blob: 5fa1265128895295233c231be50d16285d76f957 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Provides wire-type for cryptohome Key objects. It does not
// represent the entirety of the bookkeeping data needed by Cryptohome.
// Anything in this file may be persisted on disk. Update carefully!
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package user_data_auth;
option go_package = "chromiumos/system_api/user_data_auth_proto";
// Enum to define all the available types of AuthFactor. This would be used for
// identification of a given AuthFactor.
enum AuthFactorType {
// Enum to define the purpose of AuthFactor preparation. This would be used
// in PrepareAsyncAuthFactorRequest.
enum AuthFactorPreparePurpose {
// For adding a new auth factor. Usually it indicates PrepareAsynAuthFactor()
// runs an auth factor enrollment process (based on user input collection).
// For authenticating an existing async auth factor. Usually this indicates
// PrepareAsyncAuthFactor() runs an user input collection process.
// Cryptographic signature algorithm type for smart card requests. Used with
// SmartCardAuthInput.
enum SmartCardSignatureAlgorithm {
// An intent specifies the set of operations that can be performed after
// successfully authenticating an Auth Session.
enum AuthIntent {
// Default value.
// Intent to decrypt the user's file system keys. Authorizing for this intent
// allows all privileged operations, e.g., preparing user's vault,
// adding/updating/removing factors.
// Intent to simply check whether the authentication succeeds. Authorizing for
// this intent doesn't allow any privileged operation.
// Password AuthFactor requires a secret to be passed for derivation and
// creation of key.
message PasswordAuthInput {
bytes secret = 1;
// Pin AuthFactor requires a secret to be passed for derivation and
// creation of key.
message PinAuthInput {
bytes secret = 1;
message CryptohomeRecoveryAuthInput {
// These fields are used for `AddAuthFactor`:
// Public key of the mediator for Cryptohome recovery flow.
bytes mediator_pub_key = 1;
// These fields are used for `AuthenticateAuthFactor`:
// Serialized cryptorecovery::CryptoRecoveryEpochResponse.
// An epoch response received from Recovery Mediator service containing epoch
// beacon value for Cryptohome recovery flow.
bytes epoch_response = 2;
// Serialized cryptohome.cryptorecovery.CryptoRecoveryRpcResponse.
// A response received from Recovery Mediator service and used by Cryptohome
// recovery flow to derive the wrapping keys.
bytes recovery_response = 3;
// Kiosk AuthFactor requires no secret to be passed for derivation and
// creation of key.
message KioskAuthInput {}
// Smartcard AuthFactor requires no secret to be passed for derivation
// and creation of key.
message SmartCardAuthInput {
// Specifies the signature algorithms that are supported by an individual
// smart card.
repeated SmartCardSignatureAlgorithm signature_algorithms = 1;
// Parameters for connecting and making requests to a key delegate service:
// |dbus_service_name|, the D-Bus service name of the key delegate service
// that exports the key delegate object.
string key_delegate_dbus_service_name = 2;
// AuthInput is a wrapper around any secret or input data that is required to
// authenticate or create an AuthFactor on disk.
message AuthInput {
// An AuthFactor could also carry with itself some input in some cases,
// such as password, the secret would be user supplied. In those cases the
// secret can be passed here.
oneof input {
PasswordAuthInput password_input = 1;
PinAuthInput pin_input = 2;
CryptohomeRecoveryAuthInput cryptohome_recovery_input = 3;
KioskAuthInput kiosk_input = 4;
SmartCardAuthInput smart_card_input = 5;
// Password AuthFactor does not store any special metadata. Although this could
// change in the future and keeping that in mind, an empty proto is defined.
message PasswordMetadata {}
message PinMetadata {
// If true, the key is "locked" after too many unsuccessful authorization
// attempts. Future authentication attempts against a locked key fail with
// Currently, such locking is supported only for keys with
// |low_entropy_credential| policy set to true,
// This field is ignored when registering a new key.
bool auth_locked = 1;
message CryptohomeRecoveryMetadata {}
message KioskMetadata {}
message SmartCardMetadata {
// Specifies the key which is asked to sign the data. Contains the DER-encoded
// blob of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info.
bytes public_key_spki_der = 1;
message CommonMetadata {
// Specifies the version AuthFactor was last updated.
// The version number is read from CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION field in
// /etc/lsb-release whenever AuthFactor is updated or first persisted.
// See:
// For example: "11012.0.2018_08_28_1422" could be returned as part of this.
bytes version_last_updated = 1;
// AuthFactor is a backing store for any secret stored on Chrome OS in the USS
// World. This proto definition is used to communicate with the client side.
// Once it is received on cryptohome side, this proto definition is converted to
// a flatbuffer for usage and storage.
// A note: The intention is for client side to not know about the type of
// backing store. So when any AuthFactor API is called, it is cryptohome that
// decides what backing store would be used -- either VaultKeyset or AuthFactor.
// This decion making does not have any effect on how the client uses the API.
message AuthFactor {
// AuthFactorType will help us determine the type and subsequently help us
// create the right AuthBlock for derivation or authentication.
AuthFactorType type = 1;
// AuthFactor would be identified by its label which would be unique across
// all the AuthFactors for a given user. The label must be a non-empty string,
// only consisting of characters from the set {a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -}, and whose
// length doesn't exceed 1000.
string label = 2;
// Common metadata that is shared across all types.
CommonMetadata common_metadata = 9;
// Indicates if the AuthFactor can be used for light or full
// authentication. Gives the set of possible actions after
// authentication.
repeated AuthIntent supported_intents = 10;
// An AuthFactor could also carry with itself some metadata. Since an
// AuthFactor could only be one type, oneof is used to define the usage of
// metadata.
oneof metadata {
PasswordMetadata password_metadata = 4;
PinMetadata pin_metadata = 5;
CryptohomeRecoveryMetadata cryptohome_recovery_metadata = 6;
KioskMetadata kiosk_metadata = 7;
SmartCardMetadata smart_card_metadata = 8;
reserved 3;