blob: e945b08a2f1403c75c40eafcc7216d8c56159f7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <crypto/scoped_openssl_types.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include "libhwsec-foundation/hwsec-foundation_export.h"
namespace hwsec_foundation {
// A light-weight C++ wrapper for OpenSSL Elliptic Curve primitives.
class HWSEC_FOUNDATION_EXPORT EllipticCurve final {
// Currently only most common prime curves are supported, but the interface
// can be extended to any OpenSSL supported curve if needed.
enum class CurveType { kPrime256, kPrime384, kPrime521 };
// Creates an elliptic curve. Returns `std::nullopt` if error occurred.
// Context is only used during creation of the curve and does not have to
// outlive the curve instance (it is not stored in a curve object).
static std::optional<EllipticCurve> Create(CurveType curve, BN_CTX* context);
// Non-copyable, but movable.
EllipticCurve(EllipticCurve&& other) = default;
EllipticCurve& operator=(EllipticCurve&& other) = default;
// Returns true if point is on a curve (including point at infinity).
bool IsPointValid(const EC_POINT& point, BN_CTX* context) const;
// Returns true if point is at infinity.
bool IsPointAtInfinity(const EC_POINT& point) const;
// Returns true if point is on a curve and finite (not at infinity).
bool IsPointValidAndFinite(const EC_POINT& point, BN_CTX* context) const;
// Calculate the inverse of the supplied `point`. The result is placed back in
// `point`.
bool InvertPoint(EC_POINT* point, BN_CTX* context) const;
// Returns scalar size in bytes of a curve order.
int ScalarSizeInBytes() const;
// Returns true if scalar is inside the curve order.
bool IsScalarValid(const BIGNUM& scalar) const;
// Returns field element (affine coordinate) size in bytes.
int AffineCoordinateSizeInBytes() const;
// Returns affine coordinates of a given `point`: when `x` is non-null it's
// assigned to the x coordinate, and when `y` is non-null it's assigned to the
// y coordinate.
bool GetAffineCoordinates(const EC_POINT& point,
BN_CTX* context,
BIGNUM* y) const;
// Allocates the EC_POINT object, which is in a valid but unspecified state.
// Returns nullptr on failure.
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT CreatePoint() const;
// Generates random non-zero scalar of the elliptic curve order. Returns
// nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM RandomNonZeroScalar(BN_CTX* context) const;
// Performs addition modulo order. Returns nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM ModAdd(const BIGNUM& a,
const BIGNUM& b,
BN_CTX* context) const;
// Returns true if two points are equal.
bool AreEqual(const EC_POINT& point1,
const EC_POINT& point2,
BN_CTX* context) const;
// Performs point by scalar multiplication. Input point must be on a curve.
// It is required that scalar is in the range of [0..curve order-1].
// Returns nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT Multiply(const EC_POINT& point,
const BIGNUM& scalar,
BN_CTX* context) const;
// Performs multiplication with generator. Expects scalar to be in the range
// of [-curve order..curve order-1]. Return nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT MultiplyWithGenerator(const BIGNUM& scalar,
BN_CTX* context) const;
// Performs point addition. Input points must be on a curve.
// If two points are equal, the addition will perform doubling: P + P = 2P.
// The result is a point on a curve or point at infinity e.g. P+(-P) = inf.
// Returns nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT Add(const EC_POINT& point1,
const EC_POINT& point2,
BN_CTX* context) const;
// Returns a EC_KEY object with public key set to provided `point`.
// Returns nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedEC_KEY PointToEccKey(const EC_POINT& point) const;
// Converts the ECC public key in provided `key` to the DER-encoded X.509
// SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. Returns false if error occurred, otherwise
// stores resulting blob in `result`.
bool EncodeToSpkiDer(const crypto::ScopedEC_KEY& key,
brillo::SecureBlob* result,
BN_CTX* context) const;
// Converts `blob` from DER encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo format to ECC public
// key and returns it as EC_POINT. Returns nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT DecodeFromSpkiDer(
const brillo::SecureBlob& public_key_spki_der, BN_CTX* context) const;
// Generates EC_KEY. This method should be preferred over generating private
// and public key separately, that is, private key using `RandomNonZeroScalar`
// and public key by multiplying private key with generator, but the result
// should be equivalent. Returns nullptr if error occurred.
crypto::ScopedEC_KEY GenerateKey(BN_CTX* context) const;
// Generates a pair of public (in DER-encoded X.509
// SubjectPublicKeyInfo format) and private keys. Returns false if error
// occurred.
bool GenerateKeysAsSecureBlobs(brillo::SecureBlob* public_key_spki_der,
brillo::SecureBlob* private_key,
BN_CTX* context) const;
// Returns curve order. This should be used only for testing.
const BIGNUM* GetOrderForTesting() const { return order_.get(); }
// Returns point at infinity or nullptr if error occurred.
// This should be used only for testing.
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT PointAtInfinityForTesting() const;
// Returns group.
const EC_GROUP* GetGroup() const { return group_.get(); }
// Returns curve type.
CurveType GetCurveType() const { return curve_; }
// Constructor is private. A user of the class should use `Create` method
// instead.
explicit EllipticCurve(CurveType curve,
crypto::ScopedEC_GROUP group,
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM order);
CurveType curve_;
crypto::ScopedEC_GROUP group_;
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM order_;
} // namespace hwsec_foundation