blob: c9d5f7025419919f7cb7874ce6f72b7be372ba84 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <libsmbclient.h>
namespace smbprovider {
// Interface for interacting with Samba. The actual implementation calls smbc_*
// methods 1:1, while the fake implementation deals with fake directories and
// fake entries. All paths that are passed to the methods in this interface are
// smb:// urls. The methods will return errno on failure.
class SambaInterface {
using SambaInterfaceId = uintptr_t;
SambaInterface() = default;
SambaInterface(const SambaInterface&) = delete;
SambaInterface& operator=(const SambaInterface&) = delete;
virtual ~SambaInterface() = default;
// Opens a file at a given |file_path|.
// |file_id| is the file id of the opened file. This will be -1 on failure.
// Flags should be either O_RDONLY or O_RDWR.
// Returns 0 on success, and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t OpenFile(const std::string& file_path,
int32_t flags,
int32_t* file_id) = 0;
// Closes file from a given |file_id|, which is from OpenFile().
// Returns 0 on success, and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t CloseFile(int32_t file_id) = 0;
// Opens directory in a given |directory_path|.
// |dir_id| is the directory id of the opened directory. This will be
// -1 on failure.
// Returns 0 on success, and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t OpenDirectory(const std::string& directory_path,
int32_t* dir_id) = 0;
// Closes directory from a given |dir_id|, which is from OpenDirectory().
// Returns 0 on success, and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t CloseDirectory(int32_t dir_id) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t GetDirectoryEntry(
int32_t dir_id, const struct smbc_dirent** dirent) = 0;
// Gets the next directory entry with all metadata attached for |dir_id|.
// |file_info| will be nullptr on failure or to indicate that there are
// no more entries.
// When there are no more entries the return value will be 0 and on failure
// it will be errno.
// |dir_id| is the directory_id from OpenDirectory().
// |file_info| is assigned a const pointer to info about the file. It is
// invalidated on the next operation on the directory handle.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t GetDirectoryEntryWithMetadata(
int32_t dir_id, const struct libsmb_file_info** file_info) = 0;
// Gets information about a file or directory.
// Returns 0 on success, and errno on failure.
// |full_path| is the smb url to get information for.
// |stat| is the pointer to a buffer that will be filled with standard Unix
// struct stat information.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t GetEntryStatus(const std::string& full_path,
struct stat* stat) = 0;
// Reads the contents of the file corresponding to the file handle |file_id|.
// Returns 0 on success, and errno on failure.
// |buffer| is the pointer to a buffer that will receive the file contents.
// |buffer_size| is the size of |buffer| in bytes.
// |bytes_read| is the number of bytes read, this will undefined on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t ReadFile(int32_t file_id,
uint8_t* buffer,
size_t buffer_size,
size_t* bytes_read) = 0;
// Seeks to a specific location in a file with the file handle |file_id|.
// |offset| is where the file is seeked to from the beginning of the file.
// Returns 0 on success and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t Seek(int32_t file_id, int64_t offset) = 0;
// Unlinks (deletes) a file with the smb url |file_path|.
// Returns 0 on success and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t Unlink(const std::string& file_path) = 0;
// Removes the directory with the smb url |dir_path|.
// Directory must be empty.
// Returns 0 on success and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t RemoveDirectory(
const std::string& dir_path) = 0;
// Creates a file in a given |file_path|. |file_id| will be the file handle of
// the created file and will be -1 on failure. The file that is created will
// have 755 as permissions and will be opened as write only. If a file with
// the same path exists, this will return an error. Returns 0 on success and
// errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t CreateFile(const std::string& file_path,
int32_t* file_id) = 0;
// Truncates a file corresponding to the file handle |file_id| to the
// specified |size|. If the file was previously larger than |size|, the extra
// data is lost. If the file was shorter, it is extended and the extended part
// reads as null bytes. The file offset is not changed. Returns 0 on success
// and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t Truncate(int32_t file_id, size_t size) = 0;
// Writes the contents of |buffer| into the file with |file_id|. |buffer_size|
// is the size of the data being written. Returns 0 on success and errno on
// failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t WriteFile(int32_t file_id,
const uint8_t* buffer,
size_t buffer_size) = 0;
// Creates the directory at |directory_path|. The directory that is created
// will have 755 as permissions. If a directory with the same path exists,
// this will return an error. If the parent directory of the directory doesn't
// exist, this will return an error. Returns 0 on success and errno on
// failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t CreateDirectory(
const std::string& directory_path) = 0;
// Moves the entry at |souce_path| to |target_path|. If there is already an
// entry at |target_path|, this will return an error. The parent directory of
// the destination must exist. Returns 0 on success and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t MoveEntry(const std::string& source_path,
const std::string& target_path) = 0;
// Copies a file from |source_path| to |target_path| using a server side
// copy. If there is already an entry at |target_path|, this will return an
// error. The parent directory of the destination must exist. Returns 0 on
// success and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t CopyFile(const std::string& source_path,
const std::string& target_path) = 0;
// Splices |length| bytes from |source| to |target| using a server side
// splice. Returns 0 on success and errno on failure.
[[nodiscard]] virtual int32_t SpliceFile(int32_t source_fd,
int32_t target_fd,
off_t length,
off_t* bytes_written) = 0;
// Returns the SambaInterfaceId of this interface.
virtual SambaInterfaceId GetSambaInterfaceId() = 0;
// Weak pointer type.
using WeakPtr = ::base::WeakPtr<SambaInterface>;
// Gets a weak pointer to this object.
virtual WeakPtr AsWeakPtr() = 0;
static_assert(std::is_same<int, int32_t>::value,
"Ensure that int32_t is same as int, due to casting of int to "
"int32_t in samba interface");
} // namespace smbprovider