blob: 22a8529045e72f126dcda3e19ed0c4dab372f454 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "bindings/effects_pipeline_bindings.h"
namespace cros {
// This is used to receive a callback from the EffectsPipeline when an
// ImageFrame result is available.
class BRILLO_EXPORT ProcessedFrameObserver {
virtual ~ProcessedFrameObserver() = default;
virtual void OnFrameProcessed(int64_t timestamp,
const uint8_t* frame_data,
uint32_t frame_width,
uint32_t frame_height,
uint32_t stride) = 0;
// Wrapper around the Effects Pipeline C bindings that are imported
// from the
class BRILLO_EXPORT EffectsPipeline {
virtual ~EffectsPipeline();
// Create an instance of the Pipeline.
static std::unique_ptr<EffectsPipeline> Create();
// Queue an input frame (ImageFormat::SRGB / RG24 / RGB888) for processing.
virtual bool ProcessFrame(int64_t timestamp,
const uint8_t* frame_data,
uint32_t frame_width,
uint32_t frame_height,
uint32_t stride) = 0;
// Wait until all the queued frames are processed.
virtual bool Wait() = 0;
// Sets an observer for receiving the final rendered image. Must be called
// before ProcessFrame. Takes ownership of the observer.
virtual bool SetRenderedImageObserver(
std::unique_ptr<ProcessedFrameObserver> observer) = 0;
} // namespace cros