blob: 2c4a75774863b21714099d2e15cd0867cabf4feb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/ipconfig.h"
#include "shill/net/ip_address.h"
#include "shill/routing_policy_entry.h"
#include "shill/technology.h"
namespace shill {
class DeviceInfo;
class RTNLHandler;
class Resolver;
class RoutingTable;
// The Connection maintains the implemented state of an IPConfig, e.g,
// the IP address, routing table and DNS table entries.
class Connection {
// The routing rule priority used for the default service, whether physical or
// VPN.
static const uint32_t kDefaultPriority;
// Priority for rules corresponding to IPConfig::Properties::routes.
static const uint32_t kDstRulePriority;
// Priority for VPN rules routing traffic or specific uids with the routing
// table of a VPN connection.
static const uint32_t kVpnUidRulePriority;
// Priority for the rule sending any remaining traffic to the default physical
// interface.
static const uint32_t kCatchallPriority;
// The lowest priority value that is still valid.
static const uint32_t kLeastPriority;
// Space between the priorities of services. The Nth highest priority service
// (starting from N=0) will have a rule priority of
// |kDefaultPriority| + N*|kPriorityStep|.
static const uint32_t kPriorityStep;
Connection(int interface_index,
const std::string& interface_name,
bool fixed_ip_params,
Technology technology,
const DeviceInfo* device_info);
Connection(const Connection&) = delete;
Connection& operator=(const Connection&) = delete;
virtual ~Connection();
// Add the contents of an IPConfig::Properties to the list of managed state.
// This will replace all previous state for this address family.
virtual void UpdateFromIPConfig(const IPConfig::Properties& properties);
// Routing policy rules have priorities, which establishes the order in which
// policy rules will be matched against the current traffic. The higher the
// priority value, the lower the priority of the rule. 0 is the highest rule
// priority and is generally reserved for the kernel.
// Updates the kernel's routing policy rule database such that policy rules
// corresponding to this Connection will use |priority| as the "base
// priority". This call also updates the systemwide DNS configuration if
// necessary, and triggers captive portal detection if the connection has
// transitioned from non-default to default.
virtual void SetPriority(uint32_t priority, bool is_primary_physical);
// Returns true if this connection is currently the systemwide default.
virtual bool IsDefault() const;
// Determines whether this connection controls the system DNS settings.
// This should only be true for one connection at a time.
virtual void SetUseDNS(bool enable);
// Update and apply the new DNS servers setting to this connection.
virtual void UpdateDNSServers(const std::vector<std::string>& dns_servers);
virtual const std::string& interface_name() const { return interface_name_; }
virtual int interface_index() const { return interface_index_; }
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& dns_servers() const {
return dns_servers_;
// Flush and (re)create routing policy rules for the connection.
// The rule priority will be set to |priority_| so that Manager's service
// sort ranking is respected.
virtual void UpdateRoutingPolicy();
virtual const IPAddress& local() const { return local_; }
virtual const IPAddress& gateway() const { return gateway_; }
// Return true if this is an IPv6 connection.
virtual bool IsIPv6();
friend class ConnectionTest;
// Create a link route to the gateway when the gateway is in a separate
// subnet. This can work if the host LAN and gateway LAN are bridged
// together, but is not a recommended network configuration.
bool FixGatewayReachability(const IPAddress& local,
IPAddress* peer,
IPAddress* gateway);
// Allow for the routes specified in |properties.routes| to be served by this
// connection.
bool SetupIncludedRoutes(const IPConfig::Properties& properties,
bool ignore_gateway);
// Ensure the destination subnets specified in |properties.exclusion_list|
// will not be served by this connection.
bool SetupExcludedRoutes(const IPConfig::Properties& properties,
const IPAddress& gateway);
void SetMTU(int32_t mtu);
// Allow for traffic corresponding to this Connection to match with
// |table_id|. Note that this does *not* necessarily imply that the traffic
// will actually be routed through a route in |table_id|. For example, if the
// traffic matches one of the excluded destination addresses set up in
// SetupExcludedRoutes, then no routes in the per-Device table for this
// Connection will be used for that traffic.
void AllowTrafficThrough(uint32_t table_id,
uint32_t base_priority,
bool no_ipv6);
// Send our DNS configuration to the resolver.
void PushDNSConfig();
bool use_dns_;
// The base priority for rules corresponding to this Connection. Set by
// Manager through SetPriority. Note that this value is occasionally used as a
// route metric value (e.g., SetPriority passes the priority value to
// RoutingTable::SetDefaultMetric). This is simply done for convenience, such
// that one could do something like `ip route show table 0 0/0` be able to
// tell the rule priorities corresponding to the displayed default routes.
uint32_t priority_;
bool is_primary_physical_;
int interface_index_;
const std::string interface_name_;
Technology technology_;
std::vector<std::string> dns_servers_;
std::vector<std::string> dns_domain_search_;
std::string dns_domain_name_;
// True if this device should have rules sending traffic whose src address
// matches one of the interface's addresses to the per-device table.
bool use_if_addrs_;
std::vector<IPAddress> allowed_dsts_;
// Do not reconfigure the IP addresses, subnet mask, broadcast, etc.
bool fixed_ip_params_;
uint32_t table_id_;
IPAddress local_;
IPAddress gateway_;
// Store cached copies of singletons for speed/ease of testing
const DeviceInfo* device_info_;
Resolver* resolver_;
RoutingTable* routing_table_;
RTNLHandler* rtnl_handler_;
} // namespace shill