blob: a39d490973530cc4fb3b9ca091edaf43742b7ed0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/containers/flat_set.h>
#include <base/containers/span.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <base/unguessable_token.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <cryptohome/proto_bindings/rpc.pb.h>
#include <cryptohome/proto_bindings/UserDataAuth.pb.h>
#include <cryptohome/proto_bindings/auth_factor.pb.h>
#include <libhwsec-foundation/status/status_chain_or.h>
#include "cryptohome/auth_blocks/auth_block_utility.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor/auth_factor.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor/auth_factor_manager.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor/auth_factor_type.h"
#include "cryptohome/auth_factor_vault_keyset_converter.h"
#include "cryptohome/credential_verifier.h"
#include "cryptohome/credentials.h"
#include "cryptohome/crypto.h"
#include "cryptohome/error/cryptohome_crypto_error.h"
#include "cryptohome/error/cryptohome_error.h"
#include "cryptohome/error/cryptohome_mount_error.h"
#include "cryptohome/key_objects.h"
#include "cryptohome/keyset_management.h"
#include "cryptohome/platform.h"
#include "cryptohome/storage/file_system_keyset.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_secret_stash.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_secret_stash_storage.h"
#include "cryptohome/user_session/user_session_map.h"
namespace cryptohome {
// This enum holds the states an AuthSession could be in during the session.
enum class AuthStatus {
// kAuthStatusFurtherFactorRequired is a state where the session is waiting
// for one or more factors so that the session can continue the processes of
// authenticating a user. This is the state the AuthSession starts in by
// default.
// kAuthStatusTimedOut tells the user to restart the AuthSession because
// the session has timed out.
// kAuthStatusAuthenticated tells the user that the session is authenticated
// and that file system keys are available should they be required.
// TODO( Complete the implementation of AuthStatus.
// An intent specifies the set of operations that can be performed after
// successfully authenticating an Auth Session.
enum class AuthIntent {
// Intent to decrypt the user's file system keys. Authorizing for this intent
// allows all privileged operations, e.g., preparing user's vault,
// adding/updating/removing factors.
// Intent to simply check whether the authentication succeeds. Authorizing for
// this intent doesn't allow any privileged operation.
// The list of all intents. Useful for places that want to set the "fully
// authenticated" state.
constexpr AuthIntent kAllAuthIntents[] = {AuthIntent::kDecrypt,
// This class starts a session for the user to authenticate with their
// credentials.
class AuthSession final {
using StatusCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(CryptohomeStatus)>;
// Caller needs to ensure that the passed raw pointers outlive the instance of
// AuthSession.
std::string username,
unsigned int flags,
AuthIntent intent,
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::UnguessableToken&)> on_timeout,
Crypto* crypto,
Platform* platform,
UserSessionMap* user_session_map,
KeysetManagement* keyset_management,
AuthBlockUtility* auth_block_utility,
AuthFactorManager* auth_factor_manager,
UserSecretStashStorage* user_secret_stash_storage);
// Returns the full unhashed user name.
const std::string& username() const { return username_; }
// Returns the obfuscated (sanitized) user name.
const std::string& obfuscated_username() const {
return obfuscated_username_;
AuthIntent auth_intent() const { return auth_intent_; }
// Returns the token which is used to identify the current AuthSession.
const base::UnguessableToken& token() const { return token_; }
const std::string& serialized_token() const { return serialized_token_; }
// This function return the current status of this AuthSession.
const AuthStatus GetStatus() const { return status_; }
// Returns the intents that the AuthSession has been authorized for.
const base::flat_set<AuthIntent>& authorized_intents() const {
return authorized_intents_;
// OnUserCreated is called when the user and their homedir are newly created.
// Must be called no more than once.
CryptohomeStatus OnUserCreated();
// AddCredentials is called when newly created or existing user wants to add
// new credentials.
void AddCredentials(const user_data_auth::AddCredentialsRequest& request,
StatusCallback on_done);
// UpdateCredential is called when an existing user wants to update
// an existing credential.
void UpdateCredential(const user_data_auth::UpdateCredentialRequest& request,
StatusCallback on_done);
// AddAuthFactor is called when newly created or existing user wants to add
// new AuthFactor.
void AddAuthFactor(const user_data_auth::AddAuthFactorRequest& request,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Authenticate is called when the user wants to authenticate the current
// AuthSession. It may be called multiple times depending on errors or various
// steps involved in multi-factor authentication.
void Authenticate(
const cryptohome::AuthorizationRequest& authorization_request,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Authenticate is called when the user wants to authenticate the current
// AuthSession via an auth factor. It may be called multiple times depending
// on errors or various steps involved in multi-factor authentication.
// Note: only USS users are supported currently.
bool AuthenticateAuthFactor(
const user_data_auth::AuthenticateAuthFactorRequest& request,
StatusCallback on_done);
// RemoveAuthFactor is called when the user wants to remove auth factor
// provided in the `request`. Note: only USS users are supported currently.
// TODO(b/236869367): Implement for VaultKeyset users.
void RemoveAuthFactor(const user_data_auth::RemoveAuthFactorRequest& request,
StatusCallback on_done);
// UpdateAuthFactor is called when the user wants to update auth factor
// provided in the `request`. Note: only USS users are supported currently.
void UpdateAuthFactor(const user_data_auth::UpdateAuthFactorRequest& request,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Generates a payload that will be sent to the server for cryptohome recovery
// AuthFactor authentication. GetRecoveryRequest saves data in the
// AuthSession state. This call is required before the AuthenticateAuthFactor
// call for cryptohome recovery AuthFactor.
bool GetRecoveryRequest(
user_data_auth::GetRecoveryRequestRequest request,
base::OnceCallback<void(const user_data_auth::GetRecoveryRequestReply&)>
// Return a const reference to FileSystemKeyset.
// FileSystemKeyset is set when the auth session gets into an authenticated
// state. So, the caller must ensure that AuthSession is in authenticated
// state before requesting the file system keyset.
const FileSystemKeyset& file_system_keyset() const;
// Transfer ownership of password verifier that can be used to verify
// credentials during unlock.
std::unique_ptr<CredentialVerifier> TakeCredentialVerifier();
// This function returns if the user existed when the auth session started.
bool user_exists() const { return user_exists_; }
// This function returns if the user has any credential configured. When a
// credential is added, this value changes from false to true.
bool user_has_configured_credential() const {
return user_has_configured_credential_;
// This function returns if the user has any auth factors configured. When an
// auth factor is added, this value changes from false to true.
bool user_has_configured_auth_factor() const {
return user_has_configured_auth_factor_;
// This function returns if the AuthSession is being setup for an ephemeral
// user.
bool ephemeral_user() const { return is_ephemeral_user_; }
// Returns the key data with which this AuthSession is authenticated with.
cryptohome::KeyData current_key_data() const { return key_data_; }
// Returns the map of Key label and KeyData that will be used as a result of
// StartAuthSession request.
const std::map<std::string, cryptohome::KeyData>& key_label_data() const {
return key_label_data_;
// Returns the map from the label to the auth factor.
const std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<AuthFactor>>&
label_to_auth_factor() const {
return label_to_auth_factor_;
// Returns the decrypted USS object, or null if it's not available. Exposed
// only for unit tests.
const UserSecretStash* user_secret_stash_for_testing() const {
return user_secret_stash_.get();
// Returns the decrypted USS Main Key, or nullopt if it's not available.
// Exposed only for unit tests.
const std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob>&
user_secret_stash_main_key_for_testing() const {
return user_secret_stash_main_key_;
const std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob>&
cryptohome_recovery_ephemeral_pub_key_for_testing() const {
return cryptohome_recovery_ephemeral_pub_key_;
// Sets |vault_keyset_| for testing purpose.
void set_vault_keyset_for_testing(std::unique_ptr<VaultKeyset> value) {
vault_keyset_ = std::move(value);
// Sets |label_to_auth_factor_| which maps existing AuthFactor labels to their
// corresponding AuthFactors for testing purpose.
void set_label_to_auth_factor_for_testing(
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<AuthFactor>> value) {
label_to_auth_factor_ = std::move(value);
// Static function which returns a serialized token in a vector format. The
// token is serialized into two uint64_t values which are stored in string of
// size 16 bytes. The first 8 bytes represent the high value of the serialized
// token, the next 8 represent the low value of the serialized token.
static std::optional<std::string> GetSerializedStringFromToken(
const base::UnguessableToken& token);
// Static function which returns UnguessableToken object after deconstructing
// the string formed in GetSerializedStringFromToken.
static std::optional<base::UnguessableToken> GetTokenFromSerializedString(
const std::string& serialized_token);
// Extends the timer for the AuthSession by kAuthSessionExtensionInMinutes.
CryptohomeStatus ExtendTimeoutTimer(
const base::TimeDelta kAuthSessionExtension);
// Set status for testing only.
void SetStatus(const AuthStatus status) { status_ = status; }
// Get the time remaining for this AuthSession's life.
base::TimeDelta GetRemainingTime();
// Get the hibernate secret, derived from the file system keyset.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::SecureBlob> GetHibernateSecret();
AuthSession() = delete;
// AuthSessionTimedOut is called when the session times out and cleans up
// credentials that may be in memory. |on_timeout_| is also called to remove
// this |AuthSession| reference from |UserDataAuth|.
void AuthSessionTimedOut();
// Emits a debug log message with the session's initial state.
void RecordAuthSessionStart() const;
// Switches the state to authorize the specified intents. Starts or restarts
// the timer when applicable.
void SetAuthSessionAsAuthenticated(
base::span<const AuthIntent> new_authorized_intents);
// This function returns credentials based on the state of the current
// |AuthSession|.
MountStatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Credentials>> GetCredentials(
const cryptohome::AuthorizationRequest& authorization_request);
// Converts the D-Bus AuthInput proto into the C++ struct. Returns nullopt on
// failure.
CryptohomeStatusOr<AuthInput> CreateAuthInputForAuthentication(
const user_data_auth::AuthInput& auth_input_proto,
const AuthFactorMetadata& auth_factor_metadata);
// Same as above, but additionally sets extra fields for resettable factors.
CryptohomeStatusOr<AuthInput> CreateAuthInputForAdding(
const user_data_auth::AuthInput& auth_input_proto,
AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const AuthFactorMetadata& auth_factor_metadata);
// Initializes a ChallengeCredentialAuthInput, i.e.
// {.public_key_spki_der, .challenge_signature_algorithms} from
// the challenge_response_key values in in authorization
const cryptohome::AuthorizationRequest& authorization);
// This function sets the credential_verifier_ based on the passkey parameter.
void SetCredentialVerifier(std::optional<AuthFactorType> auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const brillo::SecureBlob& passkey);
// Set the timeout timer to now + delay
void SetTimeoutTimer(const base::TimeDelta& delay);
// Helper function to update a keyset on disk on KeyBlobs generated. If update
// succeeds |vault_keyset_| is also updated. Failure doesn't return error and
// doesn't block authentication operations.
void ResaveKeysetOnKeyBlobsGenerated(
VaultKeyset updated_vault_keyset,
CryptoStatus error,
std::unique_ptr<KeyBlobs> key_blobs,
std::unique_ptr<AuthBlockState> auth_block_state);
// Determines which AuthBlockType to use, instantiates an AuthBlock of that
// type, and uses that AuthBlock to derive KeyBlobs for the AuthSession to
// add a VaultKeyset.
void CreateKeyBlobsToAddKeyset(const AuthInput& auth_input,
const KeyData& key_data,
bool initial_keyset,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Determines which AuthBlockType to use, instantiates an AuthBlock of that
// type, and uses that AuthBlock to create KeyBlobs for the AuthSession to
// update a VaultKeyset.
void CreateKeyBlobsToUpdateKeyset(const Credentials& credentials,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Adds VaultKeyset for the |obfuscated_username_| by calling
// KeysetManagement::AddInitialKeyset() or KeysetManagement::AddKeyset()
// based on whether any keyset is generated for the user or not. This function
// is needed for processing callback results in an asynchronous manner through
// |on_done| callback.
void AddVaultKeyset(const KeyData& key_data,
AuthInput auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done,
CryptoStatus callback_error,
std::unique_ptr<KeyBlobs> key_blobs,
std::unique_ptr<AuthBlockState> auth_state);
// Updates a VaultKeyset for the |obfuscated_username_| by calling
// KeysetManagement::UpdateKeysetWithKeyBlobs(). The VaultKeyset and it's
// corresponding label are updated through the information provided by
// |key_data|. This function is needed for processing callback results in an
// asynchronous manner through |on_done| callback.
// TODO(b/204482221): Make `auth_factor_type` mandatory.
void UpdateVaultKeyset(std::optional<AuthFactorType> auth_factor_type,
const KeyData& key_data,
AuthInput auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done,
CryptoStatus callback_error,
std::unique_ptr<KeyBlobs> key_blobs,
std::unique_ptr<AuthBlockState> auth_state);
// Updates a VaultKeyset identified by the |auth_factor_label|. Converts
// AuthFactor parameters into KeyData and calls UpdateVaultKeyset to carry
// out the update operation.
void UpdateAuthFactorViaVaultKeyset(AuthBlockType auth_block_type,
AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Persists key blocks for a new secret to the USS and onto disk. Upon
// completion the |on_done| callback will be called. Designed to be used in
// conjunction with an async CreateKeyBlobs call by binding all of the
// initial parameters to make an AuthBlock::CreateCallback.
void PersistAuthFactorToUserSecretStash(
AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthFactorMetadata& auth_factor_metadata,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done,
CryptoStatus callback_error,
std::unique_ptr<KeyBlobs> key_blobs,
std::unique_ptr<AuthBlockState> auth_block_state);
// Add the new factor into the USS in-memory.
CryptohomeStatus AddAuthFactorToUssInMemory(
AuthFactor& auth_factor,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
const brillo::SecureBlob& uss_credential_secret);
// Creates a new per-credential secret, adds the key block for the new secret
// to the USS and persists it to disk.
void AddAuthFactorViaUserSecretStash(
AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthFactorMetadata& auth_factor_metadata,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Adds a new VaultKeyset for the |obfuscated_username_| and persists it to
// disk.
void AddAuthFactorViaVaultKeyset(
AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthFactorMetadata& auth_factor_metadata,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Adds a credential verifier for the ephemeral user session.
void AddAuthFactorForEphemeral(AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Loads and decrypts the USS payload with |auth_factor_label| using the
// given KeyBlobs. Designed to be used in conjunction with an async
// DeriveKeyBlobs call by binding all of the initial parameters to make an
// AuthBlock::DeriveCallback.
void LoadUSSMainKeyAndFsKeyset(AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done,
CryptoStatus callback_error,
std::unique_ptr<KeyBlobs> key_blobs);
// This function is used to reset the attempt count for a low entropy
// credential. Currently, this resets all low entropy credentials. In the
// USSv2 world, with passwords or even other auth types backed by PinWeaver,
// the code will need to reset specific LE credentials.
void ResetLECredentials();
// Attempts to authenticate the user using a lightweight check against an
// in-memory credential verifier.
bool AuthenticateViaCredentialVerifier(
const user_data_auth::AuthInput& auth_input);
// Authenticates the user using USS with the |auth_factor_label|, |auth_input|
// and the |auth_factor|.
void AuthenticateViaUserSecretStash(
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthInput auth_input,
const AuthFactor& auth_factor,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Authenticates the user using VaultKeysets with the given |auth_input|.
// TODO(b/204482221): Make `request_auth_factor_type` mandatory.
bool AuthenticateViaVaultKeyset(
std::optional<AuthFactorType> request_auth_factor_type,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done);
// Fetches a valid VaultKeyset for |obfuscated_username_| that matches the
// label provided by key_data_.label(). The VaultKeyset is loaded and
// initialized into |vault_keyset_| through
// KeysetManagement::GetValidKeysetWithKeyBlobs(). This function is needed for
// processing callback results in an asynchronous manner through the |on_done|
// callback.
void LoadVaultKeysetAndFsKeys(
std::optional<AuthFactorType> request_auth_factor_type,
const std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob> passkey,
const AuthBlockType& auth_block_type,
StatusCallback on_done,
CryptoStatus error,
std::unique_ptr<KeyBlobs> key_blobs);
// Updates, wraps and resaves |vault_keyset_| and restores on failure.
// |user_input| is needed to generate the AuthInput used for key blob creation
// to wrap the updated keyset.
void ResaveVaultKeysetIfNeeded(
const std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob> user_input);
// Removes the auth factor with the provided `auth_factor_label` from the USS.
CryptohomeStatus RemoveAuthFactorViaUserSecretStash(
const std::string& auth_factor_label);
// Remove the factor from the USS in-memory.
CryptohomeStatus RemoveAuthFactorFromUssInMemory(
const std::string& auth_factor_label);
// Creates a new per-credential secret, updates the secret in the USS and
// updates the auth block state on disk.
void UpdateAuthFactorViaUserSecretStash(
AuthFactorType auth_factor_type,
const std::string& auth_factor_label,
const AuthFactorMetadata& auth_factor_metadata,
const AuthInput& auth_input,
StatusCallback on_done,
CryptoStatus callback_error,
std::unique_ptr<KeyBlobs> key_blobs,
std::unique_ptr<AuthBlockState> auth_block_state);
const std::string username_;
const std::string obfuscated_username_;
const base::UnguessableToken token_;
const std::string serialized_token_;
// AuthSession's flag configuration.
const bool is_ephemeral_user_;
const AuthIntent auth_intent_;
AuthStatus status_ = AuthStatus::kAuthStatusFurtherFactorRequired;
base::flat_set<AuthIntent> authorized_intents_;
base::OneShotTimer timeout_timer_;
base::TimeTicks timeout_timer_start_time_;
base::TimeTicks auth_session_creation_time_;
base::TimeTicks authenticated_time_;
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::UnguessableToken&)> on_timeout_;
std::unique_ptr<AuthFactor> auth_factor_;
// The decrypted UserSecretStash. Only populated for users who have it (legacy
// users who only have vault keysets will have this field equal to null).
std::unique_ptr<UserSecretStash> user_secret_stash_;
// The UserSecretStash main key. Only populated iff |user_secret_stash_| is.
std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob> user_secret_stash_main_key_;
// The creator of the AuthSession object is responsible for the life of
// Crypto object.
Crypto* const crypto_;
// The creator of the AuthSession object is responsible for the life of
// Platform object.
Platform* const platform_;
// Unowned pointer.
UserSessionMap* const user_session_map_;
// The creator of the AuthSession object is responsible for the life of
// KeysetManagement object.
// TODO( Change KeysetManagement to use AuthBlock.
KeysetManagement* const keyset_management_;
// Unowned pointer.
AuthBlockUtility* const auth_block_utility_;
// Unowned pointer.
AuthFactorManager* const auth_factor_manager_;
// Unowned pointer.
UserSecretStashStorage* const user_secret_stash_storage_;
// This is used by User Session to verify users credentials at unlock.
std::unique_ptr<CredentialVerifier> credential_verifier_;
// Used to decrypt/ encrypt & store credentials.
std::unique_ptr<VaultKeyset> vault_keyset_;
// A stateless object to convert AuthFactor API to VaultKeyset KeyData and
// VaultKeysets to AuthFactor API.
std::unique_ptr<AuthFactorVaultKeysetConverter> converter_;
// Used to store key meta data.
cryptohome::KeyData key_data_;
// FileSystemKeyset is needed by cryptohome to mount a user.
std::optional<FileSystemKeyset> file_system_keyset_ = std::nullopt;
// Whether the user existed at the time this object was constructed.
bool user_exists_ = false;
// Whether the user has any credential configured so far.
bool user_has_configured_credential_ = false;
// Whether the user has any authfactor/uss configured so far.
bool user_has_configured_auth_factor_ = false;
// Map to store the label and public KeyData.
// TODO( Change this to AuthFactor
std::map<std::string, cryptohome::KeyData> key_label_data_;
// Map containing the auth factors already configured for this user.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<AuthFactor>> label_to_auth_factor_;
// Key used by AuthenticateAuthFactor for cryptohome recovery AuthFactor.
// It's set only after GetRecoveryRequest() call, and is std::nullopt in other
// cases.
std::optional<brillo::SecureBlob> cryptohome_recovery_ephemeral_pub_key_;
// Should be the last member.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AuthSession> weak_factory_{this};
friend class AuthSessionTest;
friend class AuthSessionInterfaceTest;
friend class AuthSessionManagerTest;
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionManagerTest, CreateExpire);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, AddCredentialNewUser);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, AddCredentialNewUserTwice);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, AddCredentialNewEphemeralUser);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, AuthenticateExistingUser);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, AuthenticateWithPIN);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, AuthenticateExistingUserFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, TimeoutTest);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, GetCredentialRegularUser);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionTest, GetCredentialKioskUser);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionWithUssExperimentTest, AddPasswordAuthFactorViaUss);
FRIEND_TEST(AuthSessionWithUssExperimentTest, RemoveAuthFactor);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, MountUnauthenticatedAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, StartAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, ExtendAuthSession);
FRIEND_TEST(UserDataAuthExTest, CheckTimeoutTimerSetAfterAuthentication);
} // namespace cryptohome