blob: a53fdeec8c27e7e4759bc6bf548800b93dd61761 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include "authpolicy/path_service.h"
#include "authpolicy/proto_bindings/active_directory_info.pb.h"
namespace authpolicy {
namespace protos {
class DebugFlags;
class TgtLifetime;
class TgtState;
} // namespace protos
class Anonymizer;
class AuthPolicyMetrics;
class JailHelper;
class PathService;
class ProcessExecutor;
// Responsible for acquiring a ticket-tranting-ticket (TGT) from an Active
// Directory key distribution center (KDC) and managing the TGT. The TGT is
// kept in a file, the credentials cache. Supports authentication via a password
// or a keytab file.
class TgtManager {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Called when the Kerberos ticket has been auto-renewed.
virtual void OnTgtRenewed() = 0;
TgtManager(const PathService* path_service,
AuthPolicyMetrics* metrics,
const protos::DebugFlags* flags,
const JailHelper* jail_helper,
Anonymizer* anonymizer,
Delegate* delegate,
Path config_path,
Path credential_cache_path);
TgtManager(const TgtManager&) = delete;
TgtManager& operator=(const TgtManager&) = delete;
// Sets the principal (user@REALM or machine$@REALM).
void SetPrincipal(const std::string& principal);
// Sets the Active Directory realm (e.g. ENG.EXAMPLE.COM).
void SetRealm(const std::string& realm) { realm_ = realm; }
// Sets the key distribution center IP.
void SetKdcIp(const std::string& kdc_ip) { kdc_ip_ = kdc_ip; }
// If an account has just been created, it might not have propagated through
// Active Directory yet, so attempts to acquire a TGT might fail. Enabling
// propagation retry causes kinit to be retried a few times if an error occurs
// that indicates a propagation issue. Disables itself after kinit has run.
void SetPropagationRetry(bool enabled) { kinit_retry_ = enabled; }
// Sets the encryption types to use for kinit.
void SetKerberosEncryptionTypes(KerberosEncryptionTypes encryption_types) {
encryption_types_ = encryption_types;
// Resets the principal, the realm, the KDC IP, propagation retry and
// encryption types.
void Reset();
// Acquires a TGT using the password given in the file descriptor
// |password_fd|. See AcquireTgt() for details.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType AcquireTgtWithPassword(int password_fd);
// Acquires a TGT using the keytab file at |keytab_path|. See AcquireTgt() for
// details.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType AcquireTgtWithKeytab(Path keytab_path);
// Returns the Kerberos credentials cache and the configuration file. Returns
// ERROR_NONE if the credentials cache is missing and ERROR_LOCAL_IO if any of
// the files failed to read.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType GetKerberosFiles(KerberosFiles* files);
// Sets a callback that gets called when either the Kerberos credential cache
// or the configuration file changes on disk. Use in combination with
// GetKerberosFiles() to get the latest files.
void SetKerberosFilesChangedCallback(const base::RepeatingClosure& callback);
// If enabled, the TGT renews automatically by scheduling RenewTgt()
// periodically on the |task_runner_| (usually the D-Bus thread). Renewal must
// happen within the the TGT's validity lifetime. The scheduling delay is a
// fraction of that lifetime.
void EnableTgtAutoRenewal(bool enabled);
// Renews a TGT. Must happen within its validity lifetime.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType RenewTgt();
// Returns the lifetime of a TGT.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType GetTgtLifetime(protos::TgtLifetime* lifetime);
// Use kpasswd to change the password for the current principal.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType ChangePassword(const std::string& old_password,
const std::string& new_password);
// Returns the file path of the Kerberos configuration file.
Path GetConfigPath() const { return config_path_; }
// Returns the file path of the Kerberos credential cache.
Path GetCredentialCachePath() const { return credential_cache_path_; }
// Saves internal state to the given |state| blob. Fails if the TGT does not
// exist or cannot be read.
bool Backup(protos::TgtState* state);
// Restores internal state from the given |state| blob.
bool Restore(const protos::TgtState& state);
// Disable retry sleep for unit tests.
void DisableRetrySleepForTesting() {
kinit_retry_sleep_disabled_for_testing_ = true;
// Returns whether TGT auto renewal is active, see EnableTgtAutoRenewal().
bool IsTgtAutoRenewalEnabledForTesting() { return tgt_autorenewal_enabled_; }
// Acquires a TGT for the current principal. If |password_fd| is not -1, uses
// the password in that file descriptor for authentication. If |keytab_path|
// is not Path::INVALID, uses the keytab for authentication. Should always
// pass one or the other. Must set principal, KDC IP and realm beforehand.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType AcquireTgt(int password_fd, Path keytab_path);
// Writes the Kerberos configuration and runs |kinit_cmd|. If |password_fd| is
// not -1, the file descriptor is duplicated and set as input pipe.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType RunKinit(ProcessExecutor* kinit_cmd,
int password_fd) const;
// Writes the krb5 configuration file.
[[nodiscard]] ErrorType WriteKrb5Conf() const;
// Turns on krb5 trace logging if |flags_->TraceKrb5()| is enabled.
void SetupKrb5Trace(ProcessExecutor* krb5_cmd) const;
// Logs the krb5 trace if |flags_->TraceKrb5()| is enabled.
void OutputKrb5Trace() const;
// Cancels |tgt_renewal_callback_|. If |tgt_autorenewal_enabled_| is true and
// the TGT is valid, schedules RenewTgt() with a delay of a fraction of the
// TGT's validity lifetime.
void UpdateTgtAutoRenewal();
// Callback scheduled to renew the TGT. Calls RenewTgt() internally and prints
// appropriate error messages.
void AutoRenewTgt();
// Runs |kerberos_files_changed_| if |kerberos_files_dirty_| is set.
void MaybeTriggerKerberosFilesChanged();
const PathService* const paths_ = nullptr; // File paths, not owned.
AuthPolicyMetrics* const metrics_ = nullptr; // UMA statistics, not owned.
const protos::DebugFlags* const flags_ = nullptr; // Debug flags, not owned.
const JailHelper* const jail_helper_ = nullptr; // Minijail, not owned.
Anonymizer* const anonymizer_ = nullptr; // Log anonymizer, not owned.
Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr; // Delegate to receive events, not owned.
const Path config_path_ = Path::INVALID;
const Path credential_cache_path_ = Path::INVALID;
base::RepeatingClosure kerberos_files_changed_;
// Principal for which TGTs are acquired (user@REALM or machine$@REALM).
std::string principal_;
// Realm written to the Kerberos config.
std::string realm_;
// Key distribution center (KDC) IP address written to the Kerberos config. If
// fetching a TGT with prescribed KDC IP fails with an error code that
// indicates that the KDC could not be reached, |kdc_ip_| gets wiped and kinit
// is retried, which lets Samba query the KDC IP.
std::string kdc_ip_;
// Whether the TGT was acquired for a user or machine principal. Determines
// what error code is returned if the principal was bad.
bool is_machine_principal_ = false;
// Callback for automatic TGT renewal.
base::CancelableOnceClosure tgt_renewal_callback_;
bool tgt_autorenewal_enabled_ = false;
// Whether to retry kinit in case an error indicates that the credentials
// haven't propagated yet.
bool kinit_retry_ = false;
// Disables sleeping when retrying kinit (to prevent slowdowns in tests).
bool kinit_retry_sleep_disabled_for_testing_ = false;
// Encryption types to use for kinit.
KerberosEncryptionTypes encryption_types_ = ENC_TYPES_STRONG;
// If true, the Kerberos files changed and |kerberos_files_changed_| needs to
// be called if it exists. Prevents that signals are fired too often, e.g. if
// both krb5cc and config change in the same call.
mutable bool kerberos_files_dirty_ = false;
} // namespace authpolicy