blob: 577d6d3ca6d5bb6672f848c9036b73822a5924a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "missive/analytics/resource_collector.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
namespace reporting::analytics {
class ResourceCollectorStorage : public ResourceCollector {
ResourceCollectorStorage(base::TimeDelta interval,
const base::FilePath& storage_directory);
virtual ~ResourceCollectorStorage();
friend class ResourceCollectorStorageTest;
FRIEND_TEST(ResourceCollectorStorageTest, SuccessfullySend);
// UMA name
static constexpr char kUmaName[] = "Platform.Missive.StorageUsage";
// The min of the storage usage in MiB that we are collecting: 1MiB
static constexpr int kMin = 1;
// The max of the storage usage in MiB that we are collecting: 301MiB.
// Slightly larger than the limit we have to detect possible over usage.
static constexpr int kMax = 301;
// number of UMA buckets. Buckets are exponentially binned. Fixed to the
// default in Chrome (50).
static constexpr int kUmaNumberOfBuckets = 50;
// Convert bytes into MiBs.
static int ConvertBytesToMibs(int bytes);
// Collect storage usage. This is not obtained from the memory resource
// management in Missive. Rather, the storage directory is scanned once for
// each fixed time interval as this method is called (see comments for
// |ResourceCollector::Collect|).
void Collect() override;
// Send directory size data to UMA.
bool SendDirectorySizeToUma(int directory_size);
// The directory in which record files are saved.
const base::FilePath storage_directory_;
} // namespace reporting::analytics