blob: a7b0996ccf4e9d0ae93a2bd35ca1dc2defb1f691 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/chrome_collector.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/barrier_closure.h>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/run_loop.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <brillo/data_encoding.h>
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
#include <brillo/syslog_logging.h>
#include <brillo/variant_dictionary.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "crash-reporter/constants.h"
#include "crash-reporter/util.h"
using base::FilePath;
namespace {
constexpr char kDefaultMinidumpName[] = "upload_file_minidump";
constexpr char kDefaultJavaScriptStackName[] = "upload_file_js_stack";
// Filenames for logs attached to crash reports. Also used as metadata keys.
constexpr char kChromeLogFilename[] = "chrome.txt";
constexpr char kGpuStateFilename[] = "i915_error_state.log.xz";
constexpr char kDmesgOutputFilename[] = "dmesg.txt";
// Filename for the pid of the browser process if it was aborted due to a
// browser hang. Written by session_manager.
constexpr char kAbortedBrowserPidPath[] = "/run/chrome/aborted_browser_pid";
// Filename for the pid of the browser process if it was aborted due to a
// slow shutdown. Written by session_manager.
const char kShutdownBrowserPidPath[] = "/run/chrome/shutdown_browser_pid";
// Whenever we have an executable crash, we use this key for the logging config
// file. See HandleCrashWithDumpData for explanation.
constexpr char kExecLogKeyName[] = "chrome";
// When the executable is a lacros-chrome instance, use this key instead.
constexpr char kLacrosChromeLogKeyName[] = "lacros_chrome";
// Extract a string delimited by the given character, from the given offset
// into a source string. Returns false if the string is zero-sized or no
// delimiter was found.
bool GetDelimitedString(const std::string& str,
char ch,
size_t offset,
std::string* substr) {
size_t at = str.find_first_of(ch, offset);
if (at == std::string::npos || at == offset || at == str.length() - 1)
return false;
*substr = str.substr(offset, at - offset);
return true;
} // namespace
ChromeCollector::ChromeCollector(CrashSendingMode crash_sending_mode)
: CrashCollector("chrome",
max_upload_bytes_(util::kDefaultMaxUploadBytes) {}
ChromeCollector::~ChromeCollector() {}
bool ChromeCollector::HandleCrashWithDumpData(
const std::string& data,
pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string& executable_name,
const std::string& non_exe_error_key,
const std::string& dump_dir) {
// Perform basic input validation.
CHECK(pid >= (pid_t)0) << "--pid= must be set";
CHECK(uid >= (uid_t)0) << "--uid= must be set";
CHECK_NE(executable_name.empty(), non_exe_error_key.empty())
<< "Exactly one of --exe= and --error_key= must be set";
CHECK(dump_dir.empty() || util::IsTestImage())
<< "--chrome_dump_dir is only for tests";
const CrashType crash_type =
executable_name.empty() ? kJavaScriptError : kExecutableCrash;
const std::string& key_for_basename =
(crash_type == kExecutableCrash) ? executable_name : non_exe_error_key;
// anomaly_detector's CrashReporterParser looks for this message; don't change
// it without updating the regex.
LOG(WARNING) << "Received crash notification for " << key_for_basename << "["
<< pid << "] user " << uid << " (called directly)";
if (key_for_basename.find('/') != std::string::npos) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--exe or --error_key contains illegal characters: "
<< key_for_basename;
return false;
FilePath dir;
if (!dump_dir.empty()) {
dir = FilePath(dump_dir);
} else if (!GetCreatedCrashDirectoryByEuid(uid, &dir, nullptr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't create crash directory for uid " << uid;
return false;
std::string dump_basename =
FormatDumpBasename(key_for_basename, time(nullptr), pid);
bool is_lacros_crash = false;
FilePath meta_path = GetCrashPath(dir, dump_basename, "meta");
FilePath payload_path;
if (!ParseCrashLog(data, dir, dump_basename, crash_type, &payload_path,
&is_lacros_crash)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse Chrome's crash log";
return false;
if (payload_path.empty()) {
if (crash_type == kJavaScriptError) {
// This is expected. Some classes of JavaScript errors don't have a stack
// (specifically unhandled promise rejections). Since crash_sender will
// not send without a payload, make a "No stack" payload.
if (!CreateNoStackJSPayload(dir, dump_basename, &payload_path)) {
return false;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Did not get a payload";
return false;
// Keyed by crash metadata key name.
// For Chrome crashes, we need to know if we're in lacros, as the paths used
// for logs are different (/home/chronos/user/lacros/lacros.log).
// For non-lacros crashes, we always use the logging key "chrome".
// We may get names like "unknown" if the process disappeared before Breakpad
// Crashpad could retrieve the executable name. It's probably chrome, so get
// the normal chrome logs.
// Non-lacros JavaScript crashes with their non-exe error keys have different
// logs. For example, there's no point in getting session_manager logs for a
// JavaScript crash.
std::string key_for_logs;
if (is_lacros_crash) {
key_for_logs = std::string(kLacrosChromeLogKeyName);
} else if (crash_type == kExecutableCrash) {
key_for_logs = std::string(kExecLogKeyName);
} else {
key_for_logs = non_exe_error_key;
const std::map<std::string, base::FilePath> additional_logs =
GetAdditionalLogs(dir, dump_basename, key_for_logs, crash_type);
for (const auto& it : additional_logs) {
VLOG(1) << "Adding metadata: " << it.first << " -> " << it.second.value();
// Call AddCrashMetaUploadFile() rather than AddCrashMetaData() here. The
// former adds a prefix to the key name; without the prefix, only the key
// "logs" appears to be displayed on the crash server.
AddCrashMetaUploadFile(it.first, it.second.BaseName().value());
base::FilePath aborted_path(kAbortedBrowserPidPath);
std::string pid_data;
if (base::ReadFileToString(aborted_path, &pid_data)) {
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(pid_data, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &pid_data);
if (pid_data == base::NumberToString(pid)) {
AddCrashMetaUploadData("browser_hang", "true");
base::FilePath shutdown_path(kShutdownBrowserPidPath);
if (base::ReadFileToString(shutdown_path, &pid_data)) {
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(pid_data, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &pid_data);
if (pid_data == base::NumberToString(pid)) {
AddCrashMetaUploadData("browser_shutdown_hang", "true");
// We're done. Note that if we got --error_key, we don't upload an exec_name
// field to the server.
FinishCrash(meta_path, executable_name, payload_path.BaseName().value());
// In production |output_file_ptr_| must be stdout because chrome expects to
// read the magic string there.
fprintf(output_file_ptr_, "%s", kSuccessMagic);
return true;
bool ChromeCollector::CreateNoStackJSPayload(const base::FilePath& dir,
const std::string& dump_basename,
base::FilePath* payload_path) {
*payload_path =
GetCrashPath(dir, dump_basename, constants::kJavaScriptStackExtension);
constexpr char kNoStackPayload[] = "No Stack\n";
if (WriteNewFile(*payload_path, kNoStackPayload) != strlen(kNoStackPayload)) {
// Can't send a crash report without a payload, so just fail.
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write lack-of-js-stack message to "
<< payload_path->value();
return false;
return true;
bool ChromeCollector::HandleCrash(const FilePath& dump_file_path,
pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string& exe_name) {
std::string data;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(dump_file_path), &data)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Can't read crash log: " << dump_file_path.value();
return false;
return HandleCrashWithDumpData(data, pid, uid, exe_name,
"" /*non_exe_error_key*/, "" /* dump_dir */);
bool ChromeCollector::HandleCrashThroughMemfd(
int memfd,
pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string& executable_name,
const std::string& non_exe_error_key,
const std::string& dump_dir) {
std::string data;
if (!util::ReadMemfdToString(memfd, &data)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Can't read crash log from memfd: " << memfd;
return false;
return HandleCrashWithDumpData(data, pid, uid, executable_name,
non_exe_error_key, dump_dir);
bool ChromeCollector::ParseCrashLog(const std::string& data,
const base::FilePath& dir,
const std::string& basename,
CrashType crash_type,
base::FilePath* payload,
bool* is_lacros_crash) {
// Initialize value
*is_lacros_crash = false;
size_t at = 0;
while (at < data.size()) {
// Look for a : followed by a decimal number, followed by another :
// followed by N bytes of data.
std::string name, size_string;
if (!GetDelimitedString(data, ':', at, &name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't find : after name @ offset " << at;
at += name.size() + 1; // Skip the name & : delimiter.
if (!GetDelimitedString(data, ':', at, &size_string)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't find : after size @ offset " << at;
at += size_string.size() + 1; // Skip the size & : delimiter.
size_t size;
if (!base::StringToSizeT(size_string, &size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "String not convertible to integer: " << size_string;
// Avoid overflow errors that would allow size to be very large but still
// pass the at + size > data.size() check below.
if (size >= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - at) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Bad size " << size << "; too large";
// Data would run past the end, did we get a truncated file?
if (at + size > data.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Overrun, expected " << size << " bytes of data, got "
<< (data.size() - at);
if (name.find("filename") != std::string::npos) {
// File.
// Name will be in a semi-MIME format of
// <descriptive name>"; filename="<name>"
// Descriptive name will be upload_file_minidump for minidumps or
// upload_file_js_stack for JavaScript stack traces.
std::string desc, filename;
RE2 re("(.*)\" *; *filename=\"(.*)\"");
if (!RE2::FullMatch(name.c_str(), re, &desc, &filename)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Filename was not in expected format: " << name;
if ( == 0) {
// The minidump.
if (crash_type != kExecutableCrash) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Only expect minidumps for executable crashes";
return false;
if (!payload->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot have multiple payload sections; got minidump "
"but already wrote "
<< payload->value();
return false;
*payload = GetCrashPath(dir, basename, constants::kMinidumpExtension);
if (WriteNewFile(*payload,
base::StringPiece(data.c_str() + at, size)) != size) {
// Can't send a crash report without a payload, so just fail.
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write minidump to " << payload->value();
return false;
} else if ( == 0) {
// A JavaScript stack trace, from a JavaScript exception
if (crash_type != kJavaScriptError) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Only expect JS stacks for JavaScript errors";
return false;
if (!payload->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot have multiple payload sections; got JS stack "
"but already wrote "
<< payload->value();
return false;
*payload =
GetCrashPath(dir, basename, constants::kJavaScriptStackExtension);
if (WriteNewFile(*payload,
base::StringPiece(data.c_str() + at, size)) != size) {
// Can't send a crash report without a payload, so just fail.
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write js stack to " << payload->value();
return false;
} else {
// Some other file.
FilePath path =
GetCrashPath(dir, basename + "-" + Sanitize(filename), "other");
if (WriteNewFile(path, base::StringPiece(data.c_str() + at, size)) >=
0) {
AddCrashMetaUploadFile(desc, path.BaseName().value());
// else keep going and upload what we have.
} else {
// Other attribute.
std::string value_str;
// Since metadata is one line/value the values must be escaped properly.
for (size_t i = at; i < at + size; i++) {
switch (data[i]) {
case '"':
case '\\':
case '\r':
value_str += "\\r";
case '\n':
value_str += "\\n";
case '\t':
value_str += "\\t";
case '\0':
value_str += "\\0";
AddCrashMetaUploadData(name, value_str);
if (name == constants::kUploadDataKeyProductKey &&
value_str == constants::kProductNameChromeLacros) {
*is_lacros_crash = true;
at += size;
return at == data.size();
void ChromeCollector::AddLogIfNotTooBig(
const char* log_map_key,
const base::FilePath& complete_file_name,
std::map<std::string, base::FilePath>* logs) {
if (get_bytes_written() <= max_upload_bytes_) {
(*logs)[log_map_key] = complete_file_name.BaseName();
} else {
// Logs were really big, don't upload them.
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping upload of " << complete_file_name.value()
<< " because report size would exceed limit ("
<< max_upload_bytes_ << "B)";
// And free up resources to avoid leaving orphaned file around.
if (!RemoveNewFile(complete_file_name)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not remove " << complete_file_name.value();
std::map<std::string, base::FilePath> ChromeCollector::GetAdditionalLogs(
const FilePath& dir,
const std::string& basename,
const std::string& key_for_logs,
CrashType crash_type) {
std::map<std::string, base::FilePath> logs;
if (get_bytes_written() > max_upload_bytes_) {
// Minidump is already too big, no point in processing logs or querying
// debugd.
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping upload of supplemental logs because report size "
<< "already exceeds limit (" << max_upload_bytes_ << "B)";
return logs;
// Run the command specified by the config file to gather logs.
const FilePath chrome_log_path =
GetCrashPath(dir, basename, kChromeLogFilename).AddExtension("gz");
if (GetLogContents(log_config_path_, key_for_logs, chrome_log_path)) {
AddLogIfNotTooBig(kChromeLogFilename, chrome_log_path, &logs);
// For executable crashes, also attach:
// * Info about the GPU state.
// * dmesg output. If Chrome is hanging, session_manager's
// LivenessCheckerImpl::RequestKernelTraces will dump a bunch of info into
// the dmesg output about what, specifically, is stuck. Note: we can't do
// this from crash_reporter_logs.conf because we were spawned from Chrome
// and thus are not root.
// For JavaScript errors, the GPU state is likely too low-level to matter and
// the program isn't hung, so neither of these would be helpful.
if (crash_type == kExecutableCrash) {
// For unit testing, debugd_proxy_ isn't initialized, so skip attempting to
// get the GPU error state & dmesg output from debugd.
if (debugd_proxy_) {
// Chrome has a 12 second timeout for crash_reporter to execute when it
// invokes it, so use a 5 second timeout here on both our D-Bus calls.
constexpr int kDebugdCallTimeoutMsec = 5000;
const FilePath dri_error_state_path =
GetCrashPath(dir, basename, kGpuStateFilename);
const FilePath dmesg_out_path =
GetCrashPath(dir, basename, kDmesgOutputFilename).AddExtension("gz");
// Since we may be on a tight timeline, call both debugd RPCs in parallel.
// This saves us a little time; not as much time as you might think
// because debugd will not run tasks in parallel, but still some. More
// importantly, it allows us to use a single timeout for both dbus
// calls -- the dmesg and the DriError will both timeout when 5 seconds
// pass.
base::RunLoop run_loop;
constexpr int kNumAsyncDbusCalls = 2;
auto one_dbus_complete_closure =
base::BarrierClosure(kNumAsyncDbusCalls, run_loop.QuitClosure());
// We can base::Unretained() the various pointers since all the callbacks
// will happen in the RunLoop::Run before this function exits.
base::Unretained(this), dri_error_state_path,
base::Unretained(&logs), one_dbus_complete_closure),
// Maximum lines to record from dmesg. sysrq-w regularly produces over
// 500 lines of output, so we set this pretty high.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxDmesgLines = 1500;
const brillo::VariantDictionary dmesg_options = {
{"tail", kMaxDmesgLines}};
base::BindOnce(&ChromeCollector::HandleDmesg, base::Unretained(this),
dmesg_out_path, base::Unretained(&logs),
return logs;
void ChromeCollector::HandleDriErrorState(
base::FilePath dri_error_state_path,
std::map<std::string, base::FilePath>* logs,
base::RepeatingClosure completion_closure,
const std::string& dri_error_state_str) {
if (ProcessDriErrorState(dri_error_state_str, dri_error_state_path)) {
AddLogIfNotTooBig(kGpuStateFilename, dri_error_state_path, logs);
bool ChromeCollector::ProcessDriErrorState(
const std::string& dri_error_state_str,
const base::FilePath& error_state_path) {
if (dri_error_state_str == "<empty>")
return false;
const char kBase64Header[] = "<base64>: ";
const size_t kBase64HeaderLength = sizeof(kBase64Header) - 1;
if (, kBase64HeaderLength, kBase64Header)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "i915_error_state is missing base64 header";
return false;
std::string decoded_error_state;
if (!brillo::data_encoding::Base64Decode(
dri_error_state_str.c_str() + kBase64HeaderLength,
&decoded_error_state)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not decode i915_error_state";
return false;
// We must use WriteNewFile instead of base::WriteFile as we
// do not want to write with root access to a symlink that an attacker
// might have created.
int written = WriteNewFile(error_state_path, decoded_error_state);
if (written < 0 ||
static_cast<size_t>(written) != decoded_error_state.length()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not write file " << error_state_path.value()
<< " Written: " << written
<< " Len: " << decoded_error_state.length();
return false;
return true;
// static
void ChromeCollector::HandleDriErrorStateError(
base::RepeatingClosure completion_closure, brillo::Error* error) {
if (error == nullptr) {
<< "Error retrieving DriErrorState from debugd: Call did not return";
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error retrieving DriErrorState from debugd: "
<< error->GetMessage();
void ChromeCollector::HandleDmesg(base::FilePath dmseg_path,
std::map<std::string, base::FilePath>* logs,
base::RepeatingClosure completion_closure,
const std::string& dmesg_out) {
if (ProcessDmesgOutput(dmesg_out, dmseg_path)) {
AddLogIfNotTooBig(kDmesgOutputFilename, dmseg_path, logs);
bool ChromeCollector::ProcessDmesgOutput(std::string dmesg_out,
const base::FilePath& dmseg_path) {
if (dmesg_out.empty()) {
return false;
if (!WriteNewCompressedFile(dmseg_path,, dmesg_out.size())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not write file " << dmseg_path.value();
return false;
return true;
// static
void ChromeCollector::HandleDmesgError(
base::RepeatingClosure completion_closure, brillo::Error* error) {
if (error == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error retrieving dmesg from debugd: Call did not return";
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error retrieving dmesg from debugd: " << error->GetMessage();
// static
CollectorInfo ChromeCollector::GetHandlerInfo(
CrashSendingMode mode,
const std::string& dump_file_path,
int memfd,
pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string& executable_name,
const std::string& non_exe_error_key,
const std::string& chrome_dump_dir) {
CHECK(dump_file_path.empty() || memfd == -1)
<< "--chrome= and --chrome_memfd= cannot be both set";
if (memfd == -1) {
<< "--error_key is only for --chrome_memfd crashes";
auto chrome_collector = std::make_shared<ChromeCollector>(mode);
return {
.collector = chrome_collector,
.handlers = {{
.should_handle = !dump_file_path.empty(),
.cb = base::BindRepeating(
&ChromeCollector::HandleCrash, chrome_collector,
FilePath(dump_file_path), pid, uid, executable_name),
.should_handle = memfd >= 0,
.cb = base::BindRepeating(
chrome_collector, memfd, pid, uid, executable_name,
non_exe_error_key, chrome_dump_dir),
// See chrome's src/components/crash/content/app/
// static
const char ChromeCollector::kSuccessMagic[] = "_sys_cr_finished";