blob: 7a75947e814fe161f2ae7400607583c0356325f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::os::raw::c_uint;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::Result;
use dbus::ffidisp::{Connection, WatchEvent};
use dbus_tree::{MTFn, MethodErr, MethodResult};
use sys_util::{error, warn, PollContext, PollToken, TimerFd, WatchingEvents};
use crate::common;
use crate::memory;
use crate::power;
const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "org.chromium.ResourceManager";
const PATH_NAME: &str = "/org/chromium/ResourceManager";
// Context data for the D-Bus service.
struct DbusContext {
reset_game_mode_timer: Rc<TimerFd>,
reset_fullscreen_video_timer: Rc<TimerFd>,
// The basic implementation of the Debug trait.
// The associated data requires a debug bound, due to
impl fmt::Debug for DbusContext {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
struct DbusTreeContext {
// We use `dyn` because using a templated type forces the generic parameter
// to be declared on all the dbus methods.
power_preferences_manager: Rc<dyn power::PowerPreferencesManager>,
impl fmt::Debug for DbusTreeContext {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// Defines the custom data types for the D-Bus service.
struct CustomData;
impl dbus_tree::DataType for CustomData {
type Tree = DbusTreeContext;
type ObjectPath = DbusContext;
type Interface = ();
type Property = ();
type Method = ();
type Signal = ();
type Factory = dbus_tree::Factory<MTFn<CustomData>, CustomData>;
type MethodInfo<'a> = dbus_tree::MethodInfo<'a, MTFn<CustomData>, CustomData>;
type Signal = dbus_tree::Signal<CustomData>;
fn get_available_memory_kb(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
match memory::get_background_available_memory_kb() {
// One message will be returned - the method return (and should always be there).
Ok(available) => Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return().append1(available)]),
Err(_) => Err(MethodErr::failed("Couldn't get available memory")),
fn get_foreground_available_memory_kb(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
match memory::get_foreground_available_memory_kb() {
Ok(available) => Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return().append1(available)]),
Err(_) => Err(MethodErr::failed(
"Couldn't get foreground available memory",
fn get_memory_margins_kb(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
let margins = memory::get_memory_margins_kb();
Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return().append2(margins.0, margins.1)])
fn get_component_memory_margins_kb(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
let margins = memory::get_component_margins_kb();
let mut result = HashMap::new();
result.insert("ChromeCritical", margins.chrome_critical);
result.insert("ChromeModerate", margins.chrome_moderate);
result.insert("ArcvmForeground", margins.arcvm_foreground);
result.insert("ArcvmPerceptible", margins.arcvm_perceptible);
result.insert("ArcvmCached", margins.arcvm_cached);
fn set_memory_margins_bps(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
let (bps_critical_raw, bps_moderate_raw): (u32, u32) = m.msg.read2()?;
match memory::set_memory_margins_bps(bps_critical_raw, bps_moderate_raw) {
Ok(()) => get_memory_margins_kb(m),
Err(_) => Err(MethodErr::failed("Failed to set memory thresholds")),
fn get_game_mode(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
match common::get_game_mode() {
Ok(game_mode) => Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return().append1(game_mode as u8)]),
Err(_) => Err(MethodErr::failed("Failed to get game mode")),
fn set_game_mode(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
let mode_raw = m.msg.read1::<u8>()?;
let mode = common::GameMode::try_from(mode_raw)
.map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Unsupported game mode value"))?;
let context = m.tree.get_data();
common::set_game_mode(&*context.power_preferences_manager, mode).map_err(|e| {
error!("{:#}", e);
MethodErr::failed("Failed to set game mode")
let timer = &m.path.get_data().reset_game_mode_timer;
.map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Failed to clear the game mode restore timer"))?;
fn set_game_mode_with_timeout(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
let old_game_mode =
common::get_game_mode().map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Failed to get game mode"))?;
let (mode_raw, timeout_raw): (u8, u32) = m.msg.read2()?;
let mode = common::GameMode::try_from(mode_raw)
.map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Unsupported game mode value"))?;
let timeout = Duration::from_secs(timeout_raw.into());
let context = m.tree.get_data();
common::set_game_mode(&*context.power_preferences_manager, mode).map_err(|e| {
error!("{:#}", e);
MethodErr::failed("Failed to set game mode")
let timer = &m.path.get_data().reset_game_mode_timer;
.reset(timeout, None)
.map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Failed to set the game mode restore timer"))?;
Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return().append1(old_game_mode as u8)])
fn get_rtc_audio_active(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
match common::get_rtc_audio_active() {
Ok(active) => Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return().append1(active as u8)]),
Err(_) => Err(MethodErr::failed("Failed to get RTC audio activity")),
fn set_rtc_audio_active(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
let active_raw = m.msg.read1::<u8>()?;
let active = common::RTCAudioActive::try_from(active_raw)
.map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Unsupported RTC audio active value"))?;
let context = m.tree.get_data();
match common::set_rtc_audio_active(&*context.power_preferences_manager, active) {
Ok(()) => Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return()]),
Err(e) => {
error!("{:#}", e);
Err(MethodErr::failed("Failed to set RTC audio activity"))
fn get_fullscreen_video(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
match common::get_fullscreen_video() {
Ok(mode) => Ok(vec![m.msg.method_return().append1(mode as u8)]),
Err(_) => Err(MethodErr::failed("Failed to get fullscreen video activity")),
fn set_fullscreen_video_with_timeout(m: &MethodInfo) -> MethodResult {
let (mode_raw, timeout_raw): (u8, u32) = m.msg.read2()?;
let mode = common::FullscreenVideo::try_from(mode_raw)
.map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Unsupported fullscreen video value"))?;
let timeout = Duration::from_secs(timeout_raw.into());
let context = m.tree.get_data();
common::set_fullscreen_video(&*context.power_preferences_manager, mode).map_err(|e| {
error!("{:#}", e);
MethodErr::failed("Failed to set full screen video mode")
let timer = &m.path.get_data().reset_fullscreen_video_timer;
.reset(timeout, None)
.map_err(|_| MethodErr::failed("Failed to set the fullscreen video restore timer"))?;
fn create_pressure_chrome_signal(f: &Factory) -> Signal {
f.signal("MemoryPressureChrome", ())
.sarg::<u8, _>("pressure_level")
.sarg::<u64, _>("reclaim_target_kb")
fn create_pressure_arcvm_signal(f: &Factory) -> Signal {
f.signal("MemoryPressureArcvm", ())
.sarg::<u8, _>("pressure_level")
.sarg::<u64, _>("reclaim_target_kb")
fn send_pressure_signal(conn: &Connection, signal: &Signal, level: u8, reclaim_target_kb: u64) {
let msg = signal
.msg(&PATH_NAME.into(), &INTERFACE_NAME.into())
.append2(level, reclaim_target_kb);
if conn.send(msg).is_err() {
error!("Send pressure signal failed.");
pub fn service_main<P: 'static + power::PowerPreferencesManager>(
power_preferences_manager: P,
) -> Result<()> {
// Starting up a connection to the system bus and request a name.
let conn = Connection::new_system()?;
conn.register_name(SERVICE_NAME, 0)?;
let reset_game_mode_timer = Rc::new(TimerFd::new()?);
let reset_fullscreen_video_timer = Rc::new(TimerFd::new()?);
let f = dbus_tree::Factory::new_fn::<CustomData>();
// We need the Rc since we use the power_preferences_manager in the tree context and in the
// event loop below.
let power_preferences_manager: Rc<dyn power::PowerPreferencesManager> =
let tree_context = DbusTreeContext {
power_preferences_manager: Rc::clone(&power_preferences_manager),
// We create a tree with one object path inside and make that path introspectable.
let tree = f.tree(tree_context).add(
DbusContext {
reset_game_mode_timer: reset_game_mode_timer.clone(),
reset_fullscreen_video_timer: reset_fullscreen_video_timer.clone(),
f.interface(INTERFACE_NAME, ())
f.method("GetAvailableMemoryKB", (), get_available_memory_kb)
// Our method has one output argument.
.outarg::<u64, _>("available"),
.outarg::<u64, _>("available"),
f.method("GetMemoryMarginsKB", (), get_memory_margins_kb)
.outarg::<u64, _>("reply"),
.outarg::<dbus::arg::Dict<&str, u64, ()>, _>("reply"),
f.method("SetMemoryMarginsBps", (), set_memory_margins_bps)
.inarg::<u32, _>("critical_bps")
.inarg::<u32, _>("moderate_bps")
.outarg::<Vec<u32>, _>("reply"),
f.method("GetGameMode", (), get_game_mode)
.outarg::<u8, _>("game_mode"),
f.method("SetGameMode", (), set_game_mode)
.inarg::<u8, _>("game_mode"),
f.method("SetGameModeWithTimeout", (), set_game_mode_with_timeout)
.inarg::<u8, _>("game_mode")
.inarg::<u32, _>("timeout"),
f.method("GetRTCAudioActive", (), get_rtc_audio_active)
.outarg::<u8, _>("mode"),
f.method("SetRTCAudioActive", (), set_rtc_audio_active)
.inarg::<u8, _>("mode"),
f.method("GetFullscreenVideo", (), get_fullscreen_video)
.outarg::<u8, _>("mode"),
.inarg::<u8, _>("mode")
.inarg::<u32, _>("timeout"),
tree.set_registered(&conn, true)?;
let pressure_chrome_signal = create_pressure_chrome_signal(&f);
let pressure_arcvm_signal = create_pressure_arcvm_signal(&f);
let check_timer = TimerFd::new()?;
let check_interval = Duration::from_millis(1000);
check_timer.reset(check_interval, Some(check_interval))?;
enum Token {
let poll_ctx = PollContext::<Token>::new()?;
poll_ctx.add(&check_timer.as_raw_fd(), Token::CheckTimer)?;
for watch in conn.watch_fds() {
let mut events = WatchingEvents::empty();
if watch.readable() {
events = events.set_read()
if watch.writable() {
events = events.set_write()
poll_ctx.add_fd_with_events(&watch.fd(), events, Token::DBusMsg(watch.fd()))?;
loop {
// Wait for events.
for event in poll_ctx.wait()?.iter() {
match event.token() {
Token::CheckTimer => {
// wait() reads the fd. It's necessary to read periodic timerfd after each
// timerout.
match memory::get_memory_pressure_status() {
Ok(pressure_status) => {
pressure_status.chrome_level as u8,
if pressure_status.arcvm_level != memory::PressureLevelArcvm::None {
pressure_status.arcvm_level as u8,
Err(e) => error!("get_memory_pressure_status() failed: {}", e),
Token::ResetGameModeTimer => {
warn!("Game mode heartbeat timed out.");
// wait() reads the fd. It's necessary to read timerfd after timeout.
if common::set_game_mode(&*power_preferences_manager, common::GameMode::Off)
error!("Reset game mode failed.");
Token::ResetFullscreenVideoTimer => {
warn!("Fullscreen video heartbeat timed out.");
// wait() reads the fd. It's necessary to read timerfd after timeout.
if common::set_fullscreen_video(
error!("Reset fullscreen video mode failed.");
Token::DBusMsg(fd) => {
let mut revents = 0;
if event.readable() {
revents += WatchEvent::Readable as c_uint;
if event.writable() {
revents += WatchEvent::Writable as c_uint;
// Iterate through the watch items would call next() to process messages.
for _item in conn.watch_handle(fd, revents) {}