blob: b0084314d68a43f88c8b97312373b2b193fa89b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
_event_output_dir = "${root_gen_dir}/include/metrics/structured"
_xml_file = "structured.xml"
proto_library("storage") {
proto_in_dir = "./proto"
proto_out_dir = "include/metrics/structured/proto"
sources = [
use_pic = true
action("gen_structured_events") {
script = ""
inputs = [
sources = [ _xml_file ]
outputs = [
_event_output_dir + "/",
_event_output_dir + "/structured_events.h",
args = [
rebase_path(_xml_file, root_build_dir),
shared_library("libstructuredmetrics") {
pkg_deps = [
sources = [
# Also include the generated event files.
sources += get_target_outputs(":gen_structured_events")
deps = [
generate_pkg_config("libstructuredmetrics_pkg_config") {
name = "libstructuredmetrics"
deps = [ ":libstructuredmetrics" ]
description = "Chrome OS structured metrics library"
version = "${libbase_ver}"
requires_private = [ "libmetrics" ]
cflags = [ "-I/usr/include/metrics" ]
libs = [ "-lstructuredmetrics" ]