blob: ed7a2c1ba5bf832ebdb3056ee299c3abca4aa756 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/observer_list.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <chromeos/patchpanel/dbus/client.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <patchpanel/proto_bindings/patchpanel_service.pb.h>
#include "shill/default_service_observer.h"
#include "shill/device.h"
#include "shill/device_info.h"
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "shill/geolocation_info.h"
#include "shill/hook_table.h"
#include "shill/metrics.h"
#include "shill/mockable.h"
#include "shill/net/ip_address.h"
#include "shill/network/network.h"
#include "shill/portal_detector.h"
#include "shill/power_manager.h"
#include "shill/profile.h"
#include "shill/provider_interface.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
#include "shill/store/property_store.h"
#include "shill/tethering_manager.h"
#include "shill/upstart/upstart.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class DeviceClaimer;
class DefaultProfile;
class Error;
class EthernetProvider;
class EventDispatcher;
class ManagerAdaptorInterface;
class Resolver;
class SupplicantManager;
class Throttler;
class VPNProvider;
class WiFiProvider;
#if !defined(DISABLE_CELLULAR)
class CellularServiceProvider;
class ModemInfo;
#if !defined(DISABLE_WIRED_8021X)
class EthernetEapProvider;
#endif // DISABLE_WIRED_8021X
// Helper class for storing in memory the set of shill Manager DBUS R or RW
// DBus properties.
// TODO(hugobenichi): simplify access patterns to the Manager properties and
// remove virtual mockable getter functions in Manager.
struct ManagerProperties {
// Comma separated list of technologies for which portal detection is
// enabled.
std::string check_portal_list;
// URL used for the first HTTP probe sent by PortalDetector on a new network
// connection.
std::string portal_http_url;
// URL used for the first HTTPS probe sent by PortalDetector on a new
// network connection.
std::string portal_https_url;
// Set of fallback URLs used for retrying the HTTP probe when portal
// detection is not conclusive.
std::vector<std::string> portal_fallback_http_urls;
// Set of fallback URLs used for retrying the HTTPS probe when portal
// detection is not conclusive.
std::vector<std::string> portal_fallback_https_urls;
// Whether to ARP for the default gateway in the DHCP client after
// acquiring a lease.
bool arp_gateway = true;
// Comma-separated list of technologies for which auto-connect is disabled.
std::string no_auto_connect_technologies;
// Comma-separated list of technologies that should never be enabled.
std::string prohibited_technologies;
// Comma-separated list of DNS search paths to be ignored.
std::string ignored_dns_search_paths;
// Name of Android VPN package that should be enforced for user traffic.
// Empty string if the lockdown feature is not enabled.
std::string always_on_vpn_package;
// The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the DNS Proxy, if applicable. When these
// values are set, resolv.conf should use these addresses as the name
// servers.
std::vector<std::string> dns_proxy_addresses;
// Maps DNS-over-HTTPS service providers to a list of standard DNS name
// servers. This member stores the value set via the DBus
// |DNSProxyDOHProviders| property.
KeyValueStore dns_proxy_doh_providers;
// Hostname to be used in DHCP request.
std::string dhcp_hostname;
std::optional<bool> ft_enabled;
bool scan_allow_roam = true;
class Manager {
Manager(ControlInterface* control_interface,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
Metrics* metrics,
const std::string& run_directory,
const std::string& storage_directory,
const std::string& user_storage_directory);
Manager(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete;
virtual ~Manager();
void RegisterAsync(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> completion_callback);
virtual void SetBlockedDevices(
const std::vector<std::string>& blockeded_devices);
virtual void SetAllowedDevices(
const std::vector<std::string>& allowed_devices);
// Returns true if |device_name| is either not in the blocked list, or in the
// allowed list, depending on which list was supplied in startup settings.
virtual bool DeviceManagementAllowed(const std::string& device_name);
virtual void Start();
virtual void Stop();
bool running() const { return running_; }
// Requests for Services to be resorted; this method returns immediately
// without actually performing the sorting.
void SortServices();
virtual const ProfileRefPtr& ActiveProfile() const;
bool IsActiveProfile(const ProfileRefPtr& profile) const;
virtual bool MoveServiceToProfile(const ServiceRefPtr& to_move,
const ProfileRefPtr& destination);
virtual bool MatchProfileWithService(const ServiceRefPtr& service);
ProfileRefPtr LookupProfileByRpcIdentifier(const std::string& profile_rpcid);
// Called via RPC call on Service (|to_set|) to set the "Profile" property.
virtual void SetProfileForService(const ServiceRefPtr& to_set,
const std::string& profile,
Error* error);
virtual void RegisterDevice(const DeviceRefPtr& to_manage);
virtual void DeregisterDevice(const DeviceRefPtr& to_forget);
virtual bool HasService(const ServiceRefPtr& service);
// Register a Service with the Manager. Manager may choose to
// connect to it immediately.
virtual void RegisterService(const ServiceRefPtr& to_manage);
// Deregister a Service from the Manager. Caller is responsible
// for disconnecting the Service before-hand.
virtual void DeregisterService(const ServiceRefPtr& to_forget);
virtual void UpdateService(const ServiceRefPtr& to_update);
// Called when any service's state changes. Informs other services
// (e.g. VPNs) if the default physical service's state has changed.
virtual void NotifyServiceStateChanged(const ServiceRefPtr& to_update);
// Persists |to_update| into an appropriate profile.
virtual void UpdateDevice(const DeviceRefPtr& to_update);
std::vector<DeviceRefPtr> FilterByTechnology(Technology tech) const;
RpcIdentifiers EnumerateAvailableServices(Error* error);
// Return the complete list of services, including those that are not visible.
RpcIdentifiers EnumerateCompleteServices(Error* error);
// called via RPC (e.g., from ManagerDBusAdaptor)
std::map<RpcIdentifier, std::string> GetLoadableProfileEntriesForService(
const ServiceConstRefPtr& service);
ServiceRefPtr GetService(const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error);
ServiceRefPtr ConfigureService(const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error);
ServiceRefPtr ConfigureServiceForProfile(const std::string& profile_rpcid,
const KeyValueStore& args,
Error* error);
ServiceRefPtr FindMatchingService(const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error);
// Return the Device that has selected this Service. If no Device has selected
// this Service or the Service pointer is null, return nullptr. Note that
// VirtualDevices which are not managed by Manager will also be included here.
virtual DeviceRefPtr FindDeviceFromService(
const ServiceRefPtr& service) const;
// It the service has an active Network, returns the Network object associated
// with the Device which has selected this Service. This pointer is owned by
// Device and thus cannot be held. Returns nullptr if no such Network or the
// Service pointer is null.
Network* FindActiveNetworkFromService(const ServiceRefPtr& service) const;
// Return the highest priority service of a physical technology type (i.e. not
// VPN, ARC, etc), or nullptr if no such service is found.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetPrimaryPhysicalService();
// Return the first service of type |Technology::kEthernet| found in
// |services_|, or nullptr if no such service is found.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetFirstEthernetService();
// Retrieve geolocation data from the Manager.
std::map<std::string, std::vector<GeolocationInfo>>
GetNetworksForGeolocation() const;
// Called by Device when its geolocation data has been updated.
virtual void OnDeviceGeolocationInfoUpdated(const DeviceRefPtr& device);
// Force a wifi scan if applicable, and connect to the best available
// services.
// Called by chrome when a user profile is loaded and the user's
// policy-provided networks are configured.
void ScanAndConnectToBestServices(Error* error);
// Connects to the highest priority service for each available technology.
// Note: ConnectToBestServices should only be called from
// ScanAndConnectToBestServices.
// All other calls should be considered deprecated. This method should be
// removed eventually (b:206907629).
virtual void ConnectToBestServices(Error* error);
// Method to create connectivity report for connected services.
void CreateConnectivityReport(Error* error);
// Request portal detection checks on each registered device with a connected
// Service.
void RecheckPortal(Error* error);
virtual void RequestScan(const std::string& technology, Error* error);
std::string GetTechnologyOrder();
virtual void SetTechnologyOrder(const std::string& order, Error* error);
// Set up the profile list starting with a default profile along with
// an (optional) list of startup profiles.
void InitializeProfiles();
// Create a profile. This does not affect the profile stack. Returns
// the RPC path of the created profile in |path|.
void CreateProfile(const std::string& name, std::string* path, Error* error);
// Pushes existing profile with name |name| onto stack of managed profiles.
// Returns the RPC path of the pushed profile in |path|.
void PushProfile(const std::string& name, std::string* path, Error* error);
// Insert an existing user profile with name |name| into the stack of
// managed profiles. Associate |user_hash| with this profile entry.
// Returns the RPC path of the pushed profile in |path|.
void InsertUserProfile(const std::string& name,
const std::string& user_hash,
std::string* path,
Error* error);
// Pops profile named |name| off the top of the stack of managed profiles.
void PopProfile(const std::string& name, Error* error);
// Remove the active profile.
void PopAnyProfile(Error* error);
// Remove all user profiles from the stack of managed profiles leaving only
// default profiles.
void PopAllUserProfiles(Error* error);
// Remove the underlying persistent storage for a profile.
void RemoveProfile(const std::string& name, Error* error);
// Called by a profile when its properties change.
void OnProfileChanged(const ProfileRefPtr& profile);
// Give the ownership of the device with name |device_name| to claimer with
// name |claimer_name|. This will cause shill to stop managing this device.
virtual void ClaimDevice(const std::string& claimer_name,
const std::string& interface_name,
Error* error);
// Claimer |claimer_name| release the ownership of the device with
// |interface_name| back to shill. This method will set |claimer_removed|
// to true iff Claimer |claimer_name| is not the default claimer and no
// longer claims any devices.
virtual void ReleaseDevice(const std::string& claimer_name,
const std::string& interface_name,
bool* claimer_removed,
Error* error);
// Called by a service to remove its associated configuration. If |service|
// is associated with a non-ephemeral profile, this configuration entry
// will be removed and the manager will search for another matching profile.
// If the service ends up with no matching profile, it is unloaded (which
// may also remove the service from the manager's list, e.g. WiFi services
// that are not visible)..
virtual void RemoveService(const ServiceRefPtr& service);
// Handle the event where a profile is about to remove a profile entry.
// Any Services that are dependent on this storage identifier will need
// to find new profiles. Return true if any service has been moved to a new
// profile. Any such services will have had the profile group removed from
// the profile.
virtual bool HandleProfileEntryDeletion(const ProfileRefPtr& profile,
const std::string& entry_name);
// Find a registered service that contains a GUID property that
// matches |guid|.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetServiceWithGUID(const std::string& guid,
Error* error);
// Find a service that has a storage identifier that matches |entry_name|.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetServiceWithStorageIdentifier(
const std::string& entry_name);
// Find a service that is both the member of |profile| and has a
// storage identifier that matches |entry_name|. This function is
// called by the Profile in order to return a profile entry's properties.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetServiceWithStorageIdentifierFromProfile(
const ProfileRefPtr& profile,
const std::string& entry_name,
Error* error);
// Find a service that has a RpcIdentifier that matches |id|.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetServiceWithRpcIdentifier(const RpcIdentifier& id);
// Create a temporary service for an entry |entry_name| within |profile|.
// Callers must not register this service with the Manager or connect it
// since it was never added to the provider's service list.
virtual ServiceRefPtr CreateTemporaryServiceFromProfile(
const ProfileRefPtr& profile,
const std::string& entry_name,
Error* error);
// Return a reference to the Service associated with the default connection.
// If there is no such connection, this function returns a reference to NULL.
virtual ServiceRefPtr GetDefaultService() const;
RpcIdentifier GetDefaultServiceRpcIdentifier(Error* error);
// Set enabled state of all |technology_name| devices to |enabled_state|.
// Persist the state to storage is |persist| is true.
void SetEnabledStateForTechnology(const std::string& technology_name,
bool enabled_state,
bool persist,
const ResultCallback& callback);
// Return whether a technology is marked as enabled for portal detection.
virtual bool IsPortalDetectionEnabled(Technology tech);
// Set the start-up value for the portal detection list. This list will
// be used until a value set explicitly over the control API. Until
// then, we ignore but do not overwrite whatever value is stored in the
// profile.
virtual void SetStartupPortalList(const std::string& portal_list);
// Returns true if profile |a| has been pushed on the Manager's
// |profiles_| stack before profile |b|.
virtual bool IsProfileBefore(const ProfileRefPtr& a,
const ProfileRefPtr& b) const;
// Return whether a service belongs to the ephemeral profile.
virtual bool IsServiceEphemeral(const ServiceConstRefPtr& service) const;
// Return whether a Technology has any connected Services.
virtual bool IsTechnologyConnected(Technology technology) const;
// Return whether the Wake on LAN feature is enabled.
virtual bool IsWakeOnLanEnabled() const { return is_wake_on_lan_enabled_; }
// Return whether a technology is disabled for auto-connect.
virtual bool IsTechnologyAutoConnectDisabled(Technology technology) const;
// Report whether |technology| is prohibited from being enabled.
virtual bool IsTechnologyProhibited(Technology technology) const;
// Called by Profile when a |storage| completes initialization.
void OnProfileStorageInitialized(Profile* storage);
// Return a Device with technology |technology| in the enabled state.
virtual DeviceRefPtr GetEnabledDeviceWithTechnology(
Technology technology) const;
// Returns true if at least one connection exists, and false if there's no
// connected service.
virtual bool IsConnected() const;
// Returns true if at least one connection exists that have Internet
// connectivity, and false if there's no such service.
virtual bool IsOnline() const;
std::string CalculateState(Error* error);
// Recalculate the |connected_state_| string and emit a singal if it has
// changed.
void RefreshConnectionState();
virtual DeviceInfo* device_info() { return &device_info_; }
#if !defined(DISABLE_CELLULAR)
virtual ModemInfo* modem_info() { return modem_info_.get(); }
virtual CellularServiceProvider* cellular_service_provider() {
return cellular_service_provider_.get();
PowerManager* power_manager() const { return power_manager_.get(); }
virtual EthernetProvider* ethernet_provider() {
return ethernet_provider_.get();
#if !defined(DISABLE_WIRED_8021X)
virtual EthernetEapProvider* ethernet_eap_provider() const {
return ethernet_eap_provider_.get();
#endif // DISABLE_WIRED_8021X
VPNProvider* vpn_provider() const { return vpn_provider_.get(); }
WiFiProvider* wifi_provider() const { return wifi_provider_.get(); }
PropertyStore* mutable_store() { return &store_; }
virtual const PropertyStore& store() const { return store_; }
virtual const base::FilePath& run_path() const { return run_path_; }
const base::FilePath& storage_path() const { return storage_path_; }
const base::ObserverList<DefaultServiceObserver>& default_service_observers()
const {
return default_service_observers_;
virtual int64_t GetSuspendDurationUsecs() const {
return power_manager_->suspend_duration_us();
virtual const ManagerProperties& GetProperties() const { return props_; }
bool GetArpGateway() const { return props_.arp_gateway; }
virtual void UpdateEnabledTechnologies();
virtual void UpdateUninitializedTechnologies();
virtual const std::string& dhcp_hostname() const {
return props_.dhcp_hostname;
// Writes the Service |to_update| to persistent storage. If the Service is
// ephemeral, it is moved to the current Profile.
void PersistService(const ServiceRefPtr& to_update);
// Adds a closure to be executed when ChromeOS suspends or shill terminates.
// |name| should be unique; otherwise, a previous closure by the same name
// will be replaced. |start| will be called when RunTerminationActions() is
// called. When an action completed, TerminationActionComplete() must be
// called.
void AddTerminationAction(const std::string& name,
const base::Closure& start);
// Users call this function to report the completion of an action |name|.
// This function should be called once for each action.
void TerminationActionComplete(const std::string& name);
// Removes the action associtated with |name|.
void RemoveTerminationAction(const std::string& name);
// Runs the termination actions and notifies the metrics framework
// that the termination actions started running, only if any termination
// actions have been registered. If all actions complete within
// |kTerminationActionsTimeoutMilliseconds|, |done_callback| is called with a
// value of Error::kSuccess. Otherwise, it is called with
// Error::kOperationTimeout.
// Returns true, if termination actions were run.
bool RunTerminationActionsAndNotifyMetrics(
const ResultCallback& done_callback);
// Add/remove observers to subscribe to default Service notifications.
void AddDefaultServiceObserver(DefaultServiceObserver* observer);
void RemoveDefaultServiceObserver(DefaultServiceObserver* observer);
// Running in passive mode, manager will not manage any devices (all devices
// are blocked) by default. Remote application can specify devices for
// shill to manage through ReleaseInterface/ClaimInterface DBus API using
// default claimer (with "" as claimer_name).
virtual void SetPassiveMode();
// Decides whether Ethernet-like devices are treated as unknown devices
// if they do not indicate a driver name.
virtual void SetIgnoreUnknownEthernet(bool ignore);
virtual bool ignore_unknown_ethernet() const {
return ignore_unknown_ethernet_;
// Returns true iff |power_manager_| exists and is suspending (i.e.
// power_manager->suspending() is true), false otherwise.
virtual bool IsSuspending();
void set_suppress_autoconnect(bool val) { suppress_autoconnect_ = val; }
bool suppress_autoconnect() const { return suppress_autoconnect_; }
// Called when remote device claimer vanishes.
virtual void OnDeviceClaimerVanished();
RpcIdentifiers EnumerateDevices(Error* error);
bool SetNetworkThrottlingStatus(const ResultCallback& callback,
bool enabled,
uint32_t upload_rate_kbits,
uint32_t download_rate_kbits);
// Returns the interface names associated with 'real' devices
// on the system e.g. eth0, wlan0.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetDeviceInterfaceNames();
bool GetFTEnabled(Error* error);
bool scan_allow_roam() const { return props_.scan_allow_roam; }
ControlInterface* control_interface() const { return control_interface_; }
EventDispatcher* dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_; }
Metrics* metrics() const { return metrics_; }
SupplicantManager* supplicant_manager() const {
return supplicant_manager_.get();
void set_patchpanel_client_for_testing(
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Client> patchpanel_client) {
patchpanel_client_ = std::move(patchpanel_client);
patchpanel::Client* patchpanel_client() { return patchpanel_client_.get(); }
// Assigns the IP address(es) of the dns-proxy service.
bool SetDNSProxyAddresses(const std::vector<std::string>& addrs,
Error* error);
// Clears the IP address of the dns-proxy service.
void ClearDNSProxyAddresses();
// Assigns the DNS-over-HTTPS service providers for use by the dns-proxy
// service.
bool SetDNSProxyDOHProviders(const KeyValueStore& providers, Error* error);
// Creates a set of Passpoint credentials from |properties| in the profile
// referenced by |profile_id|.
bool AddPasspointCredentials(const std::string& profile_rpcid,
const KeyValueStore& properties,
Error* error);
// Removes all Passpoint credentials that matches all property of |properties|
// in the profile referenced by |profile_id|.
bool RemovePasspointCredentials(const std::string& profile_rpcid,
const KeyValueStore& properties,
Error* error);
// Provider getter function.
const ProviderInterface* GetProviderWithTechnology(Technology technology) {
return providers_[technology];
TetheringManager* tethering_manager() const {
return tethering_manager_.get();
friend class ArcVpnDriverTest;
friend class CellularTest;
friend class DeviceInfoTest;
friend class DeviceTest;
friend class L2TPIPsecDriverTest;
friend class ManagerAdaptorInterface;
friend class ManagerTest;
friend class ModemInfoTest;
friend class ModemManagerTest;
friend class OpenVPNDriverTest;
friend class ServiceTest;
friend class VPNServiceTest;
friend class WiFiObjectTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapability3gppTest, TerminationAction);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularCapability3gppTest, TerminationActionRemovedByStopModem);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, LinkEventWontDestroyService);
FRIEND_TEST(DefaultProfileTest, LoadManagerDefaultProperties);
FRIEND_TEST(DefaultProfileTest, LoadManagerProperties);
FRIEND_TEST(DefaultProfileTest, Save);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceInfoTest, CreateDeviceEthernet);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, StartProhibited);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, AvailableTechnologies);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ClaimBlockedDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ClaimDeviceWithoutClaimer);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ConnectedTechnologies);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ConnectionStatusCheck);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ConnectToBestServices);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, CreateConnectivityReport);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, DefaultTechnology);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, DefaultServiceStateChange);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, DevicePresenceStatusCheck);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, DeviceRegistrationAndStart);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, DeviceRegistrationTriggersThrottler);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, EnumerateProfiles);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, EnumerateServiceInnerDevices);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, InitializeProfilesInformsProviders);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, InitializeProfilesHandlesDefaults);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, IsTechnologyAutoConnectDisabled);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, IsTechnologyProhibited);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, IsWifiIdle);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, LinkMonitorEnabled);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, MoveService);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, UpdateDefaultServices);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, UpdateDefaultServicesDNSProxy);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, RefreshAllTrafficCountersTask);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, RegisterKnownService);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, RegisterUnknownService);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ReleaseBlockedDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, RunTerminationActions);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, ServiceRegistration);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, SetAlwaysOnVpnPackage);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, SortServicesWithConnection);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, StartupPortalList);
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, SetDNSProxyAddresses);
FRIEND_TEST(ServiceTest, IsAutoConnectable);
FRIEND_TEST(ThirdPartyVpnDriverTest, SetParameters);
FRIEND_TEST(VPNProviderTest, SetDefaultRoutingPolicy);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTaskFT);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, ScanAllowRoam);
void AutoConnect();
// Ensure always-on VPN follows the current configuration, ie: hardware
// connectivity is available and the correct VPN service is running.
void ApplyAlwaysOnVpn(const ServiceRefPtr& physical_service);
// Update always-on VPN configuration with the one contained in |profile|.
void UpdateAlwaysOnVpnWith(const ProfileRefPtr& profile);
// Set the always-on VPN configuration and start or stop VPN lockdown if
// needed.
// TODO(b/188864779) Generalize to support both setups of always-on VPNService
// and legacy ARC++ always-on VPN package name property.
void SetAlwaysOnVpn(const std::string& mode, VPNServiceRefPtr service);
// Connect the always-on VPN and maintain the previous connection attempts
// count.
void ConnectAlwaysOnVpn();
// Reset the connection backoff to its initial state. Used on a successful
// attempt or a physical network change for instance.
void ResetAlwaysOnVpnBackoff();
bool IsServiceAlwaysOnVpn(const ServiceConstRefPtr& service) const;
std::vector<std::string> AvailableTechnologies(Error* error);
std::vector<std::string> ConnectedTechnologies(Error* error);
std::string DefaultTechnology(Error* error);
std::vector<std::string> EnabledTechnologies(Error* error);
std::vector<std::string> UninitializedTechnologies(Error* error);
RpcIdentifiers EnumerateProfiles(Error* error);
RpcIdentifiers EnumerateWatchedServices(Error* error);
RpcIdentifier GetActiveProfileRpcIdentifier(Error* error);
std::string GetCheckPortalList(Error* error);
std::string GetIgnoredDNSSearchPaths(Error* error);
std::string GetPortalFallbackHttpUrls(Error* error);
std::string GetPortalFallbackHttpsUrls(Error* error);
ServiceRefPtr GetServiceInner(const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error);
// TODO(b/188864779) Migrate to a Profile property and migrate the storage
// from Chrome to shill.
bool SetAlwaysOnVpnPackage(const std::string& package_name, Error* error);
bool SetCheckPortalList(const std::string& portal_list, Error* error);
bool SetIgnoredDNSSearchPaths(const std::string& ignored_paths, Error* error);
bool SetPortalFallbackHttpUrls(const std::string& urls, Error* error);
bool SetPortalFallbackHttpsUrls(const std::string& urls, Error* error);
// Emit a kDefaultServiceProperty property-changed D-Bus signal if the default
// Service has changed. Returns true only if the default Service did actually
// change.
bool EmitDefaultService();
bool IsTechnologyInList(const std::string& technology_list,
Technology tech) const;
void EmitDeviceProperties();
bool SetDisableWiFiVHT(const bool& disable_wifi_vht, Error* error);
bool GetDisableWiFiVHT(Error* error);
bool SetFTEnabled(const bool& ft_enabled, Error* error);
bool SetProhibitedTechnologies(const std::string& prohibited_technologies,
Error* error);
std::string GetProhibitedTechnologies(Error* error);
void OnTechnologyProhibited(Technology technology, const Error& error);
void UseDNSProxy(const std::vector<std::string>& proxy_addrs);
KeyValueStore GetDNSProxyDOHProviders(Error* error);
// Unload a service while iterating through |services_|. Returns true if
// service was erased (which means the caller loop should not increment
// |service_iterator|), false otherwise (meaning the caller should
// increment |service_iterator|).
bool UnloadService(std::vector<ServiceRefPtr>::iterator* service_iterator);
// Load Manager default properties from |profile|.
void LoadProperties(const scoped_refptr<DefaultProfile>& profile);
// Configure the device with profile data from all current profiles.
void LoadDeviceFromProfiles(const DeviceRefPtr& device);
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedRpcIdentifier(
const std::string& name, RpcIdentifier (Manager::*get)(Error*));
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedRpcIdentifiers(
const std::string& name, RpcIdentifiers (Manager::*get)(Error*));
void HelpRegisterDerivedString(const std::string& name,
std::string (Manager::*get)(Error* error),
bool (Manager::*set)(const std::string&,
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedStrings(const std::string& name,
Strings (Manager::*get)(Error*));
void HelpRegisterDerivedKeyValueStore(
const std::string& name,
KeyValueStore (Manager::*get)(Error* error),
bool (Manager::*set)(const KeyValueStore& value, Error* error));
void HelpRegisterDerivedBool(const std::string& name,
bool (Manager::*get)(Error* error),
bool (Manager::*set)(const bool& value,
Error* error));
bool HasProfile(const Profile::Identifier& ident);
void PushProfileInternal(const Profile::Identifier& ident,
std::string* path,
Error* error);
void PopProfileInternal();
void OnProfilesChanged();
void SortServicesTask();
void DeviceStatusCheckTask();
void ConnectionStatusCheck();
void DevicePresenceStatusCheck();
// Sets the profile of |service| to |profile|, without notifying its
// previous profile. Configures a |service| with |args|, then saves
// the resulting configuration to |profile|. This method is useful
// when copying a service configuration from one profile to another,
// or writing a newly created service config to a specific profile.
static void SetupServiceInProfile(ServiceRefPtr service,
ProfileRefPtr profile,
const KeyValueStore& args,
Error* error);
// For each technology present, connect to the "best" service available,
// as determined by sorting all services independent of their current state.
void ConnectToBestServicesTask();
void UpdateDefaultServices(const ServiceRefPtr& logical_service,
const ServiceRefPtr& physical_service);
// Runs the termination actions. If all actions complete within
// |kTerminationActionsTimeoutMilliseconds|, |done_callback| is called with a
// value of Error::kSuccess. Otherwise, it is called with
// Error::kOperationTimeout.
void RunTerminationActions(const ResultCallback& done_callback);
// Called when the system is about to be suspended. Each call will be
// followed by a call to OnSuspendDone().
void OnSuspendImminent();
// Called when the system has completed a suspend attempt (possibly without
// actually suspending, in the event of the user canceling the attempt).
void OnSuspendDone();
// Called when the system is entering a dark resume phase (and hence a dark
// suspend is imminent).
void OnDarkSuspendImminent();
void OnSuspendActionsComplete(const Error& error);
void OnDarkResumeActionsComplete(const Error& error);
// Return true if wifi device is enabled with no existing connection (pending
// or connected).
bool IsWifiIdle();
// For unit testing.
void set_metrics(Metrics* metrics) { metrics_ = metrics; }
void UpdateProviderMapping();
// Used by tests to set a mock PowerManager. Takes ownership of
// power_manager.
void set_power_manager(PowerManager* power_manager) {
DeviceRefPtr GetDeviceConnectedToService(ServiceRefPtr service);
void DeregisterDeviceByLinkName(const std::string& link_name);
std::string GetAlwaysOnVpnPackage(Error* error);
// Initializes patchpanel_client_ if it has not already been initialized.
void InitializePatchpanelClient();
void RefreshAllTrafficCountersCallback(
const std::vector<patchpanel::TrafficCounter>& counters);
void RefreshAllTrafficCountersTask();
// Returns the names of all of the devices that have been claimed by the
// current DeviceClaimer. Returns an empty vector if no DeviceClaimer is set.
std::vector<std::string> ClaimedDevices(Error* error);
void StartConnectivityTest(const DeviceRefPtr& device);
void ConnectivityTestCallback(const std::string& interface_name,
const std::string& logging_tag,
const PortalDetector::Result& result);
EventDispatcher* dispatcher_;
ControlInterface* control_interface_;
Metrics* metrics_;
const base::FilePath run_path_;
const base::FilePath storage_path_;
const base::FilePath user_storage_path_;
base::FilePath user_profile_list_path_; // Changed in tests.
std::unique_ptr<ManagerAdaptorInterface> adaptor_;
DeviceInfo device_info_;
#if !defined(DISABLE_CELLULAR)
std::unique_ptr<ModemInfo> modem_info_;
std::unique_ptr<CellularServiceProvider> cellular_service_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<EthernetProvider> ethernet_provider_;
#if !defined(DISABLE_WIRED_8021X)
std::unique_ptr<EthernetEapProvider> ethernet_eap_provider_;
#endif // DISABLE_WIRED_8021X
std::unique_ptr<VPNProvider> vpn_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<WiFiProvider> wifi_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<SupplicantManager> supplicant_manager_;
// For communication with patchpanel.
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Client> patchpanel_client_;
// Entity that calls kernel commands ('tc') to throttle network bandwidth.
std::unique_ptr<Throttler> throttler_;
// Hold pointer to singleton Resolver instance for testing purposes.
Resolver* resolver_;
bool running_;
std::vector<DeviceRefPtr> devices_;
// We store Services in a vector, because we want to keep them sorted.
// Services that are connected appear first in the vector. See
// Service::Compare() for details of the sorting criteria.
std::vector<ServiceRefPtr> services_;
// Last known default physical service (i.e. not a VPN). Used to figure
// out when to send the DefaultServiceChanged notification.
ServiceRefPtr last_default_physical_service_;
bool last_default_physical_service_online_;
// Current always-on VPN operating mode.
std::string always_on_vpn_mode_;
// Reference to the VPN service managed by always-on VPN. It may reference
// nothing if there's no service configured, otherwise it heads to a
// VPNService.
VPNServiceRefPtr always_on_vpn_service_;
// Count of always-on VPN service connection attempts since the last reset.
uint32_t always_on_vpn_connect_attempts_;
// Task to connect always-on VPN service.
base::CancelableClosure always_on_vpn_connect_task_;
// Map of technologies to Provider instances. These pointers are owned
// by the respective scoped_reptr objects that are held over the lifetime
// of the Manager object.
std::map<Technology, ProviderInterface*> providers_;
// List of startup profile names to push on the profile stack on startup.
std::vector<ProfileRefPtr> profiles_;
ProfileRefPtr ephemeral_profile_;
std::unique_ptr<PowerManager> power_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<Upstart> upstart_;
// The priority order of technologies
std::vector<Technology> technology_order_;
// This is the last Service RPC Identifier for which we emitted a
// "DefaultService" signal for.
RpcIdentifier default_service_rpc_identifier_;
// Manager can be optionally configured with a list of technologies to
// do portal detection on at startup. We need to keep track of that list
// as well as a flag that tells us whether we should continue using it
// instead of the configured portal list.
std::string startup_portal_list_;
bool use_startup_portal_list_;
// Properties to be get/set via PropertyStore calls.
ManagerProperties props_;
PropertyStore store_;
base::CancelableClosure sort_services_task_;
// Task for periodically checking various device status.
base::CancelableClosure device_status_check_task_;
// Task for initializing patchpanel connection.
base::CancelableClosure init_patchpanel_client_task_;
// Task for periodically refreshing traffic counters.
base::CancelableClosure refresh_traffic_counter_task_;
// Whether we're currently waiting on a traffic counter fetch from patchpanel.
bool pending_traffic_counter_request_;
// Actions to take when shill is terminating.
HookTable termination_actions_;
// Whether Wake on LAN should be enabled for all Ethernet devices.
bool is_wake_on_lan_enabled_;
// Whether to ignore Ethernet-like devices that don't have an assigned driver.
bool ignore_unknown_ethernet_;
// List of DefaultServiceObservers registered with AddDefaultServiceObserver.
base::ObserverList<DefaultServiceObserver> default_service_observers_;
// Stores the most recent copy of geolocation information for each
// device the manager is keeping track of.
std::map<DeviceRefPtr, std::vector<GeolocationInfo>> device_geolocation_info_;
// Stores the state of the highest ranked connected service.
std::string connection_state_;
// Stores the most recent state of all watched services by serial number.
std::map<unsigned int, Service::ConnectState> watched_service_states_;
// Device claimer is a remote application/service that claim/release devices
// from/to shill. To reduce complexity, only allow one device claimer at a
// time.
std::unique_ptr<DeviceClaimer> device_claimer_;
// When true, suppresses autoconnects in Manager::AutoConnect.
bool suppress_autoconnect_;
// Whether any of the services is in connected state or not.
bool is_connected_state_;
// Set to true if there is a user session, which is inferred based on calls
// to Manager::InsertUserProfile() and Manager::PopAllUserProfiles().
bool has_user_session_;
// List of blocked devices specified from command line.
std::vector<std::string> blocked_devices_;
// List of allowed devices specified from command line.
std::vector<std::string> allowed_devices_;
// List of supported vpn types;
std::string supported_vpn_;
// Bandwidth throttling variables. Default values are overridden by
// SetNetworkThrottlingStatus, called from the client.
bool network_throttling_enabled_;
uint32_t download_rate_kbits_;
uint32_t upload_rate_kbits_;
// Map of active portal detectors for CreateConnectivityReport, indexed by
// the Connection interface name.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<PortalDetector>>
// Tethering manager to manage tethering related state machine, properties
// and session.
std::unique_ptr<TetheringManager> tethering_manager_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Manager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace shill
#endif // SHILL_MANAGER_H_