blob: 9be6ef69f8f574212cf209ed375da7442da7bdf7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/json/json_reader.h>
#include <fuzzer/FuzzedDataProvider.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "runtime_probe/probe_function.h"
#include "runtime_probe/probe_statement.h"
#include "runtime_probe/runtime_probe_fuzzer_helper.h"
#define rand_str(a) fuzz_data->ConsumeRandomLengthString((a))
#define rand_int() std::to_string(fuzz_data->ConsumeIntegral<int>())
using std::string;
namespace runtime_probe {
struct Environment {
Environment() {
logging::SetMinLogLevel(logging::LOGGING_FATAL); // Disable logging.
inline string GetSysfsDictionary(FuzzedDataProvider* fuzz_data) {
return R"({
"sysfs": {
"dir_path": ")" +
JsonSafe(rand_str(30)) + R"(",
"keys": [")" +
JsonSafe(rand_str(30)) + R"("]
inline string GetShellDictionary(FuzzedDataProvider* fuzz_data) {
return R"({
"shell": {
"command": ")" +
JsonSafe(rand_str(30)) + R"(",
"key": ")" +
JsonSafe(rand_str(30)) + R"("
inline string GetEctoolDictionary(FuzzedDataProvider* fuzz_data) {
return R"({
"ectool_i2cread": {
"size": )" +
rand_int() + R"(,
"port": )" +
rand_int() + R"(,
"addr": )" +
rand_int() + R"(,
"offset": )" +
rand_int() + R"(,
"key": ")" +
JsonSafe(rand_str(30)) + R"("
inline string GetVPDCachedDictionary(FuzzedDataProvider* fuzz_data) {
return R"({
"vpd_cached": {
"vpd_name": ")" +
JsonSafe(rand_str(30)) + R"("
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
static Environment env;
FuzzedDataProvider fuzz_data(data, size);
int op = fuzz_data.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int8_t>(0, 3);
string eval_str;
switch (op) {
case 0:
eval_str = R"({
"eval":)" +
GetSysfsDictionary(&fuzz_data) + R"(
case 1:
eval_str = R"({
"eval":)" +
GetShellDictionary(&fuzz_data) + R"(
case 2:
eval_str = GetEctoolDictionary(&fuzz_data);
case 3:
eval_str = GetVPDCachedDictionary(&fuzz_data);
return 0;
auto eval = base::JSONReader::Read(eval_str);
if (!eval.has_value())
return 0;
if (op == 0 || op == 1) { // Fuzz Eval
auto probe_statement = ProbeStatement::FromValue("nop", *eval);
if (probe_statement != nullptr)
auto results = probe_statement->Eval();
} else { // Fuzz EvalInHelper
auto probe_function = runtime_probe::ProbeFunction::FromValue(*eval);
if (probe_function != nullptr) {
string output;
return 0;
} // namespace runtime_probe