blob: bd55fd145363bead0bfb2527b26e35ba14d62911 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "login_manager/policy_store.h"
#include <map>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
namespace login_manager {
class LoginMetrics;
// Extends PolicyStore adding the resilient features. That means the store tries
// to load the policy from the files one by one until a good file is read. Also
// persistence is done in a new file after each boot while the number of policy
// files is still limited.
class ResilientPolicyStore : public PolicyStore {
// Expected to have non-null |metrics|.
explicit ResilientPolicyStore(const base::FilePath& default_policy_path,
LoginMetrics* metrics);
ResilientPolicyStore(const ResilientPolicyStore&) = delete;
ResilientPolicyStore& operator=(const ResilientPolicyStore&) = delete;
// Persist |policy_| to disk. If it's the first call after boot, as
// established by the absense of |kCleanupDoneFileName| temporary file, then
// the policy is persisted in a new policy file with next index. Otherwise the
// latest policy file is overwritten. Logs UMA stats about the number of
// invalid policy files identified.
// Returns false if there's an error while writing data.
bool Persist() override;
// Not implemented yet - this class is meant for Chrome device policy,
// but deletion is only allowed for component policy.
bool Delete() override;
// Check the policy files from the most recent to the oldest until a valid
// file is found. Loads the signed policy off of the valid file into
// |policy_|. Logs UMA stats about the number of invalid policy files
// identified. Returns true unless there is at least one policy file on disk
// and loading fails for all the policy files present.
bool LoadOrCreate() override;
// Read and validate the policy files corresponding to names from
// |sorted_policy_file_names|. Keeps at most |kMaxPolicyFileCount| valid
// policy files, the rest gets deleted. Logs UMA stats about the number of
// invalid policy files identified.
void CleanupPolicyFiles(
const std::map<int, base::FilePath>& sorted_policy_file_paths);
void ReportInvalidDevicePolicyFilesStatus(int number_of_good_files,
int number_of_invalid_files);
LoginMetrics* metrics_ = nullptr; // Not owned.
} // namespace login_manager