blob: 98e542728a5d967f46a8cea0a4fafb8ee1c76cbd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
struct minijail;
namespace authpolicy {
class Anonymizer;
// Helper class to execute commands and piping data. Uses minijail.
class ProcessExecutor {
explicit ProcessExecutor(std::vector<std::string> args);
ProcessExecutor(const ProcessExecutor&) = delete;
ProcessExecutor& operator=(const ProcessExecutor&) = delete;
// Gets the arguments passed into the constructor.
const std::vector<std::string>& GetArgs() const { return args_; }
// Adds a single argument to the end of the argument list.
void PushArg(std::string arg) { args_.push_back(std::move(arg)); }
// Set a file descriptor that gets piped into stdin during execution.
// The file descriptor must stay valid until |Execute| is called.
void SetInputFile(int fd);
// Set a string that gets written to stdin during execution. If a file
// descriptor is set as well, this string is appended to its data.
void SetInputString(const std::string& input_str);
// Set an environment variable '|key|=|value|, which is passed into the
// process to be executed. Any number of variables can be set.
void SetEnv(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
// Sets a seccomp filter by parsing the given file.
void SetSeccompFilter(const std::string& policy_file);
// Toggles logging of syscalls blocked by seccomp filters.
void LogSeccompFilterFailures(bool enabled);
// Toggles a flag that prevents execve from gaining new privileges.
void SetNoNewPrivs(bool enabled);
// Toggles a flag that prevents that supplementary groups are wiped.
void KeepSupplementaryGroups(bool enabled);
// Toggles logging of command line and the exit code.
void LogCommand(bool enabled);
// Toggles logging of the command output.
void LogOutput(bool enabled);
// Toggles logging of the command output if the command failed.
void LogOutputOnError(bool enabled);
// Sets the anonymizer to be applied to command logs.
void SetAnonymizer(Anonymizer* anonymizer);
// Execute the command. Returns true if the command executed and returned with
// exit code 0. Also returns true if no args were passed to the constructor.
// Returns false otherwise.
// Calling |Execute| multiple times is possible. Note, however, that you might
// have to call |SetInputFile| again if the input pipe was fully read.
// Getters should only be called after execution.
bool Execute();
// On first call, if any type of logging is enabled, logs stdout and stderr
// from the last call to Execute(). Subsequent calls do nothing. Called
// automatically by Execute() if certain logging conditions are met. Call this
// function if logging-on-error is enabled, the return code was 0, but you
// want to log anyway, e.g. since the data was bad or unexpected.
void LogOutputOnce();
// When set to true, will perform IO on the child process' stdin, stdout and
// stderr only after the child process has exited. Intended to allow testing
// of the handling of error conditions.
void SetPerformPipeIoAfterProcessExitForTesting(
bool perform_pipe_io_after_process_exit_for_testing);
// Populated after execute call.
const std::string& GetStdout() const { return out_data_; }
const std::string& GetStderr() const { return err_data_; }
int GetExitCode() const { return exit_code_; }
// GetExitCode() returns this if some internal error in Execute() occurred,
// e.g. failed to copy stdin pipes. Not an actual return code from execve.
static const int kExitCodeInternalError = 127;
// Resets the output variables that are populated by |Execute|.
void ResetOutput();
// Logs stderr and stdout from the last command, if output logs are enabled.
void MaybeLogOutput();
std::vector<std::string> args_;
std::map<std::string, std::string> env_map_;
int input_fd_ = -1;
std::string input_str_;
std::string out_data_;
std::string err_data_;
int exit_code_ = 0;
std::string seccomp_policy_file_;
bool log_seccomp_failures_ = false;
bool no_new_privs_ = false;
bool keep_supplementary_flags_ = false;
bool log_command_ = false;
bool log_output_ = false;
bool log_output_on_error_ = false;
Anonymizer* anonymizer_ = nullptr;
bool output_logged_ = false;
bool perform_pipe_io_after_process_exit_for_testing_ = false;
// We better not copy/assign because of |input_fd_|.
} // namespace authpolicy