blob: 1459c437c72fdef5a87dd70e5a009a0b8c3e3796 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/net/shill_export.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_time.h"
namespace shill {
// EventHistory is a list of timestamps tracking the occurrence of one or more
// events. Events are ordered from earliest to latest. |max_events_saved|
// can optionally be provided to limit the number of event timestamps saved
// at any one time.
class SHILL_EXPORT EventHistory {
enum ClockType {
kClockTypeBoottime = 0,
kClockTypeMonotonic = 1,
EventHistory() : max_events_specified_(false), time_(Time::GetInstance()) {}
explicit EventHistory(int max_events_saved)
: max_events_specified_(true),
time_(Time::GetInstance()) {}
EventHistory(const EventHistory&) = delete;
EventHistory& operator=(const EventHistory&) = delete;
// Records the current event by adding the current time to the list.
// If |event_limit_specificed_| and the size of |events_| is larger than
// |max_events_saved_|, event timestamps are removed in FIFO order until the
// size of |events_| is equal to |max_events_saved_|.
void RecordEvent();
// Start at the head of |events_| and remove all entries that occurred
// more than |seconds_ago| prior to the current time. |clock_type| determines
// what time of clock we use for time-related calculations.
void ExpireEventsBefore(int seconds_ago, ClockType clock_type);
// Records the current event by adding the current time to the list, and uses
// this same timestamp to remove all entries that occurred more than
// |seconds_ago|. |clock_type| determines what time of clock we use for time-
// related calculations.
void RecordEventAndExpireEventsBefore(int seconds_ago, ClockType clock_type);
// Returns a vector of human-readable strings representing each timestamp in
// |events_|.
std::vector<std::string> ExtractWallClockToStrings() const;
// Returns the number of timestamps in |events_| within the interval spanning
// now and the time |seconds_ago| before now (inclusive). |clock_type|
// determines what time of clock we use for time-related calculations.
int CountEventsWithinInterval(int seconds_ago, ClockType clock_type);
size_t Size() const { return events_.size(); }
bool Empty() { return events_.empty(); }
Timestamp Front() { return events_.front(); }
void Clear() { events_.clear(); }
friend class EventHistoryTest;
friend class ServiceTest; // RecordEventInternal, time_
friend class WakeOnWiFiTest; // time_
void RecordEventInternal(Timestamp now);
void ExpireEventsBeforeInternal(int seconds_ago,
Timestamp now,
ClockType clock_type);
bool max_events_specified_;
int max_events_saved_;
std::deque<Timestamp> events_;
Time* time_;
} // namespace shill