blob: 07760303c340836b9f7b1d183894f7bc92898107 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "crash-reporter/crash_collector.h"
namespace kernel_util {
// Enumeration to specify architecture type.
enum ArchKind {
kArchCount, // Number of architectures.
kMaxValue = kArchCount
extern const char kKernelExecName[];
extern const char kHypervisorExecName[];
// Check if this is a hypervisor kernel crash.
bool IsHypervisorCrash(const std::string& kernel_dump);
// Returns the architecture kind for which we are built.
ArchKind GetCompilerArch();
// Compute a stack signature string from a kernel dump.
std::string ComputeKernelStackSignature(const std::string& kernel_dump,
ArchKind arch);
// BIOS crashes use a simple signature containing the crash PC.
std::string BiosCrashSignature(const std::string& dump);
// Compute a signature string from a NoC error.
std::string ComputeNoCErrorSignature(const std::string& dump);
// Watchdog reboots leave no stack trace. Generate a poor man's signature out
// of the last log line instead (minus the timestamp ended by ']').
std::string WatchdogSignature(const std::string& console_ramoops);
// If console_log contains a hypervisor log snippet, copy it to hypervisor_log
// and remove it from console_log, otherwise leave both unchanged. Returns true
// if hypervisor_log was found, false otherwise.
bool ExtractHypervisorLog(std::string& console_ramoops,
std::string& hypervisor_log);
} // namespace kernel_util