blob: 47d2c023f249c6f3d4ffd23f22ad76d9af33f563 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <absl/status/status.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <memory>
#include "secagentd/bpf/process.h"
#include "secagentd/bpf_skeletons/skeleton_process_bpf.h"
namespace secagentd {
// Directory with min_core_btf payloads. Must match the ebuild.
constexpr char kMinCoreBtfDir[] = "/usr/share/btf/secagentd/";
// The following callback definitions must have void return type since they will
// bind to an object method.
using BpfEventCb = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const bpf::event&)>;
using BpfEventAvailableCb = base::RepeatingCallback<void()>;
// The callbacks a BPF plugins are required to provide.
struct BpfCallbacks {
// The callback responsible for handling a ring buffer security event.
BpfEventCb ring_buffer_event_callback;
// The callback that handles when any ring buffer has data ready for
// consumption (reading).
BpfEventAvailableCb ring_buffer_read_ready_callback;
class BpfSkeletonInterface {
BpfSkeletonInterface() = default;
explicit BpfSkeletonInterface(const BpfSkeletonInterface&) = delete;
BpfSkeletonInterface& operator=(const BpfSkeletonInterface&) = delete;
virtual ~BpfSkeletonInterface() = default;
virtual absl::Status LoadAndAttach() = 0;
// Register callbacks to handle:
// 1 - When a security event from a ring buffer has been consumed and is
// available for further processing.
// 2 - When a ring buffer has data available for reading.
void RegisterCallbacks(BpfCallbacks cbs);
// Consume one or more events from a BPF ring buffer, ignoring whether a ring
// buffer has notified that data is available for read.
virtual int ConsumeEvent() = 0;
class ProcessBpfSkeleton : public BpfSkeletonInterface {
~ProcessBpfSkeleton() override;
absl::Status LoadAndAttach() override;
void RegisterCallbacks(BpfCallbacks cbs);
int ConsumeEvent() override;
BpfCallbacks callbacks_;
process_bpf* skel_{nullptr};
struct ring_buffer* rb_{nullptr};
std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> rb_watch_readable_;
} // namespace secagentd