blob: 160a9750cd4f53e5039469e4a8ec41af94793445 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file defines library targets and other auxillary definitions that
# are used for the resulting executable targets.
pkg_config("target_default_deps") {
# This is a list of pkg-config dependencies
pkg_deps = [
if (use.fuzzer) {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf" ]
} else {
pkg_deps += [ "protobuf-lite" ]
config("target_defaults") {
configs = [ ":target_default_deps" ]
defines = [
config("cryptohome-proto_config") {
# The local protobuf used some other protos in system_api, so we'll need
# to fix the include path so that it builds correctly.
include_dirs = [ "${sysroot}/usr/include/cryptohome/proto_bindings/" ]
flatbuffer("python-flatbuffers-reflection") {
flatc_out_dir = "python"
flatc_args = [ "--python" ]
sources = [ "${sysroot}/usr/include/flatbuffers/reflection.fbs" ]
flatbuffer("cryptohome-flatbuffers-binding-binary") {
flatc_out_dir = "bfbs"
flatc_args = [
sources = [ "../flatbuffer_schemas/auth_block_state.fbs" ]
flatbuffer("user-secret-stash-flatbuffers-binding-binary") {
flatc_out_dir = "bfbs"
flatc_args = [
sources = [
# Put the generator in the same folder that the generated flatbuffers
# reflection python library exist.
copy("cryptohome-flatbuffers-binding-generator") {
sources = [ "../flatbuffer_schemas/" ]
outputs = [ "${root_gen_dir}/python/" ]
deps = [ ":python-flatbuffers-reflection" ]
action("cryptohome-flatbuffers-binding-generate") {
script = "${root_gen_dir}/python/"
inputs = [ "../flatbuffer_schemas/auth_block_state.fbs" ]
outputs = [
args = [
deps = [
action("user-secret-stash-flatbuffers-binding-generate") {
script = "${root_gen_dir}/python/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
deps = [
source_set("cryptohome-flatbuffers-binding") {
sources = [
configs += [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [
flatbuffer("cryptohome-flatbuffers") {
flatc_out_dir = "include/cryptohome"
flatc_args = [
# Default flatbuffer flags used in Chrome OS.
# Generate code for enums using C++11 scoped enums.
if (use.test || use.fuzzer) {
# Tests and fuzzers use Flatbuffers Object based API (which is more
# convenient but doesn't allow to use a secure allocator).
flatc_args += [ "--gen-object-api" ]
sources = [
proto_library("cryptohome-proto") {
proto_in_dir = ".."
proto_out_dir = "include/cryptohome"
proto_lib_dirs = [ "${sysroot}/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/cryptohome/" ]
sources = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":cryptohome-proto_config" ]
generate_dbus_proxies("cryptohome-key-delegate-proxies") {
proxy_output_file = "include/cryptohome_key_delegate/dbus-proxies.h"
sources =
[ "../dbus_bindings/org.chromium.CryptohomeKeyDelegateInterface.xml" ]
pkg_config("libcrosplatform_dependent_config") {
pkg_deps = [
# Common objects.
static_library("libcrosplatform") {
sources = [
all_dependent_configs = [
libs = [
if (use.selinux) {
libs += [ "selinux" ]
deps = [
static_library("libcrostpm") {
sources = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":target_defaults" ]
libs = [
if (use.tpm2) {
sources += [
libs += [ "trunks" ]
if (use.tpm) {
sources += [
libs += [ "tspi" ]
deps = [
generate_dbus_adaptors("userdataauth_adaptors") {
dbus_adaptors_out_dir = "include/dbus_adaptors"
dbus_service_config = "../dbus_bindings/dbus-service-config-UserDataAuth.json"
sources = [ "../dbus_bindings/org.chromium.UserDataAuth.xml" ]
pkg_config("libcryptohome_dependent_config") {
pkg_deps = [ "libbootlockbox-client" ]
static_library("libcryptohome") {
sources = [
all_dependent_configs = [
libs = [
deps = [
generate_dbus_adaptors("bootlockbox-adaptors") {
dbus_service_config = "../dbus_adaptors/dbus-service-config.json"
dbus_adaptors_out_dir = "include/dbus_adaptors"
sources = [ "../dbus_adaptors/org.chromium.BootLockboxInterface.xml" ]
static_library("libnvram-boot-lockbox") {
sources = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":target_defaults" ]
deps = [
pkg_deps = [ "libbootlockbox-client" ]
# cryptohome <-> cryptohome-namespace-mounter IPC proto.
proto_library("namespace-mounter-ipc-proto") {
proto_in_dir = "../cryptohome_namespace_mounter"
proto_out_dir = "include/cryptohome"
sources = [ "${proto_in_dir}/namespace_mounter_ipc.proto" ]
configs = [ ":cryptohome-proto_config" ]
static_library("libfido") {
sources = [
all_dependent_configs = [ ":target_defaults" ]
libs = [ "cbor" ]