blob: ea085754f1c972ee92a79658b109ac96a623d039 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The broker daemon that supports Trichecus from within the Chrome OS guest machine.
use std::env;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::mem::drop;
use std::mem::replace;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow::Context;
use anyhow::Result;
use dbus::arg::OwnedFd;
use dbus::blocking::LocalConnection;
use dbus::channel::MatchingReceiver;
use dbus::message::MatchRule;
use dbus::MethodErr;
use dbus_crossroads::Crossroads;
use getopts::Options;
use libchromeos::chromeos::is_dev_mode;
use libchromeos::syslog;
use libsirenia::app_info::AppManifest;
use libsirenia::build_info::BUILD_TIMESTAMP;
use libsirenia::cli::trichechus::initialize_common_arguments;
use libsirenia::communication::trichechus;
use libsirenia::communication::trichechus::AppInfo;
use libsirenia::communication::trichechus::Trichechus;
use libsirenia::communication::trichechus::TrichechusClient;
use libsirenia::rpc;
use libsirenia::transport::Transport;
use libsirenia::transport::TransportType;
use libsirenia::transport::DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT;
use libsirenia::transport::DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
use log::error;
use log::info;
use serde_bytes::ByteBuf;
use sirenia::server::register_org_chromium_mana_teeinterface;
use sirenia::server::OrgChromiumManaTEEInterface;
const GET_LOGS_SHORT_NAME: &str = "l";
const IDENT: &str = "dugong";
// Arc and Mutex are used because dbus-crossroads requires the Send trait since it is designed to
// be thread safe. At the time of writing Dugong is single threaded so Arc and Mutex aren't strictly
// necessary.
// See for a feature request to make Send optional.
struct DugongStateInternal {
transport_type: TransportType,
trichechus_client: Mutex<TrichechusClient>,
supported_apps: Mutex<AppManifest>,
struct DugongState(Arc<DugongStateInternal>);
impl DugongState {
fn new(trichechus_client: TrichechusClient, transport_type: TransportType) -> Self {
DugongState(Arc::new(DugongStateInternal {
trichechus_client: Mutex::new(trichechus_client),
supported_apps: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
fn register_supported_apps(&mut self, manifest: AppManifest) {
let mut supported_apps = self.0.supported_apps.lock().unwrap();
drop(replace(supported_apps.deref_mut(), manifest));
fn transport_type(&self) -> &TransportType {
fn trichechus_client(&self) -> &Mutex<TrichechusClient> {
fn supported_apps(&self) -> &Mutex<AppManifest> {
impl Debug for DugongState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "transport_type: {:?}", self.transport_type())
impl OrgChromiumManaTEEInterface for DugongState {
fn start_teeapplication(
&mut self,
app_id: String,
args: Vec<String>,
allow_unverified: bool,
) -> StdResult<(i32, OwnedFd, OwnedFd), MethodErr> {
info!("Got request to start up: {}", &app_id);
let fds = request_start_tee_app(self, &app_id, args, allow_unverified);
match fds {
Ok(fds) => Ok((0, fds.0, fds.1)),
Err(e) => Err(MethodErr::failed(&e)),
fn system_event(&mut self, event: String) -> StdResult<String, MethodErr> {
let mut api_handle = self.trichechus_client().lock().unwrap();
match api_handle.system_event(event.parse().map_err(|err| MethodErr::failed(&err))?) {
Ok(()) => Ok(String::new()),
Err(err) => match err.downcast::<trichechus::Error>() {
Ok(err) => Ok(err.to_string()),
Err(err) => Err(MethodErr::failed(&err)),
fn get_manatee_memory_service_socket(&mut self) -> StdResult<OwnedFd, MethodErr> {
get_manatee_memory_service_socket(self).map_err(|err| MethodErr::failed(&err))
fn load_tee_app(
api_handle: &mut TrichechusClient,
state: &DugongState,
app_id: &str,
allow_unverified: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let supported_apps = state.supported_apps().lock().unwrap();
let elf_path = supported_apps
.context("app not found")?
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no entry for loading app '{0}'", app_id))?;
let mut elf = Vec::<u8>::new();
.with_context(|| format!("failed to open app path '{}'", &elf_path.display()))?
.read_to_end(&mut elf)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to read app path '{}'", &elf_path.display()))?;
info!("Transmitting TEE app.");
.load_app(app_id.to_string(), elf, allow_unverified)
.context("load_app rpc failed")?;
const RPC_FAILURE_CONTEXT: &str = "start_session rpc failed";
fn request_start_tee_app(
state: &DugongState,
app_id: &str,
args: Vec<String>,
allow_unverified: bool,
) -> Result<(OwnedFd, OwnedFd)> {
let mut transport = state
.context("failed to get client for transport")?;
let addr = transport.bind().context("failed to bind to socket")?;
let app_info = AppInfo {
app_id: String::from(app_id),
port_number: addr.get_port().context("failed to get port")?,
info!("Requesting start {:?}", &app_info);
let mut trichechus_client = state.trichechus_client().lock().unwrap();
if let Err(err) = trichechus_client.start_session(app_info.clone(), args.clone()) {
match err.downcast() {
Ok(trichechus::Error::AppNotLoaded) => {
load_tee_app(&mut trichechus_client, state, app_id, allow_unverified)?;
.start_session(app_info, args)
Ok(err) => Err(err).context(RPC_FAILURE_CONTEXT)?,
Err(err) => Err(err).context(RPC_FAILURE_CONTEXT)?,
let Transport { r, w, id: _ } = transport.connect().context("failed to connect to socket")?;
// This is safe because into_raw_fd transfers the ownership to OwnedFd.
Ok((unsafe { OwnedFd::new(r.into_raw_fd()) }, unsafe {
fn handle_manatee_logs(dugong_state: &DugongState) -> Result<()> {
const LOG_PATH: &str = "/dev/log";
let mut trichechus_client = dugong_state.trichechus_client().lock().unwrap();
let logs: Vec<ByteBuf> = trichechus_client
.context("failed to call get_logs rpc")?;
if logs.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
// TODO(b/173600313) Decide whether to write this directly to a different log file.
let raw_syslog = UnixDatagram::unbound().context("failed connect to /dev/log")?;
for entry in logs.as_slice() {
.send_to(entry.deref(), LOG_PATH)
.context("failed write to /dev/log")?;
fn get_manatee_memory_service_socket(state: &DugongState) -> Result<OwnedFd> {
let mut transport = state
.context("failed to get client for transport")?;
let addr = transport.bind().context("failed to bind to socket")?;
let mut trichechus_client = state.trichechus_client().lock().unwrap();
.prepare_manatee_memory_service_socket(addr.get_port().context("failed to get port")?)
let Transport { r, w: _, id: _ } =
transport.connect().context("failed to connect to socket")?;
// This is safe because into_raw_fd transfers the ownership to OwnedFd.
Ok(unsafe { OwnedFd::new(r.into_raw_fd()) })
fn register_dbus_interface_for_app(
crossroads: &mut Crossroads,
dugong_state: DugongState,
app_id: &str,
) {
// D-Bus identifiers only allow alphanumeric and underscore characters. Since we allow hyphens
// in TEE app IDs, replace them with underscores when creating the D-Bus identifier.
let app_dbus_identifier = app_id.replace('-', "_");
let interface_token = crossroads.register(
format!("org.chromium.manatee.{}", &app_dbus_identifier),
|b| {
// Allow unverified apps when developer mode is enabled to ease testing use cases.
("error_code", "fd_in", "fd_out"),
|_, t: &mut (DugongState, String), args: (Vec<String>,)| {
t.0.start_teeapplication(t.1.clone(), args.0, is_dev_mode().unwrap_or(false))
.annotate("org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind", "simple");
format!("/org/chromium/ManaTEE1/{}", &app_dbus_identifier),
(dugong_state, app_id.to_string()),
fn start_dbus_handler(dugong_state: DugongState) -> Result<()> {
let c = LocalConnection::new_system().context("failed to open D-Bus connection")?;
false, /*allow_replacement*/
false, /*replace_existing*/
false, /*do_not_queue*/
.context("failed to register D-Bus handler")?;
let mut crossroads = Crossroads::new();
let interface_token = register_org_chromium_mana_teeinterface::<DugongState>(&mut crossroads);
.for_each(|entry| {
register_dbus_interface_for_app(&mut crossroads, dugong_state.clone(), entry.app_id())
Box::new(move |msg, conn| {
if let Err(err) = crossroads.handle_message(msg, conn) {
error!("Failed to handle message: {:?}", err);
} else {
info!("Finished dbus setup, starting handler.");
loop {
if let Err(err) = handle_manatee_logs(&dugong_state) {
if matches!(
err.source().map(|a| a.downcast_ref::<rpc::Error>()),
) {
error!("Trichechus disconnected: {}", err);
return Err(err);
error!("Failed to forward syslog: {}", err);
.context("failed to process the D-Bus message")?;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let mut opts = Options::new();
"connect to trichechus, get and print logs, then exit.",
let (config, matches) = initialize_common_arguments(opts, &args[1..]).unwrap();
let get_logs = matches.opt_present(GET_LOGS_SHORT_NAME);
let transport_type = config.connection_type;
if let Err(e) = syslog::init(IDENT.to_string(), true /*log_to_stderr*/) {
eprintln!("failed to initialize syslog: {}", e);
bail!("failed to start up the syslog: {}", e);
info!("Starting {}: {}", IDENT, BUILD_TIMESTAMP);
info!("Opening connection to trichechus");
// Adjust the source port when connecting to a non-standard port to facilitate testing.
let bind_port = match transport_type.get_port().context("failed to get port")? {
port => port + 1,
let mut transport = transport_type
.context("failed to get client for transport")?;
let transport = transport.connect().map_err(|e| {
error!("transport connect failed: {}", e);
anyhow!("transport connect failed: {}", e)
info!("Starting rpc");
let mut client = TrichechusClient::new(transport);
if get_logs {
info!("Getting logs");
let logs = client.get_logs().context("failed to fetch logs")?;
for entry in &logs[..] {
print!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(entry));
} else {
let apps = client.get_apps().context("failed to fetch app list")?;
let mut dugong_state = DugongState::new(client, transport_type);