blob: da5ce6ca4c63c7f39ac5545ef54802e18552c23d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libipp/ipp_parser.h"
#include <set>
#include "libipp/ipp_encoding.h"
namespace ipp {
namespace {
// This parameter defines how deep can be a package with recursive collections.
// A collection placed directly in attributes group has level 1, each
// sub-collection belonging directly to it has level 2 etc..
constexpr int kMaxCollectionLevel = 16;
// This parameters defines maximum number of attribute groups in single package.
constexpr int kMaxCountOfAttributeGroups = 20 * 1024;
// Maximum size of 'text' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.2).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfText = 1023;
// Maximum size of 'name' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.3).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfName = 255;
// Maximum size of 'keyword' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.4).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfKeyword = 255;
// Maximum size of 'uri' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.6).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfUri = 1023;
// Maximum size of 'uriScheme' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.7).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfUriScheme = 63;
// Maximum size of 'charset' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.8).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfCharset = 63;
// Maximum size of 'naturalLanguage' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.9).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfNaturalLanguage = 63;
// Maximum size of 'mimeMediaType' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.10).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfMimeMediaType = 255;
// Maximum size of 'octetString' value (rfc8011, section 5.1.11).
constexpr int kMaxLengthOfOctetString = 1023;
// Converts the least significant 4 bits to hexadecimal digit (ASCII char).
char ToHexDigit(uint8_t v) {
v &= 0x0f;
if (v < 10)
return ('0' + v);
return ('a' + (v - 10));
// Converts byte to 2-digit hexadecimal representation.
std::string ToHexByte(uint8_t v) {
std::string s(2, '0');
s[0] = ToHexDigit(v >> 4);
s[1] = ToHexDigit(v);
return s;
// Converts sequence of bytes to a sequence of 2-digits hexadecimals
// separated by single space.
std::string ToHexSeq(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end) {
std::string s;
if (begin >= end)
return s;
s = ToHexByte(*begin);
for (++begin; begin < end; ++begin) {
s += " " + ToHexByte(*begin);
return s;
// Decodes 1-, 2- or 4-bytes integers (two's-complement binary encoding).
// Returns false if (data.size() != BytesCount) or (out == nullptr).
template <size_t BytesCount>
bool LoadInteger(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, int* out) {
if ((data.size() != BytesCount) || (out == nullptr))
return false;
const uint8_t* ptr =;
ParseSignedInteger<BytesCount>(&ptr, out);
return true;
// Reads simple string from buf. The string is truncated if it is longer than
// |max_length|. |truncated_chars| must not be nullptr and it is set to a count
// of truncated characters.
std::string LoadOctetString(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf,
size_t max_length,
int* truncated_chars) {
if (max_length >= buf.size()) {
*truncated_chars = 0;
return std::string(, + buf.size());
*truncated_chars = buf.size() - max_length;
return std::string(, + max_length);
// Reads textWithLanguage/nameWithLanguage (see [rfc8010], section 3.9) from
// buf. Returns false if given content is incorrect or (out == nullptr).
// If parsed string is longer than |max_length|, it is truncated and true is
// returned. |truncated_chars| must not be nullptr and is set to a count of
// truncated characters when the function returns true.
bool LoadStringWithLanguage(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf,
size_t max_length,
ipp::StringWithLanguage* out,
int* truncated_chars) {
// The shortest possible value has 4 bytes: 2 times 2-bytes zero.
if ((buf.size() < 4) || (out == nullptr))
return false;
const uint8_t* ptr =;
size_t length;
if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<2>(&ptr, &length))
return false;
if (buf.size() < 4 + length)
return false;
if (length > kMaxLengthOfNaturalLanguage)
return false;
out->language.assign(ptr, ptr + length);
ptr += length;
if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<2>(&ptr, &length))
return false;
if (buf.size() != 4 + out->language.size() + length)
return false;
if (max_length >= length) {
out->value.assign(ptr, ptr + length);
*truncated_chars = 0;
} else {
out->value.assign(ptr, ptr + max_length);
*truncated_chars = length - max_length;
return true;
// Reads dateTime (see [rfc8010]) from buf.
// Fails when binary representation is incorrect or (out == nullptr).
bool LoadDateTime(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf, ipp::DateTime* out) {
if ((buf.size() != 11) || (out == nullptr))
return false;
const uint8_t* ptr =;
return (ParseUnsignedInteger<2>(&ptr, &out->year) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->month) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->day) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->hour) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->minutes) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->seconds) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->deci_seconds) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->UTC_direction) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->UTC_hours) &&
ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &out->UTC_minutes));
// Reads resolution (see [rfc8010]) from buf.
// Fails when binary representation is incorrect or (out == nullptr).
bool LoadResolution(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf, ipp::Resolution* out) {
if ((buf.size() != 9) || (out == nullptr))
return false;
const uint8_t* ptr =;
ParseSignedInteger<4>(&ptr, &out->xres);
ParseSignedInteger<4>(&ptr, &out->yres);
switch (*ptr) {
case static_cast<uint8_t>(ipp::Resolution::kDotsPerCentimeter):
out->units = ipp::Resolution::kDotsPerCentimeter;
case static_cast<uint8_t>(ipp::Resolution::kDotsPerInch):
out->units = ipp::Resolution::kDotsPerInch;
return false;
return true;
// Reads rangeOfInteger (see [rfc8010]) from buf.
// Fails when binary representation is incorrect or (out == nullptr).
bool LoadRangeOfInteger(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf,
ipp::RangeOfInteger* out) {
if ((buf.size() != 8) || (out == nullptr))
return false;
const uint8_t* ptr =;
ParseSignedInteger<4>(&ptr, &out->min_value);
ParseSignedInteger<4>(&ptr, &out->max_value);
return true;
// Reads name as specified in 3.2 section of rfc8010 and stores it in |out|.
// Returns list of errors (no error codes are repeated). The parameter |out|
// is always set to obtained name. The resultant name is truncated if too long
// and incorrect characters are replaced by '_' (underscore). For empty |buf|,
// an empty string is set in |out|. |out| must not be nullptr.
std::vector<ErrorCode> LoadName(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf,
std::string* out) {
if (buf.empty()) {
*out = "";
return {ErrorCode::kAttributeNameIsEmpty};
std::vector<ErrorCode> result;
if (buf.front() < 0x61 || buf.front() > 0x7a) {
size_t length = buf.size();
if (length > kMaxLengthOfKeyword) {
length = kMaxLengthOfKeyword;
bool has_incorrect_characters = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
uint8_t c = buf[i];
if ((c < 0x30 || c > 0x39) && (c < 0x61 || c > 0x7a) && (c != '-') &&
(c != '_') && (c != '.')) {
c = '_';
has_incorrect_characters = true;
(*out)[i] = c;
if (has_incorrect_characters)
return result;
// Scope guard to control the context path. Constructor adds new a element to
// the path while destructor removes it from the path.
class ContextPathGuard {
ContextPathGuard(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>>* path,
const std::string& name,
bool is_known = true)
: path_(path) {
if (!path_->empty() && !path_->back().second)
is_known = false;
path_->push_back(std::make_pair(name, is_known));
~ContextPathGuard() { path_->pop_back(); }
ContextPathGuard(const ContextPathGuard&) = delete;
ContextPathGuard(ContextPathGuard&&) = delete;
ContextPathGuard& operator=(const ContextPathGuard&) = delete;
ContextPathGuard& operator=(ContextPathGuard&&) = delete;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>>* path_;
// Builds nice string with context path.
std::string PathAsString(
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>>& path) {
std::string s;
for (auto& e : path) {
if (!s.empty())
s += "->";
s += e.first;
return s;
// Return true if source type can be used in attribute of target type.
bool IsConvertibleTo(const ipp::AttrType source, const ipp::AttrType target) {
if (source == target)
return true;
if (source == ipp::AttrType::integer &&
target == ipp::AttrType::rangeOfInteger)
return true;
if (source == ipp::AttrType::integer && target == ipp::AttrType::enum_)
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
void Parser::LogScannerError(const std::string& message, const uint8_t* ptr) {
Log l;
l.message = "Scanner error: " + message + ".";
// Let's try to save to frame_context the closest neighborhood of ptr.
if (ptr != nullptr && ptr >= buffer_begin_ && ptr <= buffer_end_) {
// Current position in the buffer.
l.buf_offset = ptr - buffer_begin_;
// Calculates the size in bytes of left neighborhood.
int left_margin = 13;
if (buffer_begin_ + left_margin > ptr)
left_margin = ptr - buffer_begin_;
// Calculates the size in bytes of right neighborhood.
int right_margin = 14;
if (ptr + right_margin > buffer_end_)
right_margin = buffer_end_ - ptr;
// Prints the content of the closest neighborhood to frame_context.
l.frame_context = ToHexSeq(ptr - left_margin, ptr) + "|" +
ToHexSeq(ptr, ptr + right_margin);
void Parser::LogParserError(ErrorCode error_code) {
switch (error_code) {
case ErrorCode::kAttributeNameIsEmpty:
LogParserError("Attribute with an empty name was spotted");
case ErrorCode::kAttributeNameIsTooLong:
LogParserError("Attribute's name is too long",
"The name was truncated to " +
std::to_string(kMaxLengthOfKeyword) + " characters");
case ErrorCode::kAttributeNameDoesNotBeginWithLowercaseLetter:
LogParserError("Attribute's name does not begin with a lowercase letter",
"The error was ignored");
case ErrorCode::kAttributeNameContainsIncorrectCharacters:
LogParserError("Attribute's name contains incorrect characters",
"Incorrect characters were replaced by '_'");
void Parser::LogParserError(const std::string& message, std::string action) {
Log l;
l.message = "Parser error: " + message + ". " + action + ".";
l.parser_context = PathAsString(parser_context_);
void Parser::LogParserWarning(const std::string& message) {
Log l;
l.message = "Parser warning: " + message + ".";
l.parser_context = PathAsString(parser_context_);
void Parser::LogParserNewElement() {
const size_t path_size = parser_context_.size();
if (path_size < 2 || parser_context_[path_size - 2].second) {
Log l;
l.message = "Parser notice: this element is not known (outside the schema)";
l.parser_context = PathAsString(parser_context_);
void Parser::LoadAttrValue(Attribute* attr,
size_t index,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& buf,
uint8_t tag) {
const AttrType tag_type = static_cast<AttrType>(tag);
// Process values mapped to simple strings.
size_t max_length = 0;
// Check the value type and set max_length if it is a simple string.
switch (tag_type) {
case AttrType::octetString:
max_length = kMaxLengthOfOctetString;
case AttrType::keyword:
max_length = kMaxLengthOfKeyword;
case AttrType::uri:
max_length = kMaxLengthOfUri;
case AttrType::uriScheme:
max_length = kMaxLengthOfUriScheme;
case AttrType::charset:
max_length = kMaxLengthOfCharset;
case AttrType::naturalLanguage:
max_length = kMaxLengthOfNaturalLanguage;
case AttrType::mimeMediaType:
max_length = kMaxLengthOfMimeMediaType;
// nameWithoutLanguage and textWithoutLanguage are not in AttrType.
if (tag == nameWithoutLanguage_value_tag) {
max_length = kMaxLengthOfName;
} else if (tag == textWithoutLanguage_value_tag) {
max_length = kMaxLengthOfText;
} else {
// Just leave max_length = 0.
if (max_length != 0) {
// The value can be read as a simple string. Read it and exit.
int truncated_chars = 0;
attr->SetValue(LoadOctetString(buf, max_length, &truncated_chars), index);
if (truncated_chars != 0)
LogParserError("String value is too long", "The value was truncated");
// If we are here, the value is not a simple string.
// Build the first part of error message.
const std::string msg_prefix = "Incorrect " + ToString(tag_type) + " value";
// Load value from the buffer.
switch (tag_type) {
case AttrType::boolean: {
int v = 0;
if (!LoadInteger<1>(buf, &v) || v < 0 || v > 1)
LogParserError(msg_prefix + ": 0x" + ToHexByte(v),
"The value set to false");
attr->SetValue(v, index);
case AttrType::integer:
case AttrType::enum_: {
int v = 0;
if (!LoadInteger<4>(buf, &v))
LogParserError(msg_prefix, "The value set to 0");
attr->SetValue(v, index);
case AttrType::dateTime: {
DateTime v;
if (!LoadDateTime(buf, &v))
LogParserError(msg_prefix, "The value not set");
attr->SetValue(v, index);
case AttrType::resolution: {
Resolution v;
if (!LoadResolution(buf, &v))
LogParserError(msg_prefix, "The value not set");
attr->SetValue(v, index);
case AttrType::rangeOfInteger: {
RangeOfInteger v;
if (!LoadRangeOfInteger(buf, &v))
LogParserError(msg_prefix, "The value not set");
attr->SetValue(v, index);
case AttrType::text:
case AttrType::name: {
max_length =
(tag_type == AttrType::text) ? kMaxLengthOfText : kMaxLengthOfName;
StringWithLanguage v;
int truncated_chars = 0;
if (!LoadStringWithLanguage(buf, max_length, &v, &truncated_chars))
LogParserError(msg_prefix, "The value not set");
if (truncated_chars != 0)
LogParserError("String value is too long", "The value was truncated");
attr->SetValue(v, index);
LogParserError("Internal parser error: cannot recognize value type",
"The value was not set");
// Temporary representation of an attribute's value parsed from TNVs.
struct RawValue {
// Out-Of-Bond value or "set" when contains standard value or collection
AttrState state;
// corresponding attribute's type - verified
AttrType type;
// original tag - verified
uint8_t tag;
// original data, empty when (type == collection) - not verified
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
// (not nullptr) <=> (type == collection)
std::unique_ptr<RawCollection> collection;
// default constructor
: state(AttrState::set),
tag(static_cast<uint8_t>(AttrType::integer)) {}
// create as Out-Of-Band value
explicit RawValue(uint8_t tag)
: state(static_cast<AttrState>(tag)), type(AttrType::integer), tag(tag) {}
// create as standard value
RawValue(AttrType type, uint8_t tag, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
: state(AttrState::set), type(type), tag(tag), data(data) {}
// create as collection
explicit RawValue(RawCollection* coll)
: state(AttrState::set),
collection(coll) {}
struct RawCollection;
// Temporary representation of an attribute parsed from TNVs.
struct RawAttribute {
// verified (non-empty, correct syntax)
std::string name;
// parsed values (see RawValue)
std::vector<RawValue> values;
explicit RawAttribute(const std::string& name) : name(name) {}
// Temporary representation of a collection parsed from TNVs.
struct RawCollection {
// parsed attributes (may have duplicate names)
std::vector<RawAttribute> attributes;
bool Parser::SaveFrameToPackage(bool log_unknown_values, Package* package) {
std::set<GroupTag> processed_single_groups;
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_->groups_tags_.size(); ++i) {
GroupTag gn = static_cast<GroupTag>(frame_->groups_tags_[i]);
bool report_unknowns =
log_unknown_values && (gn != GroupTag::unsupported_attributes);
std::string grp_name = ToString(gn);
if (grp_name.empty())
grp_name = "(" + ToHexByte(frame_->groups_tags_[i]) + ")";
Group* grp = package->GetGroup(gn);
ContextPathGuard path_update(&parser_context_, grp_name,
report_unknowns && (grp != nullptr));
if (grp == nullptr) {
grp = package->AddUnknownGroup(gn, true);
if (report_unknowns)
Collection* coll = nullptr;
if (grp->IsASet()) {
const size_t index = grp->GetSize();
grp->Resize(index + 1);
coll = grp->GetCollection(index);
} else {
// single group - save it <=> it is the first occurrence
if (processed_single_groups.insert(gn).second) {
coll = grp->GetCollection();
} else {
LogParserError("Duplicated group " + grp_name + " was found",
"The group was omitted");
RawCollection raw_coll;
if (!ParseRawGroup(&(frame_->groups_content_[i]), &raw_coll))
return false;
if (!DecodeCollection(&raw_coll, coll))
return false;
package->Data() = frame_->data_;
return true;
bool Parser::ReadFrameFromBuffer(const uint8_t* ptr,
const uint8_t* const buf_end) {
buffer_begin_ = ptr;
buffer_end_ = buf_end;
bool error_in_header = true;
if (buf_end - ptr < 9) {
LogScannerError("Frame is too short to be correct (less than 9 bytes)",
} else if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &frame_->major_version_number_)) {
LogScannerError("major-version-number is out of range", ptr);
} else if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &frame_->minor_version_number_)) {
LogScannerError("minor-version-number is out of range", ptr);
} else if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<2>(&ptr,
&frame_->operation_id_or_status_code_)) {
LogScannerError("operation-id or status-code is out of range", ptr);
} else if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<4>(&ptr, &frame_->request_id_)) {
LogScannerError("request-id is out of range", ptr);
} else if (*ptr > max_begin_attribute_group_tag) {
LogScannerError("begin-attribute-group-tag was expected", ptr);
} else {
error_in_header = false;
if (error_in_header)
return false;
while (*ptr != end_of_attributes_tag) {
if (frame_->groups_tags_.size() >= kMaxCountOfAttributeGroups) {
"The package has too many attribute groups; the maximum allowed "
"number is " +
return false;
if (!ReadTNVsFromBuffer(&ptr, buf_end, &(frame_->groups_content_.back())))
return false;
if (ptr >= buf_end) {
"Unexpected end of frame, begin-attribute-group-tag was expected",
return false;
frame_->data_.assign(ptr, buf_end);
ptr = buf_end;
return true;
// Parses TNVs from given buffer until the end of the buffer is reached or next
// begin-attribute-group-tag is spotted. The pointer ptr is shifted accordingly.
// returns true <=> (ptr == buf_end) or (*ptr is begin-attribute-group-tag)
// returns false <=> parsing error occurs, ptr points to incorrect field
// Parsed TNVs are added to the end of |tnvs|. If |tnvs| is nullptr then no
// output is saved but parsing occurs as usual.
bool Parser::ReadTNVsFromBuffer(const uint8_t** ptr2,
const uint8_t* const buf_end,
std::list<TagNameValue>* tnvs) {
const uint8_t*& ptr = *ptr2;
while ((ptr < buf_end) && (*ptr > max_begin_attribute_group_tag)) {
TagNameValue tnv;
if (buf_end - ptr < 5) {
"Unexpected end of frame when reading tag-name-value (expected at "
"least 1-byte tag, 2-bytes name-length and 2-bytes value-length)",
return false;
if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<1>(&ptr, &tnv.tag)) {
LogScannerError("value-tag is negative", ptr);
return false;
int length = 0;
if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<2>(&ptr, &length)) {
LogScannerError("name-length is negative", ptr);
return false;
if (buf_end - ptr < length + 2) {
"Unexpected end of frame when reading name (expected at least " +
std::to_string(length) + "-bytes name and 2-bytes value-length)",
return false;
}, ptr + length);
ptr += length;
if (!ParseUnsignedInteger<2>(&ptr, &length)) {
LogScannerError("value-length is negative", ptr);
return false;
if (buf_end - ptr < length) {
LogScannerError("Unexpected end of frame when reading value (expected " +
std::to_string(length) + "-bytes value)",
return false;
tnv.value.assign(ptr, ptr + length);
ptr += length;
if (tnvs != nullptr)
return true;
void Parser::ResetContent() {
buffer_begin_ = nullptr;
buffer_end_ = nullptr;
// Parses single attribute's value and add it to |attr|. |tnv| is the first TNV
// with the value, |tnvs| contains all following TNVs. Both |tnvs| and |attr|
// cannot be nullptr. |coll_level| denotes how "deep" is the collection that
// contains the attribute; attributes defined directly in the attributes group
// have level 0. Returns false <=> critical parsing error was spotted.
// See section 3.5.2 from rfc8010 for details.
bool Parser::ParseRawValue(int coll_level,
const TagNameValue& tnv,
std::list<TagNameValue>* tnvs,
RawAttribute* attr) {
// Is it Ouf-Of-Band value ?
if (tnv.tag >= min_out_of_band_value_tag &&
tnv.tag <= max_out_of_band_value_tag) {
if (!tnv.value.empty())
"Tag-name-value with an out-of-band tag has a non-empty value",
"The field is ignored");
return true;
// Is it correct attribute's syntax tag? If not then fail.
if (tnv.tag < min_attribute_syntax_tag ||
tnv.tag > max_attribute_syntax_tag ||
tnv.tag == endCollection_value_tag ||
tnv.tag == memberAttrName_value_tag) {
"Incorrect tag when parsing Tag-name-value with a value: 0x" +
return false;
// Is it a collection ?
if (tnv.tag == begCollection_value_tag) {
if (!tnv.value.empty())
LogParserError("Tag-name-value opening a collection has non-empty value",
"The field is ignored");
std::unique_ptr<RawCollection> coll(new RawCollection);
if (!ParseRawCollection(coll_level + 1, tnvs, coll.get()))
return false;
return true;
// Is is a standard attribute type ?
if (tnv.tag == nameWithoutLanguage_value_tag) {
attr->values.emplace_back(AttrType::name, tnv.tag, tnv.value);
return true;
if (tnv.tag == textWithoutLanguage_value_tag) {
attr->values.emplace_back(AttrType::text, tnv.tag, tnv.value);
return true;
AttrType type = static_cast<AttrType>(tnv.tag);
if (ToString(type).empty()) {
// unknown attribute's syntax
"Tag representing unknown attribute syntax was spotted: 0x" +
ToHexByte(tnv.tag) + ". The attribute's value was omitted");
return true;
attr->values.emplace_back(type, tnv.tag, tnv.value);
return true;
// Parses single collections from given TNVs. |coll_level| denotes how "deep"
// the collection is; collections defined directly in the attributes group
// have level 1. Both |tnvs| and |coll| cannot be nullptr.
// Returns false <=> critical parsing error was spotted.
bool Parser::ParseRawCollection(int coll_level,
std::list<TagNameValue>* tnvs,
RawCollection* coll) {
if (coll_level > kMaxCollectionLevel) {
"The package has too many recursive collection; the maximum allowed "
"number of levels is " +
return false;
while (true) {
if (tnvs->empty()) {
"The end of Group was reached when memberAttrName tag (0x4a) or "
"endCollection tag (0x37) was expected");
return false;
TagNameValue tnv = tnvs->front();
// exit if the end of the collection was reached
if (tnv.tag == endCollection_value_tag) {
if (!
LogParserError("Tag-name-value closing a collection has non-empty name",
"The field is ignored");
if (!tnv.value.empty())
"Tag-name-value closing a collection has non-empty value",
"The field is ignored");
return true;
// still here, so we parse an attribute (collection's member)
if (tnv.tag != memberAttrName_value_tag) {
LogParserError("Expected tag memberAttrName (0x4a), found: 0x" +
return false;
// parse name & create attribute
if (!
"Tag-name-value opening member attribute has non-empty name",
"The field is ignored");
std::string name;
for (ErrorCode error_code : LoadName(tnv.value, &name)) {
if (error_code == ErrorCode::kAttributeNameIsEmpty)
return false;
RawAttribute* attr = &coll->attributes.back();
ContextPathGuard path_update(&parser_context_, name);
// parse tag
if (tnvs->empty()) {
"The end of Group was reached when value-tag for collection's member "
"was expected");
return false;
// parse all values
while (!tnvs->empty() && tnvs->front().tag != endCollection_value_tag &&
tnvs->front().tag != memberAttrName_value_tag) {
tnv = tnvs->front();
if (!
"Tag-name-value opening member attribute has non-empty name",
"The field is ignored");
if (!ParseRawValue(coll_level, tnv, tnvs, attr))
return false;
// Parses attributes group from given TNVs and saves it to |coll|. Both |tnvs|
// and |coll| cannot be nullptr. Returns false <=> critical parsing error was
// spotted.
bool Parser::ParseRawGroup(std::list<TagNameValue>* tnvs, RawCollection* coll) {
while (!tnvs->empty()) {
TagNameValue tnv = tnvs->front();
// parse name & create attribute
std::string name;
for (ErrorCode error_code : LoadName(, &name)) {
if (error_code == ErrorCode::kAttributeNameIsEmpty)
return false;
RawAttribute* attr = &coll->attributes.back();
ContextPathGuard path_update(&parser_context_, name);
// parse all values
while (true) {
// parse value
if (!ParseRawValue(0 /*collection level*/, tnv, tnvs, attr))
return false;
// go to the next value or attribute
if (tnvs->empty() || !tnvs->front().name.empty())
break; // end of the attribute
// next value
tnv = tnvs->front();
return true;
// Removes from |attr| values/collections not matching given attribute's |type|.
// Returns number of element removed from |attr|. |attr| cannot be nullptr.
size_t RemoveIncompatibleValues(const ipp::AttrType type, RawAttribute* attr) {
size_t incorrect_values = 0;
// Is the attribute a Out-Of-Band value? In this case it must have single
// value only.
if (!attr->values.empty() && attr->values.front().state != AttrState::set) {
incorrect_values = attr->values.size() - 1;
return incorrect_values;
// Not Out-Of-Band value. Filter out incorrect values.
std::vector<RawValue> new_values;
for (RawValue& val : attr->values) {
if (val.state == AttrState::set && IsConvertibleTo(val.type, type)) {
} else {
attr->values = std::move(new_values);
return incorrect_values;
// Converts a collection/group saved in |raw_coll| to |coll|. Both |raw_coll|
// and |coll| must not be nullptr. Returns false <=> critical parsing error was
// spotted.
bool Parser::DecodeCollection(RawCollection* raw_coll, Collection* coll) {
for (RawAttribute& raw_attr : raw_coll->attributes) {
// Tries to match the attribute to existing one by name.
Attribute* attr = coll->GetAttribute(;
ContextPathGuard path_update(&parser_context_,,
attr != nullptr);
// Tries to detect a type.
AttrType detectedType = AttrType::integer;
if (attr == nullptr) {
// It is unknown one, try to detect type and create UnknownAttribute.
if (!raw_attr.values.empty()) {
detectedType = static_cast<AttrType>(raw_attr.values.front().type);
for (auto& raw_val : raw_attr.values)
if (IsConvertibleTo(detectedType, raw_val.type))
detectedType = raw_val.type;
} else {
// The attribute exists.
detectedType = attr->GetType();
// Make sure there is no name conflict.
if (attr->GetState() != AttrState::unset) {
LogParserError("An attribute with duplicated name was spotted",
"The attribute was ignored");
// Remove values with incorrect type.
size_t incorrect_values = RemoveIncompatibleValues(detectedType, &raw_attr);
if (incorrect_values > 0)
"An attribute contains at least one value with incorrect type",
"Additional values were ignored");
// Check if there are any values left.
if (raw_attr.values.empty()) {
LogParserError("An attribute contains no correct values",
"The attribute was ignored");
// Register UnknownAtribute if it was not found.
if (attr == nullptr) {
attr = coll->AddUnknownAttribute(, true, detectedType);
if (attr == nullptr) {
LogParserError("Internal parser error: cannot create unknown attribute",
"The attribute was ignored");
// Is it an attribute with Ouf-Of-Band value? Then set it and finish.
if (raw_attr.values.front().state != AttrState::set) {
// Parses all values.
if (!attr->IsASet() && raw_attr.values.size() > 1) {
LogParserError("An attribute is not a set and has more than one value",
"Only the first value was parsed");
for (size_t i = 0; i < attr->GetSize(); ++i)
if (attr->GetType() == AttrType::collection) {
if (!DecodeCollection(raw_attr.values[i].collection.get(),
return false;
} else {
LoadAttrValue(attr, i, raw_attr.values[i].data, raw_attr.values[i].tag);
return true;
} // namespace ipp