blob: 6dfabcaac5364758d8660a924d110768b2e99e5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "debugd/src/helpers/typec_connector_class_helper_utils.h"
namespace debugd {
namespace typec_connector_class_helper {
std::string GetIndentStr(int indent) {
return std::string(indent, ' ');
std::string FormatString(std::string file_str, int indent) {
std::string out_str;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(file_str, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &out_str);
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while ((pos = out_str.find("\n", pos)) != std::string::npos) {
out_str.replace(pos, 1, ("\n" + GetIndentStr(indent)));
pos = pos + indent + 1;
return out_str;
void ParseDirsAndExecute(const base::FilePath& dir,
int indent,
char const* regex,
void (*func)(const base::FilePath&, int)) {
base::FileEnumerator it(dir, false, base::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES);
for (base::FilePath s_dir = it.Next(); !s_dir.empty(); s_dir = it.Next()) {
if (RE2::FullMatch(s_dir.BaseName().value(), regex))
func(s_dir, indent);
void PrintFile(const base::FilePath& path, int indent) {
if (!base::PathExists(path))
std::string f_str;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &f_str))
f_str = FormatString(f_str, indent);
std::cout << GetIndentStr(indent) << path.BaseName().value() << ": " << f_str
<< std::endl;
void PrintDirFiles(const base::FilePath& dir, int indent) {
std::cout << GetIndentStr(indent) << dir.BaseName().value() << std::endl;
base::FileEnumerator it(dir, false, base::FileEnumerator::FILES);
for (base::FilePath f = it.Next(); !f.empty(); f = it.Next())
PrintFile(f, indent + 2);
PDRev GetPDRev(const base::FilePath& dir) {
std::string pd_revision_str;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(dir.Append("usb_power_delivery_revision"),
return PDRev::kNone;
if (pd_revision_str.length() < 3)
return PDRev::kNone;
if (pd_revision_str[0] == '2' && pd_revision_str[2] == '0') {
return PDRev::kPD20;
} else if (pd_revision_str[0] == '3' && pd_revision_str[2] == '0') {
return PDRev::kPD30;
} else if (pd_revision_str[0] == '3' && pd_revision_str[2] == '1') {
return PDRev::kPD31;
return PDRev::kNone;
bool ReadVdo(const base::FilePath& path, uint32_t* vdo) {
std::string str;
if (!vdo || !base::ReadFileToString(path, &str))
return false;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(str, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &str);
base::HexStringToUInt(str, vdo);
return true;
void PrintVdo(const base::FilePath& vdo_file,
const std::vector<VdoField> vdo_description,
bool hide_data,
int indent) {
uint32_t vdo;
if (!ReadVdo(vdo_file, &vdo))
if (hide_data)
std::cout << GetIndentStr(indent) << vdo_file.BaseName().value()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << GetIndentStr(indent) << vdo_file.BaseName().value() << ": 0x"
<< std::hex << vdo << std::endl;
for (auto field : vdo_description) {
int field_val = (vdo & field.mask) >> field.index;
std::cout << GetIndentStr(indent + 2) << field.description << ": 0x"
<< std::hex << field_val << std::endl;
void PrintAltMode(const base::FilePath& alt_mode, int indent) {
if (!base::DirectoryExists(alt_mode))
PrintDirFiles(alt_mode, indent);
ParseDirsAndExecute(alt_mode, indent + 2, kModeRegex, &PrintDirFiles);
void PrintPlugInfo(const base::FilePath& plug, int indent) {
if (!base::DirectoryExists(plug))
PrintDirFiles(plug, indent);
ParseDirsAndExecute(plug, indent + 2, kPlugAltModeRegex, &PrintAltMode);
ProductType GetPartnerProductType(const base::FilePath& dir) {
PDRev pd_rev = GetPDRev(dir);
uint32_t id_header;
if (!ReadVdo(dir.Append("identity").Append("id_header"), &id_header))
return ProductType::kOther;
ProductType ret = ProductType::kOther;
if (pd_rev == PDRev::kPD20) {
// Alternate Mode Adapter (AMA) is the only partner product type in the
// USB PD 2.0 specification
if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD20AMAComp)
return ProductType::kPD20AMA;
return ProductType::kOther;
} else if (pd_rev == PDRev::kPD30) {
// In USB PD 3.0 a partner can be an upstream facing port (UFP),
// downstream facing port (DFP), or a dual-role data port (DRD).
// Information about UFP/DFP are in different fields, so they are checked
// separately then compared to determine a partner's product type.
// Separate from UFP/DFP, they can support AMA/VPD as a UFP type.
bool ufp_supported = false;
if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30HubComp)
ufp_supported = true;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30PeripheralComp)
ufp_supported = true;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30AMAComp)
return ProductType::kPD30AMA;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30VPDComp)
return ProductType::kPD30VPD;
bool dfp_supported = false;
if ((id_header & kPDDFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30DFPHubComp)
dfp_supported = true;
else if ((id_header & kPDDFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30DFPHostComp)
dfp_supported = true;
else if ((id_header & kPDDFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30PowerBrickComp)
dfp_supported = true;
if (ufp_supported && dfp_supported)
ret = ProductType::kPD30DRD;
else if (ufp_supported)
ret = ProductType::kPD30UFP;
else if (dfp_supported)
ret = ProductType::kPD30DFP;
} else if (pd_rev == PDRev::kPD31) {
// Similar to USB PD 3.0, USB PD 3.1 can have a partner which is both UFP
// and DFP (DRD).
bool ufp_supported = false;
if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31HubComp)
ufp_supported = true;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31PeripheralComp)
ufp_supported = true;
bool dfp_supported = false;
if ((id_header & kPDDFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31DFPHubComp)
dfp_supported = true;
else if ((id_header & kPDDFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31DFPHostComp)
dfp_supported = true;
else if ((id_header & kPDDFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31PowerBrickComp)
dfp_supported = true;
if (ufp_supported && dfp_supported)
ret = ProductType::kPD31DRD;
else if (ufp_supported)
ret = ProductType::kPD31UFP;
else if (dfp_supported)
ret = ProductType::kPD31DFP;
return ret;
ProductType GetCableProductType(const base::FilePath& dir) {
PDRev pd_rev = GetPDRev(dir);
uint32_t id_header;
if (!ReadVdo(dir.Append("identity").Append("id_header"), &id_header))
return ProductType::kOther;
if (pd_rev == PDRev::kPD20) {
// USB PD 2.0 only supports active and passive cables.
if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD20PassiveCableComp)
return ProductType::kPD20PassiveCable;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD20ActiveCableComp)
return ProductType::kPD20ActiveCable;
return ProductType::kOther;
} else if (pd_rev == PDRev::kPD30) {
// USB PD 3.0 supports only active and passive cables.
if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30PassiveCableComp)
return ProductType::kPD30PassiveCable;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD30ActiveCableComp)
return ProductType::kPD30ActiveCable;
return ProductType::kOther;
} else if (pd_rev == PDRev::kPD31) {
// USB PD 3.1 supports active cables, passive cables and Vconn Powered
// Devices (VPD) definitions from id_header.
if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31PassiveCableComp)
return ProductType::kPD31PassiveCable;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31ActiveCableComp)
return ProductType::kPD31ActiveCable;
else if ((id_header & kPDUFPProductTypeMask) == kPD31VPDComp)
return ProductType::kPD31VPD;
return ProductType::kOther;
} else {
return ProductType::kOther;
void PrintPartnerIdentity(const base::FilePath& partner, int indent) {
auto identity = partner.Append("identity");
if (!base::DirectoryExists(identity))
std::cout << GetIndentStr(indent) << "identity" << std::endl;
// Print*Identity function will print cert_stat, id_header and product
// files. Then, check the product type to determine the vdo
// descriptions for product_type_vdo[1,2,3].
PDRev pd_rev = GetPDRev(partner);
switch (pd_rev) {
case PDRev::kPD20:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kPD20IDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kPD20ProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), kPD20CertStatVDO, false,
indent + 2);
case PDRev::kPD30:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kPD30IDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kPD30ProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), kPD30CertStatVDO, false,
indent + 2);
case PDRev::kPD31:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kPD31IDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kPD31ProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), kPD31CertStatVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kOtherIDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kOtherProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), {}, false, indent + 2);
ProductType product_type = GetPartnerProductType(partner);
switch (product_type) {
case ProductType::kPD20AMA:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD20AMAVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD30VPD:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD30VPDVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD30AMA:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD30AMAVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD30UFP:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD30UFPVDO1, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), kPD30UFPVDO2, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD30DFP:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD30DFPVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD30DRD:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD30UFPVDO1, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), kPD30UFPVDO2, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), kPD30DFPVDO, false,
indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD31UFP:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD31UFPVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD31DFP:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD31DFPVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD31DRD:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD31UFPVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), kPD31DFPVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
void PrintCableIdentity(const base::FilePath& cable, int indent) {
auto identity = cable.Append("identity");
if (!base::DirectoryExists(identity))
std::cout << GetIndentStr(indent) << "identity" << std::endl;
PDRev pd_rev = GetPDRev(cable);
switch (pd_rev) {
case PDRev::kPD20:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kPD20IDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kPD20ProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), kPD20CertStatVDO, false,
indent + 2);
case PDRev::kPD30:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kPD30IDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kPD30ProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), kPD30CertStatVDO, false,
indent + 2);
case PDRev::kPD31:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kPD31IDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kPD31ProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), kPD31CertStatVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("id_header"), kOtherIDHeaderVDO, true,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product"), kOtherProductVDO, true, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("cert_stat"), {}, false, indent + 2);
ProductType product_type = GetCableProductType(cable);
switch (product_type) {
case ProductType::kPD20PassiveCable:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD20PassiveVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD20ActiveCable:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD20ActiveVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD30PassiveCable:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD30PassiveVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD30ActiveCable:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD30ActiveVDO1, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), kPD30ActiveVDO2, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD31PassiveCable:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD31PassiveVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD31ActiveCable:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD31ActiveVDO1, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), kPD31ActiveVDO2, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
case ProductType::kPD31VPD:
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), kPD31VPDVDO, false,
indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo1"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo2"), {}, false, indent + 2);
PrintVdo(identity.Append("product_type_vdo3"), {}, false, indent + 2);
void PrintPartner(const base::FilePath& port, int indent) {
auto partner_dir = port.Append(port.BaseName().value() + "-partner");
if (!base::DirectoryExists(partner_dir))
PrintDirFiles(partner_dir, indent);
PrintPartnerIdentity(partner_dir, indent + 2);
ParseDirsAndExecute(partner_dir, indent + 2, kPartnerAltModeRegex,
void PrintCable(const base::FilePath& port, int indent) {
auto cable_dir = port.Append(port.BaseName().value() + "-cable");
if (!base::DirectoryExists(cable_dir))
PrintDirFiles(cable_dir, indent);
PrintCableIdentity(cable_dir, indent + 2);
ParseDirsAndExecute(cable_dir, indent + 2, kPlugRegex, &PrintPlugInfo);
void PrintPortInfo(const base::FilePath& port, int indent) {
PrintDirFiles(port, indent);
PrintPartner(port, indent + 2);
PrintCable(port, indent + 2);
std::cout << std::endl;
} // namespace typec_connector_class_helper
} // namespace debugd