blob: 8bc75226805ee7968d831c75bae2ceb3ec7d726f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mems_setup/configuration.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/process/launch.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include <libmems/common_types.h>
#include <libmems/iio_channel.h>
#include <libmems/iio_context.h>
#include <libmems/iio_device.h>
#include <libmems/iio_device_impl.h>
#include "mems_setup/sensor_location.h"
namespace mems_setup {
namespace {
struct ImuVpdCalibrationEntry {
std::string name;
std::string calib;
std::optional<int> max_value;
std::optional<int> value;
bool missing_is_error;
struct LightVpdCalibrationEntry {
std::string vpd_name;
std::string iio_name;
struct LightColorCalibrationEntry {
std::string iio_name;
std::optional<double> value;
libmems::IioChannel* chn;
constexpr char kIioServiceGroupName[] = "iioservice";
constexpr char kArcSensorGroupName[] = "arc-sensor";
constexpr char kCalibrationBias[] = "bias";
constexpr char kCalibrationScale[] = "scale";
constexpr char kSysfsTriggerPrefix[] = "sysfstrig";
constexpr int kGyroMaxVpdCalibration = 16384; // 16dps
constexpr int kAccelMaxVpdCalibration = 256; // .250g
constexpr int kAccelSysfsTriggerId = 0;
constexpr int kSysfsTriggerId = -1;
constexpr std::initializer_list<const char*> kAccelAxes = {
constexpr char kTriggerString[] = "trigger";
constexpr char kFilesToSetReadAndOwnership[][28] = {
"buffer/hwfifo_timeout", "buffer/hwfifo_watermark_max", "buffer/enable",
"buffer/length", "trigger/current_trigger"};
constexpr char kFilesToSetWriteAndOwnership[][24] = {"sampling_frequency",
constexpr char kScanElementsString[] = "scan_elements";
constexpr char kEventsString[] = "events";
} // namespace
// static
const char* Configuration::GetGroupNameForSysfs() {
return kIioServiceGroupName;
return kArcSensorGroupName;
Configuration::Configuration(libmems::IioContext* context,
libmems::IioDevice* sensor,
Delegate* del)
: delegate_(del), sensor_(sensor), context_(context) {
kind_ = mems_setup::SensorKindFromString(
sensor_->GetName() ? sensor_->GetName() : "");
bool Configuration::Configure() {
iioservice_gid_ = delegate_->FindGroupId(GetGroupNameForSysfs());
if (!iioservice_gid_.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "iioservice group not found";
return false;
if (!ConfigureOnKind())
return false;
if (!SetupPermissions())
return false;
// If the buffer is enabled, which means mems_setup has already been used on
// this sensor and iioservice is reading the samples from it, skip setting the
// frequency.
if (!sensor_->IsBufferEnabled()) {
sensor_->WriteDoubleAttribute(libmems::kSamplingFrequencyAttr, 0.0);
for (auto& channel : sensor_->GetAllChannels())
channel->WriteDoubleAttribute(libmems::kSamplingFrequencyAttr, 0.0);
// Ignores the error as it may fail on kernel 4.4 or HID stack sensors.
sensor_->WriteStringAttribute("current_timestamp_clock", "boottime");
return true;
bool Configuration::CopyLightCalibrationFromVpd() {
std::vector<LightVpdCalibrationEntry> calib_attributes = {
{"als_cal_intercept", "calibbias"},
{"als_cal_slope", "calibscale"},
auto chn = sensor_->GetChannel("illuminance");
if (!chn) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No channel illuminance";
return false;
for (auto& calib_attribute : calib_attributes) {
auto attrib_value = delegate_->ReadVpdValue(calib_attribute.vpd_name);
if (!attrib_value.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VPD missing calibration value "
<< calib_attribute.vpd_name;
double value;
if (!base::StringToDouble(attrib_value.value(), &value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VPD calibration value " << calib_attribute.vpd_name
<< " has invalid value " << attrib_value.value();
if (!chn->WriteDoubleAttribute(calib_attribute.iio_name, value))
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to set calibration value "
<< calib_attribute.iio_name;
* RGB sensors may need per channel calibration.
std::vector<LightColorCalibrationEntry> calib_color_entries = {
{"illuminance_red", std::nullopt, nullptr},
{"illuminance_green", std::nullopt, nullptr},
{"illuminance_blue", std::nullopt, nullptr},
for (auto& color_entry : calib_color_entries) {
color_entry.chn = sensor_->GetChannel(color_entry.iio_name);
if (!color_entry.chn)
return true;
auto attrib_value = delegate_->ReadVpdValue("als_cal_slope_color");
if (attrib_value.has_value()) {
* Split the attributes in 3 doubles.
std::vector<std::string> attrs =
base::SplitString(attrib_value.value(), " ", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
if (attrs.size() == 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
double value;
if (!base::StringToDouble(attrs[i], &value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VPD_entry " << i << " of als_cal_slope_color "
<< "is not a float: " << attrs[i];
calib_color_entries[i].value = value;
for (auto& color_entry : calib_color_entries) {
if (!color_entry.value) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No value set for " << color_entry.iio_name;
if (!color_entry.chn->WriteDoubleAttribute("calibscale",
LOG(WARNING) << "failed to to set calibration value "
<< color_entry.iio_name << " to " << *color_entry.value;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "VPD_entry als_cal_slope_color is malformed : "
<< attrib_value.value();
return true;
bool Configuration::CopyImuCalibationFromVpd(int max_value) {
if (sensor_->IsSingleSensor()) {
auto location = sensor_->GetLocation();
if (!location || location->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot read a valid sensor location";
return false;
return CopyImuCalibationFromVpd(max_value, location->c_str());
} else {
bool base_config = CopyImuCalibationFromVpd(max_value, kBaseSensorLocation);
bool lid_config = CopyImuCalibationFromVpd(max_value, kLidSensorLocation);
return base_config && lid_config;
bool Configuration::CopyImuCalibationFromVpd(int max_value,
const std::string& location) {
const bool is_single_sensor = sensor_->IsSingleSensor();
std::string kind = SensorKindToString(kind_);
std::vector<ImuVpdCalibrationEntry> calib_attributes = {
{"x", kCalibrationBias, max_value, std::nullopt, true},
{"y", kCalibrationBias, max_value, std::nullopt, true},
{"z", kCalibrationBias, max_value, std::nullopt, true},
{"x", kCalibrationScale, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, false},
{"y", kCalibrationScale, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, false},
{"z", kCalibrationScale, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, false},
for (auto& calib_attribute : calib_attributes) {
auto attrib_name = base::StringPrintf(
"in_%s_%s_%s_calib%s", kind.c_str(),,
location.c_str(), calib_attribute.calib.c_str());
auto attrib_value = delegate_->ReadVpdValue(attrib_name.c_str());
LOG(INFO) << attrib_name
<< " attrib_value: " << attrib_value.value_or("nan");
if (!attrib_value.has_value()) {
if (calib_attribute.missing_is_error)
LOG(ERROR) << "VPD missing calibration value " << attrib_name;
int value;
if (!base::StringToInt(attrib_value.value(), &value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VPD calibration value " << attrib_name
<< " has invalid value " << attrib_value.value();
// TODO(crbug/1039454: gwendal): Add uma stats.
if (calib_attribute.max_value && abs(value) > calib_attribute.max_value) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VPD calibration value " << attrib_name
<< " has out-of-range value " << attrib_value.value();
// TODO(crbug/1039454: gwendal): Add uma stats.
return false;
} else {
calib_attribute.value = value;
for (const auto& calib_attribute : calib_attributes) {
if (!calib_attribute.value)
auto chn_id =
base::StringPrintf("%s_%s", kind.c_str(),;
if (!is_single_sensor)
chn_id = base::StringPrintf("%s_%s", chn_id.c_str(), location.c_str());
auto chn = sensor_->GetChannel(chn_id);
if (!chn) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No channel with id " << chn_id;
return false;
auto attrib_name =
base::StringPrintf("calib%s", calib_attribute.calib.c_str());
if (!chn->WriteNumberAttribute(attrib_name, *calib_attribute.value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to set calibration value " << attrib_name;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << attrib_name << ": "
<< chn->ReadNumberAttribute(attrib_name).value_or(-88888);
LOG(INFO) << "VPD calibration complete";
return true;
bool Configuration::AddSysfsTrigger(int sysfs_trigger_id) {
std::string dev_name =
// /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX
base::FilePath sys_dev_path = sensor_->GetPath();
if (!delegate_->Exists(sys_dev_path.Append(kTriggerString))) {
// Uses FIFO and doesn't need a trigger.
return true;
// There is a potential cross-process race here, where multiple instances
// of this tool may be trying to access the trigger at once. To solve this,
// first see if the trigger is already there. If not, try to create it, and
// then try to access it again. Only if the latter access fails then
// error out.
auto trigger_name =
base::StringPrintf("%s%d", kSysfsTriggerPrefix, sysfs_trigger_id);
auto triggers = context_->GetTriggersByName(trigger_name);
if (triggers.size() > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Several triggers with the same name " << trigger_name
<< " is not expected.";
return false;
if (triggers.size() == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "trigger " << trigger_name << " not found; adding";
auto iio_sysfs_trigger = context_->GetTriggerById(kSysfsTriggerId);
if (iio_sysfs_trigger == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot find iio_trig_sysfs kernel module";
return false;
if (!iio_sysfs_trigger->WriteNumberAttribute("add_trigger",
sysfs_trigger_id)) {
// It may happen if another instance of mems_setup is running in parallel.
LOG(WARNING) << "cannot instantiate trigger " << trigger_name;
triggers = context_->GetTriggersByName(trigger_name);
if (triggers.size() != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Trigger " << trigger_name << " not been created properly";
return false;
if (!sensor_->SetTrigger(triggers[0])) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot set sensor's trigger to " << trigger_name;
return false;
base::FilePath trigger_now = triggers[0]->GetPath().Append("trigger_now");
std::optional<gid_t> chronos_gid = delegate_->FindGroupId("chronos");
if (!chronos_gid) {
LOG(ERROR) << "chronos group not found";
return false;
if (!delegate_->SetOwnership(trigger_now, -1, chronos_gid.value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot configure ownership on the trigger";
return false;
int permission = delegate_->GetPermissions(trigger_now);
if (!delegate_->SetPermissions(trigger_now, permission)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot configure permissions on the trigger";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "sysfs trigger setup complete";
return true;
bool Configuration::EnableAccelScanElements() {
auto timestamp = sensor_->GetChannel("timestamp");
if (!timestamp) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot find timestamp channel";
return false;
if (!timestamp->SetScanElementsEnabled(false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to disable timestamp channel";
return false;
std::vector<std::string> channels_to_enable;
if (sensor_->IsSingleSensor()) {
for (const auto& axis : kAccelAxes) {
channels_to_enable.push_back(base::StringPrintf("accel_%s", axis));
} else {
for (const auto& axis : kAccelAxes) {
base::StringPrintf("accel_%s_%s", axis, kBaseSensorLocation));
base::StringPrintf("accel_%s_%s", axis, kLidSensorLocation));
for (const auto& chan_name : channels_to_enable) {
auto channel = sensor_->GetChannel(chan_name);
if (!channel) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot find channel " << chan_name;
return false;
if (!channel->SetScanElementsEnabled(true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to enable channel " << chan_name;
return false;
if (!sensor_->IsBufferEnabled()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to enable buffer";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "buffer enabled";
return true;
bool Configuration::EnableCalibration(bool enable) {
auto calibration = sensor_->GetChannel("calibration");
if (!calibration) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot find calibration channel";
return false;
return calibration->SetScanElementsEnabled(enable);
bool Configuration::EnableKeyboardAngle() {
base::FilePath kb_wake_angle =
if (!delegate_->Exists(kb_wake_angle)) {
LOG(INFO) << kb_wake_angle.value()
<< " not found; will not enable EC wake angle";
return true;
std::optional<gid_t> power_gid = delegate_->FindGroupId("power");
if (!power_gid) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot configure ownership on the wake angle file";
return false;
delegate_->SetOwnership(kb_wake_angle, -1, power_gid.value());
int permission = delegate_->GetPermissions(kb_wake_angle);
delegate_->SetPermissions(kb_wake_angle, permission);
LOG(INFO) << "keyboard angle enabled";
return true;
bool Configuration::ConfigureOnKind() {
switch (kind_) {
case SensorKind::ACCELEROMETER:
return ConfigAccelerometer();
case SensorKind::GYROSCOPE:
return ConfigGyro();
case SensorKind::LIGHT:
return ConfigIlluminance();
case SensorKind::SYNC:
// No other configs needed.
return true;
case SensorKind::MAGNETOMETER:
// No other configs needed.
return true;
case SensorKind::LID_ANGLE:
// No other configs needed.
return true;
case SensorKind::PROXIMITY:
// No other configs needed.
return true;
case SensorKind::BAROMETER:
// TODO(chenghaoyang): Setup calibrations for the barometer.
return true;
case SensorKind::HID_OTHERS:
// No other configs needed.
return true;
CHECK(kind_ == SensorKind::OTHERS);
LOG(ERROR) << sensor_->GetName() << " unimplemented";
return false;
bool Configuration::ConfigGyro() {
LOG(INFO) << "gyroscope configuration complete";
return true;
bool Configuration::ConfigAccelerometer() {
if (!AddSysfsTrigger(kAccelSysfsTriggerId))
return false;
if (!USE_IIOSERVICE && !EnableAccelScanElements())
return false;
if (!EnableKeyboardAngle())
return false;
* Gather gyroscope. If one of them is on the same plane, set
* accelerometer range to 4g to meet Android 10 CCD Requirements
* (Section 7.1.4, C.1.4).
* If no gyro found, set range to 4g on the lid accel.
int range = 0;
auto location = sensor_->GetLocation();
if (location && !location->empty()) {
auto gyros = context_->GetDevicesByName("cros-ec-gyro");
if (gyros.size() != 1 && strcmp(location->c_str(), kLidSensorLocation) == 0)
range = 4;
else if (gyros.size() == 1 &&
strcmp(location->c_str(), gyros[0]->GetLocation()->c_str()) == 0)
range = 4;
range = 2;
if (!sensor_->WriteNumberAttribute(kCalibrationScale, range))
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "accelerometer configuration complete";
return true;
bool Configuration::ConfigIlluminance() {
if (USE_IIOSERVICE && strcmp(sensor_->GetName(), "acpi-als") == 0) {
std::string trigger_name =
base::StringPrintf(libmems::kHrtimerNameFormatString, sensor_->GetId());
if (context_->GetTriggersByName(trigger_name).empty()) {
base::FilePath hrtimer_path("/sys/kernel/config/iio/triggers/hrtimer");
hrtimer_path = hrtimer_path.Append(trigger_name);
if (!delegate_->Exists(hrtimer_path) &&
!delegate_->ProbeKernelModule("iio-trig-hrtimer")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot load iio-trig-hrtimer module";
return false;
if (!delegate_->CreateDirectory(hrtimer_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot mkdir " << hrtimer_path.value()
<< " to create the hrtimer device";
return false;
auto triggers = context_->GetTriggersByName(trigger_name);
if (triggers.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot find acpi-als's trigger";
return false;
// Don't set |trigger| as |sensor_|'s trigger, or else the samples start
// flowing.
auto trigger = triggers.front();
// /sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX
base::FilePath sys_trg_path =
if (!CopyLightCalibrationFromVpd())
return false;
// Disable calibration: it can fail if the light sensor does not support
// calibration mode.
LOG(INFO) << "light configuration complete";
return true;
bool Configuration::SetupPermissions() {
std::vector<base::FilePath> files_to_set_read_own;
std::vector<base::FilePath> files_to_set_write_own;
std::string dev_name =
// /dev/iio:deviceX
base::FilePath dev_path =
if (!delegate_->Exists(dev_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing path: " << dev_path.value();
return false;
// /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX
base::FilePath sys_dev_path = sensor_->GetPath();
// Files under /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/.
auto files = delegate_->EnumerateAllFiles(sys_dev_path);
files_to_set_read_own.insert(files_to_set_read_own.end(), files.begin(),
for (const base::FilePath& file : files) {
std::string name = file.BaseName().value();
if (RE2::FullMatch(name, "in_.*_sampling_frequency"))
// Files under /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/scan_elements/.
files =
files_to_set_read_own.insert(files_to_set_read_own.end(), files.begin(),
for (const base::FilePath& file : files) {
std::string name = file.BaseName().value();
if (RE2::FullMatch(name, "in_.*_en"))
// Files under /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:deviceX/events/.
files = delegate_->EnumerateAllFiles(sys_dev_path.Append(kEventsString));
files_to_set_read_own.insert(files_to_set_read_own.end(), files.begin(),
for (const base::FilePath& file : files) {
std::string name = file.BaseName().value();
if (RE2::FullMatch(name, "in_.*_en"))
for (auto file : kFilesToSetReadAndOwnership)
for (auto file : kFilesToSetWriteAndOwnership)
// Set permissions and ownerships.
bool result = true;
for (base::FilePath path : files_to_set_read_own)
result &= SetReadPermissionAndOwnership(path);
for (base::FilePath path : files_to_set_write_own)
result &= SetWritePermissionAndOwnership(path);
return result;
bool Configuration::SetReadPermissionAndOwnership(base::FilePath file_path) {
if (!delegate_->Exists(file_path))
return true;
bool result = true;
int permission = delegate_->GetPermissions(file_path);
permission |= base::FILE_PERMISSION_READ_BY_GROUP;
if (!delegate_->SetPermissions(file_path, permission)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot configure permissions on " << file_path.value();
result = false;
if (!delegate_->SetOwnership(file_path, -1, iioservice_gid_.value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot configure ownership on " << file_path.value();
result = false;
return result;
bool Configuration::SetWritePermissionAndOwnership(base::FilePath file_path) {
if (!delegate_->Exists(file_path))
return true;
bool result = true;
int permission = delegate_->GetPermissions(file_path);
if (!delegate_->SetPermissions(file_path, permission)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot configure permissions on " << file_path.value();
result = false;
if (!delegate_->SetOwnership(file_path, -1, iioservice_gid_.value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot configure ownership on " << file_path.value();
result = false;
return result;
} // namespace mems_setup