blob: be704c1c580eab9446cd5022bbd7584544254d5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <chromeos/patchpanel/dns/dns_response.h>
#include <chromeos/patchpanel/socket.h>
#include "dns-proxy/ares_client.h"
#include "dns-proxy/doh_curl_client.h"
#include "dns-proxy/metrics.h"
namespace dns_proxy {
// |kDNSBufSize| holds the maximum size of a DNS message which is the maximum
// size of a TCP packet.
constexpr uint32_t kDNSBufSize = 65536;
// Resolver receives wire-format DNS queries and proxies them to DNS server(s).
// This class supports standard plain-text resolving using c-ares and secure
// DNS / DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) using CURL.
// The resolver supports both plain-text and DoH name resolution. By default,
// standard DNS will be performed using the name servers passed to
// SetNameServers. DNS over HTTPS will be used if secure DNS providers are
// passed to SetDoHProviders. DoH can either be "always on" or "opportunistic".
// In the case of the former, only DNS over HTTPS will be performed and failures
// are final. In the case of latter, if DNS over HTTP fails, it will fall back
// to standard plain-text DNS.
// Resolver listens on UDP and TCP port 53.
class Resolver {
// |SocketFd| stores client's socket data.
// This is used to send reply to the client on callback called.
struct SocketFd {
SocketFd(int type, int fd);
// |type| is either SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM.
const int type;
const int fd;
// Store the data and length of the query to retry failing queries.
// For TCP, DNS has an additional 2-bytes header representing the length
// of the query. In order to make the data 4-bytes aligned, a pointer |msg|
// for buffer |buf| is used. |len| denotes the length of |msg|.
char* msg;
ssize_t len;
// Holds the source address of the client and it's address length.
// At initialization, |socklen| value will be the size of |src|. Upon
// receiving, |socklen| should be updated to be the size of the address
// of |src|.
// For TCP connections, |src| and |len| are not used.
struct sockaddr_storage src;
socklen_t socklen;
// Underlying buffer of |data|.
char buf[kDNSBufSize];
// Number of attempted retry. Query should not be retried when reaching
// a certain threshold.
int num_retries;
// Number of currently running queries.
int num_active_queries;
// Identifier for the socket. |fd| is not a suitable identifier here as it
// can be used for multiple SocketFds.
const int id;
// Records timings for metrics.
Metrics::QueryTimer timer;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SocketFd> weak_factory{this};
// |ProbeState| is used to store the probe state of a DoH provider or name
// server. For example, when a probe succeeds for a specific name server,
// subsequent probing that refers to the same state will be disabled.
// The same applies for invalidating a name server. If a query resulted in
// a failure, but the query is done prior to the name server being validated,
// the name server will not be invalidated.
struct ProbeState {
ProbeState(const std::string& target, bool doh, bool validated = false);
// |target| is the DoH provider or name server used for the probe.
// |doh| defines whether target is a DoH provider or a name server.
std::string target;
bool doh;
bool validated;
int num_attempts;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProbeState> weak_factory{this};
Resolver(base::TimeDelta timeout,
base::TimeDelta retry_delay,
int max_num_retries);
// Provided for testing only.
Resolver(std::unique_ptr<AresClient> ares_client,
std::unique_ptr<DoHCurlClientInterface> curl_client,
bool disable_probe = true,
std::unique_ptr<Metrics> metrics = nullptr);
virtual ~Resolver() = default;
// Listen on an incoming DNS query on address |addr| for UDP and TCP.
// Listening on default DNS port (53) requires CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE.
virtual bool ListenTCP(struct sockaddr* addr);
virtual bool ListenUDP(struct sockaddr* addr);
// Set standard DNS and DNS-over-HTTPS servers endpoints.
// If DoH servers are not empty, resolving domain will be done with DoH.
// |always_on_doh| flag is used to disallow fallback to standard plain-text
// DNS.
virtual void SetNameServers(const std::vector<std::string>& name_servers);
virtual void SetDoHProviders(const std::vector<std::string>& doh_providers,
bool always_on_doh = false);
// Handle DNS results queried through ares.
// |sock_fd| is the socket data needed to reply to the client. Empty
// |sock_fd| means that the request is already handled.
// |probe_state| stores the current probing state including the name server
// used for the query. Upon failure, if |probe_state| is valid, the name
// server should be invalidated.
// This function passed the first successful result or the last result back
// to the client.
// |status| is the ares response status. |msg| is the wire-format response
// of the DNS query given through `Resolve(...)` with the len |len|.
// |msg| and its lifecycle is owned by ares.
void HandleAresResult(base::WeakPtr<SocketFd> sock_fd,
base::WeakPtr<ProbeState> probe_state,
int status,
unsigned char* msg,
size_t len);
// Handle DoH results queried through curl.
// |sock_fd| is the socket data needed to reply to the client. Empty
// |sock_fd| means that the request is already handled.
// |probe_state| stores the current probing state including the DoH provider
// used for the query. Upon failure, if |probe_state| is valid, the DoH
// provider should be invalidated.
// This function passed the first successful result or the last result back
// to the client.
// |http_code| is the HTTP status code of the response. |msg| is the
// wire-format response of the DNS query given through `Resolve(...)` with
// the len |len|. |msg| and its lifecycle is owned by DoHCurlClient.
void HandleCurlResult(base::WeakPtr<SocketFd> sock_fd,
base::WeakPtr<ProbeState> probe_state,
const DoHCurlClient::CurlResult& res,
unsigned char* msg,
size_t len);
// Resolve a domain using CURL or Ares using data from |sock_fd|.
// If |fallback| is true, force to use standard plain-text DNS.
void Resolve(base::WeakPtr<SocketFd> sock_fd, bool fallback = false);
// Handle DoH and Do53 probe result from the DoH provider or name server
// provided inside |probe_state|. |probe_state| also defines the current
// probing state, including if it is already successful. If the probe is
// successful, the provider or name server will be validated.
void HandleDoHProbeResult(base::WeakPtr<ProbeState> probe_state,
const DoHCurlClient::CurlResult& res,
unsigned char* msg,
size_t len);
void HandleDo53ProbeResult(base::WeakPtr<ProbeState> probe_state,
int status,
unsigned char* msg,
size_t len);
// Create a SERVFAIL response from a DNS query |msg| of length |len|.
patchpanel::DnsResponse ConstructServFailResponse(const char* msg, int len);
// Provided for testing only. Enable or disable probing.
void SetProbingEnabled(bool enable_probe);
// |TCPConnection| is used to track and terminate TCP connections.
struct TCPConnection {
TCPConnection(std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Socket> sock,
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(int, int)>& callback);
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Socket> sock;
std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> watcher;
// Callback to handle newly opened connections on TCP sockets.
void OnTCPConnection();
// Handle DNS query from clients. |type| values will be either SOCK_DGRAM
// or SOCK STREAM, for UDP and TCP respectively.
void OnDNSQuery(int fd, int type);
// Send back data taken from CURL or Ares to the client.
void ReplyDNS(base::WeakPtr<SocketFd> sock_fd,
unsigned char* msg,
size_t len);
// Set either name servers or DoH providers |targets| based on the boolean
// type |doh|.
void SetServers(const std::vector<std::string>& targets, bool doh);
// Resolve a domain using CURL or Ares using data from |sock_fd|.
bool ResolveDNS(base::WeakPtr<SocketFd> sock_fd, bool doh);
// Get the active DoH providers / name servers. It will try to return the
// validated DoH providers / name servers unless there are none.
// The behavior is then slightly different for each modes:
// - DoH off: return all name servers.
// - DoH automatic: return empty DoH providers (should behave like DoH off).
// - DoH always on: return all DoH providers.
std::vector<std::string> GetActiveDoHProviders();
std::vector<std::string> GetActiveNameServers();
// Restart probe upon DNS query failure. |probe_state| store the data needed
// for probing, DoH provider or name server.
void RestartProbe(base::WeakPtr<ProbeState> probe_state);
// Start a probe to validate a DoH provider or name server defines inside
// |probe_state|. Weak pointer is used here to cancel remaining probes if it
// is no longer interesting.
void Probe(base::WeakPtr<ProbeState> probe_state);
// Disallow DoH fallback to standard plain-text DNS.
bool always_on_doh_;
// Resolve using DoH if true.
bool doh_enabled_;
// Watch |tcp_src_| for incoming TCP connections.
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Socket> tcp_src_;
std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> tcp_src_watcher_;
// Map of TCP connections keyed by their file descriptor.
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<TCPConnection>> tcp_connections_;
// Watch queries from |udp_src_|.
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Socket> udp_src_;
std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> udp_src_watcher_;
// Name servers and DoH providers validated through probes.
std::vector<std::string> validated_name_servers_;
std::vector<std::string> validated_doh_providers_;
// Name servers and DoH providers of the underlying network alongside its
// probe state.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ProbeState>> name_servers_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ProbeState>> doh_providers_;
// Provided for testing only. Boolean to disable probe.
bool disable_probe_ = false;
// Delay before retrying a failing query.
base::TimeDelta retry_delay_;
// Maximum number of retries before giving up.
int max_num_retries_;
// Metrics must outlive SocketFd as it is called on SocketFd's destructor.
std::unique_ptr<Metrics> metrics_;
// Map of SocketFds keyed by its SocketFd ID.
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<SocketFd>> sock_fds_;
// Ares client to resolve DNS through standard plain-text DNS.
std::unique_ptr<AresClient> ares_client_;
// Curl client to resolve DNS through secure DNS.
std::unique_ptr<DoHCurlClientInterface> curl_client_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<Resolver> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace dns_proxy