blob: 4b71a86f9265e46d2d3bd72a4eb1904e3d4d76e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/crash_reporter_parser.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h>
#include <base/strings/strcat.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library_mock.h>
#include "crash-reporter/anomaly_detector_test_utils.h"
#include "crash-reporter/paths.h"
#include "crash-reporter/test_util.h"
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::IsEmpty;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::anomaly::CrashReport;
using ::anomaly::CrashReporterParser;
using ::anomaly::GetTestLogMessages;
using ::anomaly::ParserRun;
using ::anomaly::ParserTest;
using ::anomaly::ReplaceMsgContent;
using ::test_util::AdvancingClock;
using ::test_util::CreateFile;
namespace {
constexpr char kDefaultProcFileNr[] = "1 2 3";
constexpr char kDefaultProcMeminfo[] =
R"(MemTotal: 196702244 kB
MemFree: 9114216 kB
MemAvailable: 172626840 kB
constexpr char kDefaultMessageLog[] =
R"(Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost systemd[1]: Starting PackageKit Daemon...
Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost dbus-daemon[1531]: [system] Successfully activated
Jul 20 14:55:03 systemd[1]: Started PackageKit Daemon.
constexpr char kOlderChromeLog[] = "Older Chrome Log\n";
constexpr char kNewerChromeLog[] = "Newer Chrome Log\n";
// Writing this out as a string instead building it up so I can see it looks
// like what I expect. As you can see, there are a few extra newlines vs the
// ideal, but it's not worth extra parsing logic in CrashReporterParser to get
// rid of them.
constexpr char kDefaultExpectedText[] =
1 2 3
MemTotal: 196702244 kB
MemFree: 9114216 kB
MemAvailable: 172626840 kB
===tail /var/log/messages===
Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost systemd[1]: Starting PackageKit Daemon...
Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost dbus-daemon[1531]: [system] Successfully activated
Jul 20 14:55:03 systemd[1]: Started PackageKit Daemon.
===tail most recent /var/log/chrome===
Newer Chrome Log
===tail previous /var/log/chrome===
Older Chrome Log
class CrashReporterParserTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Creates a file in our fake "Chrome system logs" directory with the given
// name and contents, and then sets its last modified time to the given
// value.
void CreateAndTouchChromeLog(const base::StringPiece file_name,
const base::StringPiece contents,
const base::Time::Exploded& last_modified_time) {
const base::FilePath chrome_log_path =
EXPECT_TRUE(CreateFile(chrome_log_path, contents));
base::Time time;
EXPECT_TRUE(base::Time::FromUTCExploded(last_modified_time, &time));
EXPECT_TRUE(base::TouchFile(chrome_log_path, time, time));
// Make a parser and set it up. In particular:
// 1. Set it to have an AdvancingClock
// 2. Make it always capture logs.
// 3. Set up the file system with a standard set of fake logs. The directory
// with the logs is in |temp_dir_|. Note that if temp_dir_ already exists,
// the previous temporary directory is erased and a new one created.
std::unique_ptr<CrashReporterParser> MakeParser(
std::unique_ptr<MetricsLibraryMock> metrics) {
temp_dir_ = std::make_unique<base::ScopedTempDir>();
bool made_dir = temp_dir_->CreateUniqueTempDir();
// Can't use ASSERT_TRUE because we are in a helper function.
if (made_dir) {
const base::FilePath& temp_path = temp_dir_->GetPath();
CreateFile(paths::Get(paths::kProcFileNr), kDefaultProcFileNr));
CreateFile(paths::Get(paths::kProcMeminfo), kDefaultProcMeminfo));
CreateFile(paths::Get(paths::kMessageLogPath), kDefaultMessageLog));
// Note that we must update last modified time. Otherwise the two log
// files can be so close in time that the 'latest' is ambiguous.
// (Especially since base::FileEnumerator::GetInfo() rounds down to the
// second -- this shouldn't be a problem in real life, but it's a problem
// in this unit test.)
const base::Time::Exploded older_time = {
.year = 2019,
.month = 7,
.day_of_week = 1,
.day_of_month = 20,
.hour = 15,
.minute = 29,
.second = 15,
.millisecond = 412,
CreateAndTouchChromeLog("chrome_20190720-150000", kOlderChromeLog,
const base::Time::Exploded newer_time = {
.year = 2019,
.month = 7,
.day_of_week = 1,
.day_of_month = 20,
.hour = 16,
.minute = 5,
.second = 22,
.millisecond = 783,
CreateAndTouchChromeLog("chrome_20190720-153000", kNewerChromeLog,
// Amount that the AdvancingClock we pass to CrashReporterParser's
// constructor will advance on each Now() call. Less that the normal 10
// seconds because each match calls Now() once, and the interleaved tests
// want to get 3 matches without going past the timeout.
const base::TimeDelta kClockAdvanceAmount = base::Seconds(1);
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, Init()).Times(1);
auto parser = std::make_unique<CrashReporterParser>(
std::move(metrics), true /* testonly_send_all */);
return parser;
// Add two Chrome log files that will be more recent than the Chrome log files
// added by MakeParser. The contents will be |current_chrome_log| for the
// newest file and |previous_chrome_log| for the next-newest file.
void AddMoreRecentChromeLogFiles(base::StringPiece current_chrome_log,
base::StringPiece previous_chrome_log) {
const base::Time::Exploded previous_time = {
.year = 2019,
.month = 7,
.day_of_week = 1,
.day_of_month = 21,
.hour = 5,
.minute = 23,
.second = 8,
.millisecond = 641,
CreateAndTouchChromeLog("chrome_20190721-022334", previous_chrome_log,
const base::Time::Exploded current_time = {
.year = 2019,
.month = 7,
.day_of_week = 1,
.day_of_month = 21,
.hour = 8,
.minute = 55,
.second = 7,
.millisecond = 643,
CreateAndTouchChromeLog("chrome_20190721-060001", current_chrome_log,
enum ExpectedCrashReports { kExpectNoCrashReport, kExpectOneCrashReport };
// Call enough CrashReporterParser::PeriodicUpdate enough times that
// AdvancingClock advances at least CrashReporterParser::kTimeout.
void RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(
CrashReporterParser* parser,
ExpectedCrashReports expected_crash_reports) {
std::vector<CrashReport> crash_reports;
// Our AdvancingClock advances 1 second per call. The "times 2" is to make
// sure we get well past the timeout.
const int kTimesToRun = 2 * CrashReporterParser::kTimeout.InSeconds();
for (int count = 0; count < kTimesToRun; ++count) {
auto result = parser->PeriodicUpdate();
if (result) {
if (expected_crash_reports == kExpectNoCrashReport) {
EXPECT_THAT(crash_reports, IsEmpty());
} else {
ElementsAre(CrashReport(expected_text_, expected_flags_)));
// Created in MakeParser().
std::unique_ptr<base::ScopedTempDir> temp_dir_;
// If kExpectOneCrashReport, this is the text we expect to see.
std::string expected_text_ = kDefaultExpectedText;
// If kExpectOneCrashReport, these are the flags we expect to see.
// The default value matches the UID in TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt
std::vector<std::string> expected_flags_ = {
"--missed_chrome_crash", "--pid=1570",
"--recent_miss_count=1", // 1 because this event itself was a miss.
"--recent_match_count=0", "--pending_miss_count=0"};
const ParserRun empty{.expected_size = 0};
// Apply to TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt to get a missed call.
const ParserRun missed_call{
.find_this = std::string(
"Received crash notification for chrome[1570] user 1000 (called "
.replace_with = std::string("[user] Received crash notification for "
"btdispatch[2734] sig 6, user 218 "
"group 218"),
.expected_size = 0};
} // namespace
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, MatchedCrashTest) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.CrashesFromKernel"))
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {empty}, parser.get());
// Calling PeriodicUpdate should not send new Cros events to UMA.
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectNoCrashReport);
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, ReverseMatchedCrashTest) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.CrashesFromKernel"))
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH_REVERSED.txt", {empty}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectNoCrashReport);
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, UnmatchedCallFromChromeTest) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA(_)).Times(0);
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
ParserRun no_kernel_call = empty;
no_kernel_call.find_this = std::string(
"Received crash notification for chrome[1570] sig 11, user 1000 group "
"1000 (ignoring call by kernel - chrome crash");
no_kernel_call.replace_with = std::string(
"[user] Received crash notification for btdispatch[2734] sig 6, user 218 "
"group 218");
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {no_kernel_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectNoCrashReport);
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, UnmatchedCallFromKernelTest) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.CrashesFromKernel"))
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.MissedCrashes"))
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, InterleavedMessagesTest) {
auto log_msgs = GetTestLogMessages(
std::sort(log_msgs.begin(), log_msgs.end());
do {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.CrashesFromKernel"))
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
auto crash_reports = ParseLogMessages(parser.get(), log_msgs);
EXPECT_THAT(crash_reports, IsEmpty()) << " for message set:\n"
<< base::JoinString(log_msgs, "\n");
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectNoCrashReport);
} while (std::next_permutation(log_msgs.begin(), log_msgs.end()));
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, InterleavedMismatchedMessagesTest) {
expected_flags_ = {
"--missed_chrome_crash", "--pid=1570",
"--recent_miss_count=1", // 1 because this event itself was a miss.
"--recent_match_count=2", // The other 2 PIDs in the file.
auto log_msgs = GetTestLogMessages(
"Received crash notification for chrome[1570] user 1000 "
"(called directly)",
"Received crash notification for chrome[1571] user 1000 "
"(called directly)");
std::sort(log_msgs.begin(), log_msgs.end());
do {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.CrashesFromKernel"))
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.MissedCrashes"))
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
auto crash_reports = ParseLogMessages(parser.get(), log_msgs);
EXPECT_THAT(crash_reports, IsEmpty()) << " for message set:\n"
<< base::JoinString(log_msgs, "\n");
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
} while (std::next_permutation(log_msgs.begin(), log_msgs.end()));
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, PendingAndRecentMissCount) {
auto log_msgs = GetTestLogMessages(
"Received crash notification for chrome[1570] user 1000 "
"(called directly)",
"Received crash notification for chrome[1571] user 1000 "
"(called directly)");
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.CrashesFromKernel"))
EXPECT_CALL(*metrics, SendCrosEventToUMA("Crash.Chrome.MissedCrashes"))
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
auto crash_reports = ParseLogMessages(parser.get(), log_msgs);
EXPECT_THAT(crash_reports, IsEmpty()) << " for message set:\n"
<< base::JoinString(log_msgs, "\n");
// Run 15 periodic updates to force the clock to advance by 15 seconds.
// 15 seconds is half of CrashReporterParser::kTimeout, so that should be
// enough that the new pending miss won't be handled in the last
// PeriodicUpdate, but not so much that the previous miss will be handled.
for (int i = 0; i < CrashReporterParser::kTimeout.InSeconds() / 2; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(parser->PeriodicUpdate(), std::nullopt);
// Add in one more called-for-kernel so that we have another pending miss.
"[user] Received crash notification for chrome[777] sig 10, "
"user 1000 group 1000 (ignoring call by kernel - chrome crash; "
"waiting for chrome to call us directly)"),
// Run PeriodicUpdate until the report for the miss in the INTERLEAVED file
// comes out. That should be PID 1570.
expected_flags_ = {
"--missed_chrome_crash", "--pid=1570",
"--recent_miss_count=1", // 1 because this event itself was a miss.
"--recent_match_count=2", // The other 2 PIDs in the file.
"--pending_miss_count=1"}; // The pending miss we just added above.
// We're not using RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate here because we want to stop
// as soon as we get a CrashReport returned.
bool got_crash_report = false;
// kMaxTimesToRun is just a safely so we don't loop forever if PeriodicUpdate
// is broken and never returns a CrashReport.
const int kMaxTimesToRun = 2 * CrashReporterParser::kTimeout.InSeconds();
for (int count = 0; !got_crash_report && count < kMaxTimesToRun; ++count) {
auto result = parser->PeriodicUpdate();
if (result) {
got_crash_report = true;
EXPECT_EQ(result, CrashReport(expected_text_, expected_flags_));
// Now that we got the miss from the INTERLEAVED file, we expect the next
// miss CrashReport to be the one we added above in the direct call to
// ParseLogEntry. That should be PID 777.
expected_flags_ = {"--missed_chrome_crash", "--pid=777",
"--recent_miss_count=2", // The one we're returning plus
// the PID 1570 one.
"--recent_match_count=2", // The other 2 PIDs in the file.
got_crash_report = false;
for (int count = 0; !got_crash_report && count < kMaxTimesToRun; ++count) {
auto result = parser->PeriodicUpdate();
if (result) {
got_crash_report = true;
EXPECT_EQ(result, CrashReport(expected_text_, expected_flags_));
// Run the PeriodicUpload long enough to clear the recent counts.
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectNoCrashReport);
// Add in one more pending miss.
"[user] Received crash notification for chrome[772] sig 10, "
"user 1000 group 1000 (ignoring call by kernel - chrome crash; "
"waiting for chrome to call us directly)"),
// We should get a CrashReport for the called-by-kernel line we just added
// with a direct call to ParseLogEntry, but all those others (PID 777 and the
// ones from the INTERLEAVED file) should have been so long ago that they are
// not counted in the recent miss / recent match counts.
expected_flags_ = {"--missed_chrome_crash", "--pid=772",
"--recent_miss_count=1", "--recent_match_count=0",
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
// Test what happens if we try to capture logs but they don't exist. We should
// still get a report telling us that the logs aren't found. The important thing
// is that we still get a report even if the file access gives us errors.
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, CaptureFilesDontExist) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
expected_text_ =
<read failed>
<read failed>
===tail /var/log/messages===
Could not open
===tail most recent /var/log/chrome===
<no chrome log found>
===tail previous /var/log/chrome===
<no chrome-previous log found>)";
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
// Test that if we only have a single Chrome log file, we still report the
// contents of that file.
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, OneChromeLog) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
expected_text_ =
1 2 3
MemTotal: 196702244 kB
MemFree: 9114216 kB
MemAvailable: 172626840 kB
===tail /var/log/messages===
Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost systemd[1]: Starting PackageKit Daemon...
Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost dbus-daemon[1531]: [system] Successfully activated
Jul 20 14:55:03 systemd[1]: Started PackageKit Daemon.
===tail most recent /var/log/chrome===
Newer Chrome Log
===tail previous /var/log/chrome===
<no chrome-previous log found>)";
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
// Test that if we only have a large number of Chrome log files, we report the
// contents of the two most recent. Also confirms that chrome and
// chrome.PREVIOUS symlinks are ignored.
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, ManyChromeLogs) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
const base::Time::Exploded oldest_time = {
.year = 2019,
.month = 7,
.day_of_week = 1,
.day_of_month = 20,
.hour = 17,
.minute = 22,
.second = 23,
.millisecond = 121,
CreateAndTouchChromeLog("chrome_20190720-160300", "Ignore this one\n",
const base::Time::Exploded previous_time = {
.year = 2019,
.month = 7,
.day_of_week = 2,
.day_of_month = 21,
.hour = 3,
.minute = 45,
.second = 1,
.millisecond = 334,
"This is now the previous\n", previous_time);
const base::Time::Exploded most_recent_time = {
.year = 2019,
.month = 7,
.day_of_week = 2,
.day_of_month = 21,
.hour = 7,
.minute = 7,
.second = 7,
.millisecond = 777,
CreateAndTouchChromeLog("chrome_20190721-040506", "This is the current\n",
// Note that both symlinks point to the wrong file, to show that we are not
// reading the symlinks. Since this code is checked in after 2019-07-21,
// the symlinks should be more recent than any of the files, too (I don't
// believe TouchFile works correctly on symlinks; it sets the time of the
// underlying file.)
expected_text_ =
1 2 3
MemTotal: 196702244 kB
MemFree: 9114216 kB
MemAvailable: 172626840 kB
===tail /var/log/messages===
Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost systemd[1]: Starting PackageKit Daemon...
Jul 20 14:55:03 localhost dbus-daemon[1531]: [system] Successfully activated
Jul 20 14:55:03 systemd[1]: Started PackageKit Daemon.
===tail most recent /var/log/chrome===
This is the current
===tail previous /var/log/chrome===
This is now the previous
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
// Test that GetLast50Lines correctly retrieves the last 50 lines from a file.
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, LongLogs) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
// Make /var/log/messages more than 50 lines.
std::string long_message_log;
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
{"This is line ", base::NumberToString(i), "\n"});
EXPECT_EQ(base::WriteFile(paths::Get(paths::kMessageLogPath),, long_message_log.size()),
std::string expected_long_message_log_tail;
for (int i = 4950; i < 5000; i++) {
{"This is line ", base::NumberToString(i), "\n"});
// Make the previous chrome log exactly 50 lines.
std::string long_previous_chrome_log;
for (int i = 0; i < CrashReporterParser::kNumLogLinesCaptured; i++) {
{"Chrome previous line ", base::NumberToString(i), "\n"});
// Make the current chrome log 51 lines, with the 1st newline the first
// character of the file (no read-before-beginning-of-buffer).
std::string long_current_chrome_log = "\n";
std::string expected_current_chrome_log_tail;
for (int i = 0; i < CrashReporterParser::kNumLogLinesCaptured; i++) {
{"Chrome current line ", base::NumberToString(i), "\n"});
{"Chrome current line ", base::NumberToString(i), "\n"});
expected_text_ = base::StrCat({
1 2 3
MemTotal: 196702244 kB
MemFree: 9114216 kB
MemAvailable: 172626840 kB
===tail /var/log/messages===
"\n===tail most recent /var/log/chrome===\n",
"\n===tail previous /var/log/chrome===\n", long_previous_chrome_log});
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
// Test that the "last 50 lines" capture works as expected if there is only a
// single gigantic line in the file.
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, LongLine) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
std::string long_line;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
base::StrAppend(&long_line, {base::NumberToString(i), "|"});
EXPECT_EQ(base::WriteFile(paths::Get(paths::kMessageLogPath),, long_line.size()),
const std::string expected_message_log_tail = long_line.substr(
long_line.length() - CrashReporterParser::kMaxLogBytesRead);
expected_text_ = base::StrCat({
1 2 3
MemTotal: 196702244 kB
MemFree: 9114216 kB
MemAvailable: 172626840 kB
===tail /var/log/messages===
===tail most recent /var/log/chrome===
Newer Chrome Log
===tail previous /var/log/chrome===
Older Chrome Log
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
// Test that the "last 50 lines" capture works as expected if there are \0's in
// a log file.
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, EmbeddedNuls) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
// Make message_log a short log with embedded nuls.
std::string message_log;
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
{base::NumberToString(i), base::StringPiece("\0\n", 2)});
EXPECT_EQ(std::count(message_log.begin(), message_log.end(), '\0'), 25);
EXPECT_EQ(base::WriteFile(paths::Get(paths::kMessageLogPath),, message_log.size()),
// Make the previous chrome log a long log file with embedded nuls.
std::string long_previous_chrome_log;
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
{"Chrome previous line ", base::NumberToString(i),
base::StringPiece("\0\n", 2)});
std::string expected_previous_chrome_log_tail;
for (int i = 450; i < 500; i++) {
{"Chrome previous line ", base::NumberToString(i),
base::StringPiece("\0\n", 2)});
expected_previous_chrome_log_tail.end(), '\0'),
// Make the current chrome log 51 lines with embedded nuls, with the 1st
// newline the first/ character of the file (no
// read-before-beginning-of-buffer).
std::string long_current_chrome_log = "\n";
std::string expected_current_chrome_log_tail;
for (int i = 0; i < CrashReporterParser::kNumLogLinesCaptured; i++) {
{"Chrome current line ", base::NumberToString(i),
base::StringPiece("\0\n", 2)});
{"Chrome current line ", base::NumberToString(i),
base::StringPiece("\0\n", 2)});
expected_current_chrome_log_tail.end(), '\0'),
// Create a meminfo with embedded nuls too.
std::string meminfo("Mem\05", 5);
expected_text_ = base::StrCat({
1 2 3
meminfo, R"(
===tail /var/log/messages===
message_log, R"(
===tail most recent /var/log/chrome===
expected_current_chrome_log_tail, R"(
===tail previous /var/log/chrome===
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);
// Prove that logs are captured when we see the miss, not when PeriodicUpdate
// runs.
TEST_F(CrashReporterParserTest, LogsAreCapturedAtMissTime) {
auto metrics = std::make_unique<MetricsLibraryMock>();
auto parser = MakeParser(std::move(metrics));
ParserTest("TEST_CHROME_CRASH_MATCH.txt", {missed_call}, parser.get());
EXPECT_TRUE(base::AppendToFile(paths::Get(paths::kProcFileNr), "more"));
EXPECT_TRUE(base::AppendToFile(paths::Get(paths::kProcMeminfo), "more"));
RunCrashReporterPeriodicUpdate(parser.get(), kExpectOneCrashReport);