blob: a1b199995df85a84208858a31ccdf69feb498100 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuse_lowlevel.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace fusebox {
* Kernel FUSE low level request responders: FuseRequest stores a Kernel
* fuse_req_t type in member req_ and replies to that req_ with the FUSE
* operation results (the response).
* Derived classes specialize the response for the given req_, and store
* any request parameters needed to complete the operation.
* Note: the classes only define the low level FUSE request and response
* API, they do not perform FUSE operations.
class FuseRequest {
explicit FuseRequest(fuse_req_t req, fuse_file_info* fi = nullptr);
FuseRequest(const FuseRequest&) = delete;
FuseRequest& operator=(const FuseRequest&) = delete;
virtual ~FuseRequest();
int flags() const { return flags_; }
uint64_t fh() const { return fh_; }
bool IsInterrupted() const;
int ReplyError(int error);
const fuse_req_t req_;
bool replied_ = false;
uint64_t fh_;
int flags_;
// FUSE request with an OK response.
class OkRequest : public FuseRequest {
explicit OkRequest(fuse_req_t req, fuse_file_info* fi = nullptr)
: FuseRequest(req, fi) {}
void ReplyOk();
// FUSE request with a none response.
class NoneRequest : public FuseRequest {
explicit NoneRequest(fuse_req_t req) : FuseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyNone();
// FUSE request with an attribute stat response.
class AttrRequest : public FuseRequest {
AttrRequest(fuse_req_t req, fuse_file_info* fi) : FuseRequest(req, fi) {}
void ReplyAttr(const struct stat& attr, double timeout);
// FUSE request with a fuse_entry_param response.
class EntryRequest : public FuseRequest {
explicit EntryRequest(fuse_req_t req) : FuseRequest(req) {}
void ReplyEntry(const fuse_entry_param& entry);
// FUSE request with an open file handle response.
class OpenRequest : public FuseRequest {
OpenRequest(fuse_req_t req, fuse_file_info* fi) : FuseRequest(req, fi) {}
void ReplyOpen(uint64_t fh);
// Set true, iff |this| is a CreateRequest.
bool create_ = false;
// Entry for fuse_reply_create(3) response.
fuse_entry_param entry_ = {0};
// FUSE request with an entry create response.
class CreateRequest : public OpenRequest {
explicit CreateRequest(fuse_req_t req, fuse_file_info* fi)
: OpenRequest(req, fi) {
create_ = true;
void ReplyCreate(const fuse_entry_param& entry, uint64_t fh);
// Entry for fuse_reply_create(3) response.
void SetEntry(const fuse_entry_param& entry) { entry_ = entry; }
// FUSE request with a data buffer response.
class BufferRequest : public FuseRequest {
BufferRequest(fuse_req_t req, fuse_file_info* fi) : FuseRequest(req, fi) {}
void ReplyBuffer(const void* data, size_t size);
// FUSE request with a bytes written count response.
class WriteRequest : public FuseRequest {
explicit WriteRequest(fuse_req_t req, fuse_file_info* fi)
: FuseRequest(req, fi) {}
void ReplyWrite(size_t count);
// FUSE request with a DirEntry list response.
class DirEntryRequest : public FuseRequest {
DirEntryRequest(fuse_req_t req,
fuse_file_info* fi,
fuse_ino_t ino,
size_t size,
off_t off);
// Directory ino.
fuse_ino_t parent() const { return parent_; }
// Entry buffer |buf_| size.
size_t size() const { return size_; }
// Add entry to |buf_|. Returns true if the entry was added.
bool AddEntry(const struct DirEntry& entry, off_t offset);
// Space used in |buf_| by the added entries.
size_t used() const { return off_; }
// Offset to the next entry.
off_t offset() const { return offset_; }
// Reply with the entry buffer result.
void ReplyDone();
fuse_ino_t parent_;
const size_t size_;
off_t offset_;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf_;
size_t off_ = 0;
class DirEntryResponse {
DirEntryResponse(fuse_ino_t ino, uint64_t handle);
// Directory ino.
fuse_ino_t parent() const { return parent_; }
// File handle.
uint64_t handle() const { return handle_; }
// Append |entry| DirEntry to the DirEntry list.
void Append(std::vector<struct DirEntry> entry, bool end = false);
// Append |request| to the DirEntryRequest list.
void Append(std::unique_ptr<DirEntryRequest> request);
// Append errno |error| to the DirEntry list. Returns |error|.
int Append(int error);
// Called on Append() to respond to DirEntry requests.
void Respond();
// Directory ino.
fuse_ino_t const parent_;
// The open file handle of the directory: opendir(2).
uint64_t const handle_;
// List of DirEntryRequest received from Kernel Fuse.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DirEntryRequest>> request_;
// List of DirEntry from the file system: readdir(2).
std::vector<struct DirEntry> entry_;
// Error state of the DirEntry list.
int error_ = 0;
// True when the DirEntry list is complete.
bool end_ = false;
struct DirEntry {
ino_t ino;
std::string name;
mode_t mode;
} // namespace fusebox