use_ipv6;
// The path to the pppd plugin provided by shill.
static const char kShimPluginPath[];
// Starts a pppd instance. |options| provides the configuration for the
// instance to be started, |device| specifies which device the PPP connection
// is to be established on, |death_callback| will be invoked when the
// underlying pppd process dies. |error| is populated if the task cannot be
// started, and nullptr is returned.
static std::unique_ptr<ExternalTask> Start(
ControlInterface* control_interface,
ProcessManager* process_manager,
const base::WeakPtr<RpcTaskDelegate>& task_delegate,
const Options& options,
const std::string& device,
DeathCallback death_callback,
Error* error);
// Return an IPConfig::Properties struct parsed from |configuration|, but
// don't set the IPConfig. This lets the caller tweak or inspect the
// Properties first.
static IPConfig::Properties ParseIPConfiguration(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& configuration);
static Service::ConnectFailure ExitStatusToFailure(int exit);
// Get the failure reason from the dictionary which is received from our PPP
// plugin and contains the exit status.
static Service::ConnectFailure ParseExitFailure(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& dict);
// Get the network device name (e.g. "ppp0") from the dictionary of
// configuration strings received from our PPP plugin.
static std::string GetInterfaceName(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& configuration);
FRIEND_TEST(PPPDaemonTest, PluginUsed);
PPPDaemon(const PPPDaemon&) = delete;
PPPDaemon& operator=(const PPPDaemon&) = delete;
} // namespace shill