blob: 1305870b70e6df5d8b0d561d71cb5e5ee714df4e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/kernel_collector.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "crash-reporter/constants.h"
#include "crash-reporter/util.h"
using base::FilePath;
using base::StringPiece;
using base::StringPrintf;
namespace {
// Name for extra BIOS dump attached to report. Also used as metadata key.
constexpr char kBiosDumpName[] = "bios_log";
const FilePath kBiosLogPath("/sys/firmware/log");
// Names of the four BIOS stages in which the BIOS log can start.
const char* const kBiosStageNames[] = {
constexpr char kDumpParentPath[] = "/sys/fs";
constexpr char kDumpPath[] = "/sys/fs/pstore";
constexpr char kDumpRecordDmesgName[] = "dmesg";
constexpr char kDumpRecordConsoleName[] = "console";
constexpr char kDumpDriverRamoopsName[] = "ramoops";
constexpr char kDumpDriverEfiName[] = "efi";
// The files take the form <record type>-<driver name>-<record id>.
// e.g. console-ramoops-0 or dmesg-ramoops-0.
constexpr char kDumpNameFormat[] = "%s-%s-%zu";
// Like above, but for older systems when the kernel didn't add the record id.
constexpr char kDumpNameFormatOld[] = "%s-%s";
const FilePath kEventLogPath("/var/log/eventlog.txt");
constexpr char kEventNameBoot[] = "System boot";
constexpr char kEventNameWatchdog[] = "Hardware watchdog reset";
// Maximum number of records to examine in the kDumpPath.
constexpr size_t kMaxDumpRecords = 100;
// Maximum buffer size of pstore records reads. PSTORE_DEFAULT_KMSG_BYTES as set
// in the kernel is 10KiB, and record_size for RAM Oops/Panic trigger is
// defaulted at 4KiB with another 4KiB each for console, ftrace, and pmsg logs.
// This gives a maximum of ~26 KiB, but in practice logs can be significantly
// larger (e.g. 66 KiB is easily achieved). Set a limit substantially above
// this.
constexpr size_t kMaxRecordSize = 1024 * 1024;
constexpr pid_t kKernelPid = 0;
constexpr char kKernelSignatureKey[] = "sig";
static LazyRE2 kBasicCheckRe = {"\n(<\\d+>)?\\[\\s*(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\]"};
} // namespace
: CrashCollector("kernel"),
// We expect crash dumps in the format of architecture we are built for.
arch_(kernel_util::GetCompilerArch()) {}
KernelCollector::~KernelCollector() {}
void KernelCollector::OverrideEventLogPath(const FilePath& file_path) {
eventlog_path_ = file_path;
void KernelCollector::OverrideBiosLogPath(const FilePath& file_path) {
bios_log_path_ = file_path;
void KernelCollector::OverridePreservedDumpPath(const FilePath& file_path) {
dump_path_ = file_path;
bool KernelCollector::ReadRecordToString(std::string* contents,
size_t current_record,
bool* record_found) {
// A record is a ramoops dump. It has an associated size of "record_size".
std::string record;
std::string captured;
// Ramoops appends a header to a crash which contains ==== followed by a
// timestamp. Ignore the header.
RE2::Options opt;
opt.set_dot_nl(true); // match \n with '.'
RE2 record_re("====\\d+\\.\\d+\n(.*)", opt);
FilePath record_path = GetDumpRecordPath(
kDumpRecordDmesgName, kDumpDriverRamoopsName, current_record);
if (!base::ReadFileToStringWithMaxSize(record_path, &record,
kMaxRecordSize)) {
if (record.empty()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read " << record_path.value();
return false;
PLOG(ERROR) << "Record is larger than " << kMaxRecordSize;
return false;
*record_found = false;
if (RE2::FullMatch(record, record_re, &captured)) {
// Found a ramoops header, so strip the header and append the rest.
*record_found = true;
} else if (RE2::PartialMatch(record.substr(0, 1024), *kBasicCheckRe)) {
// pstore compression has been added since kernel 3.12. In order to
// decompress dmesg correctly, ramoops driver has to strip the header
// before handing over the record to the pstore driver, so we don't
// need to do it here anymore. However, the basic check is needed because
// sometimes a pstore record is just a chunk of uninitialized memory which
// is not the result of a kernel crash. See
*record_found = true;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Found invalid record at " << record_path.value();
// Remove the record from pstore after it's found.
if (*record_found)
return true;
FilePath KernelCollector::GetDumpRecordPath(const char* type,
const char* driver,
size_t record) {
return dump_path_.Append(StringPrintf(kDumpNameFormat, type, driver, record));
FilePath KernelCollector::GetDumpRecordOldPath(const char* type,
const char* driver) {
return dump_path_.Append(StringPrintf(kDumpNameFormatOld, type, driver));
bool KernelCollector::LoadParameters() {
// Discover how many ramoops records are being exported by the driver.
size_t count;
for (count = 0; count < kMaxDumpRecords; ++count) {
FilePath record_path =
GetDumpRecordPath(kDumpRecordDmesgName, kDumpDriverRamoopsName, count);
if (!base::PathExists(record_path))
records_ = count;
return (records_ > 0);
bool KernelCollector::LoadPreservedDump(std::string* contents) {
// Load dumps from the preserved memory and save them in contents.
// Since the system is set to restart on oops we won't actually ever have
// multiple records (only 0 or 1), but check in case we don't restart on
// oops in the future.
bool any_records_found = false;
bool record_found = false;
// clear contents since ReadFileToString actually appends to the string.
for (size_t i = 0; i < records_; ++i) {
if (!ReadRecordToString(contents, i, &record_found)) {
if (record_found) {
any_records_found = true;
if (!any_records_found) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No valid records found in " << dump_path_.value();
return false;
return true;
bool KernelCollector::LoadLastBootBiosLog(std::string* contents) {
if (!base::PathExists(bios_log_path_)) {
LOG(INFO) << bios_log_path_.value() << " does not exist, skipping "
<< "BIOS crash check. (This is normal for older boards.)";
return false;
std::string full_log;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(bios_log_path_, &full_log)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read " << bios_log_path_.value();
return false;
RE2::Options opt;
opt.set_dot_nl(true); // match \n with '.'
// Different platforms start their BIOS log at different stages. Look for
// banner strings of all stages in order until we find one that works.
for (auto stage : kBiosStageNames) {
// use the "^" to anchor to the start of the string
RE2 banner_re(StringPrintf("(^.*?)(?:"
"\n\\*\\*\\* Pre-CBMEM %s console overflow"
"\n\ncoreboot-[^\n]* %s starting.*\\.\\.\\.\n"
stage, stage),
re2::StringPiece remaining_log(full_log);
re2::StringPiece previous_boot;
bool found = false;
// Keep iterating until last previous_boot before current one.
while (RE2::PartialMatch(remaining_log, banner_re, &previous_boot)) {
remaining_log.remove_prefix(previous_boot.size() + 1);
found = true;
if (!previous_boot.empty()) {
return true;
// If banner found but no log before it, don't look for other stage banners.
// This just means we booted up from S5 and there was nothing left in DRAM.
if (found)
return false;
// This shouldn't happen since we should always see at least the current boot.
LOG(ERROR) << "BIOS log contains no known banner strings!";
return false;
bool KernelCollector::LastRebootWasBiosCrash(const std::string& dump) {
// BIOS crash detection only supported on ARM64 for now. We're in userspace,
// so we can't easily check for 64-bit (but that's not a big deal).
if (arch_ != kernel_util::kArchArm)
return false;
if (dump.empty())
return false;
return RE2::PartialMatch(
dump, RE2("(PANIC|Unhandled( Interrupt)? Exception) in EL3"));
bool KernelCollector::LastRebootWasNoCError(const std::string& dump) {
// NoC errors are only on Qualcomm platforms for now.
if (dump.empty())
return false;
return RE2::PartialMatch(dump, RE2("QTISECLIB.*NOC ERROR: ERRLOG"));
// We can't always trust kernel watchdog drivers to correctly report the boot
// reason, since on some platforms our BIOS has to reinitialize the hardware
// registers in a way that clears this information. Instead read the BIOS
// eventlog to figure out if a watchdog reset was detected during the last boot.
bool KernelCollector::LastRebootWasWatchdog() {
if (!base::PathExists(eventlog_path_)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Cannot find " << eventlog_path_.value()
<< ", skipping hardware watchdog check.";
return false;
std::string eventlog;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(eventlog_path_, &eventlog)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open " << eventlog_path_.value();
return false;
StringPiece piece = StringPiece(eventlog);
size_t last_boot = piece.rfind(kEventNameBoot);
if (last_boot == StringPiece::npos)
return false;
return piece.find(kEventNameWatchdog, last_boot) != StringPiece::npos;
bool KernelCollector::LoadConsoleRamoops(std::string* contents) {
FilePath record_path;
// We assume there is only one record. Bad idea?
record_path =
GetDumpRecordPath(kDumpRecordConsoleName, kDumpDriverRamoopsName, 0);
// Deal with the filename change starting with linux-3.19+.
if (!base::PathExists(record_path)) {
// If the file doesn't exist, we might be running on an older system which
// uses the older file name format (<linux-3.19).
record_path =
GetDumpRecordOldPath(kDumpRecordConsoleName, kDumpDriverRamoopsName);
if (!base::PathExists(record_path)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No console-ramoops file found after watchdog reset";
return false;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(record_path, contents)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open " << record_path.value();
return false;
if (!RE2::PartialMatch(contents->substr(0, 1024), *kBasicCheckRe)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Found invalid console-ramoops file";
return false;
return true;
bool KernelCollector::DumpDirMounted() {
struct stat st_parent;
if (stat(kDumpParentPath, &st_parent)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Could not stat " << kDumpParentPath;
return false;
struct stat st_dump;
if (stat(kDumpPath, &st_dump)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Could not stat " << kDumpPath;
return false;
if (st_parent.st_dev == st_dump.st_dev) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Dump dir " << kDumpPath << " not mounted";
return false;
return true;
bool KernelCollector::Enable() {
if (arch_ == kernel_util::kArchUnknown || arch_ >= kernel_util::kArchCount) {
LOG(WARNING) << "KernelCollector does not understand this architecture";
return false;
if (!DumpDirMounted()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Kernel does not support crash dumping";
return false;
// To enable crashes, we will eventually need to set
// the chnv bit in BIOS, but it does not yet work.
LOG(INFO) << "Enabling kernel crash handling";
is_enabled_ = true;
return true;
bool KernelCollector::Collect() {
bool found_efi_crash = CollectEfiCrash();
return (CollectRamoopsCrash() || found_efi_crash);
// Returns file path for corresponding efi crash part.
base::FilePath KernelCollector::EfiCrash::GetFilePath(uint32_t part) const {
return collector_.dump_path_.Append(
StringPrintf("%s-%s-%" PRIu64, kDumpRecordDmesgName, kDumpDriverEfiName,
// Get type of crash.
// Stack traces could be generated and written to efi pstore during kernel oops,
// kernel warning or kernel panic. First line contains header of format:
// <crash_type>#<crash_count> Part#<part_number>
// <crash_type> indicates when stack trace was generated. e.g. Panic#1 Part#1.
bool KernelCollector::EfiCrash::GetType(std::string* crash_type) const {
std::string dump;
if (base::ReadFileToString(GetFilePath(1), &dump)) {
size_t pos = dump.find('#');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
crash_type->append(dump, 0, pos);
return true;
return false;
// Loads efi crash to given string.
// Returns true iff all parts of crashes are copied to contents.
// In case of failure string contents might be modified.
bool KernelCollector::EfiCrash::Load(std::string* contents) const {
// Part0 is never generated by efi driver.
// Part number is descending, so Part1 contains last 1KiB (EFI
// varaible size) of kmsg buffer, Part2 contains the second to last 1KiB,
// etc....
for (uint32_t part = max_part_; part > 0; part--) {
std::string dump;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(GetFilePath(part), &dump)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open->read file for crash:" << id_
<< " part: " << part;
return false;
// Strip first line since it contains header e.g. Panic#1 Part#1.
contents->append(dump, dump.find('\n') + 1, std::string::npos);
return true;
// Removes efi crash represented by efi variables from pstore.
void KernelCollector::EfiCrash::Remove() const {
// Delete efi crash.
// Part can be deleted in any order, start from Part1 since Part0 is
// never generated.
for (uint32_t part = 1; part <= max_part_; part++) {
// Find number of efi crashes at /sys/fs/pstore and returns vector of EfiCrash.
std::vector<KernelCollector::EfiCrash> KernelCollector::FindEfiCrashes() const {
std::vector<EfiCrash> efi_crashes;
const base::FilePath pstore_dir(dump_path_);
if (!base::PathExists(pstore_dir)) {
return efi_crashes;
// Scan /sys/fs/pstore/.
std::string efi_crash_pattern =
StringPrintf("%s-%s-*", kDumpRecordDmesgName, kDumpDriverEfiName);
base::FileEnumerator efi_file_iter(
pstore_dir, false, base::FileEnumerator::FILES, efi_crash_pattern);
for (auto efi_file = efi_file_iter.Next(); !efi_file.empty();
efi_file = efi_file_iter.Next()) {
uint64_t crash_id;
if (!base::StringToUint64(
efi_file.BaseName().value().substr(efi_crash_pattern.length() - 1),
&crash_id)) {
// This should not ever happen.
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse efi file name:"
<< efi_file.BaseName().value();
const uint64_t keyed_crash_id = EfiCrash::GetIdForPart(crash_id, 1);
std::vector<EfiCrash>::iterator it =
std::find_if(efi_crashes.begin(), efi_crashes.end(),
[keyed_crash_id](const EfiCrash& efi_crash) -> bool {
return efi_crash.GetId() == keyed_crash_id;
if (it != efi_crashes.end()) {
// Update part number if its greater.
} else {
// New crash detected.
EfiCrash efi_crash(keyed_crash_id, *this);
return efi_crashes;
// Stores crash pointed by kernel_dump to crash directory. This will be later
// sent to backend from crash directory by crash_sender.
bool KernelCollector::HandleCrash(const std::string& kernel_dump,
const std::string& bios_dump,
const std::string& signature) {
FilePath root_crash_directory;
LOG(INFO) << "Received prior crash notification from "
<< "kernel (signature " << signature << ") (handling)";
if (!GetCreatedCrashDirectoryByEuid(constants::kRootUid,
&root_crash_directory, nullptr)) {
return true;
std::string dump_basename = FormatDumpBasename(kernel_util::kKernelExecName,
time(nullptr), kKernelPid);
FilePath kernel_crash_path = root_crash_directory.Append(
StringPrintf("%s.kcrash", dump_basename.c_str()));
FilePath bios_dump_path = root_crash_directory.Append(
StringPrintf("%s.%s", dump_basename.c_str(), kBiosDumpName));
FilePath log_path = root_crash_directory.Append(
StringPrintf("%s.log", dump_basename.c_str()));
// We must use WriteNewFile instead of base::WriteFile as we
// do not want to write with root access to a symlink that an attacker
// might have created.
if (WriteNewFile(kernel_crash_path, kernel_dump) !=
static_cast<int>(kernel_dump.length())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to write kernel dump to "
<< kernel_crash_path.value().c_str();
return true;
if (!bios_dump.empty()) {
if (WriteNewFile(bios_dump_path, bios_dump) !=
static_cast<int>(bios_dump.length())) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to write BIOS log to " << bios_dump_path.value()
<< " (ignoring)";
} else {
AddCrashMetaUploadFile(kBiosDumpName, bios_dump_path.BaseName().value());
LOG(INFO) << "Stored BIOS log to " << bios_dump_path.value();
AddCrashMetaData(kKernelSignatureKey, signature);
// Collect additional logs if one is specified in the config file.
if (GetLogContents(log_config_path_, kernel_util::kKernelExecName,
log_path)) {
AddCrashMetaUploadFile("log", log_path.BaseName().value());
StringPrintf("%s.meta", dump_basename.c_str())),
LOG(INFO) << "Stored kcrash to " << kernel_crash_path.value();
return true;
// CollectEfiCrash looks at /sys/fs/pstore and extracts crashes written via
// efi-pstore.
bool KernelCollector::CollectEfiCrash() {
// List of efi crashes.
std::vector<KernelCollector::EfiCrash> efi_crashes = FindEfiCrashes();
LOG(INFO) << "Found " << efi_crashes.size()
<< " kernel crashes in efi-pstore.";
// Now read each crash in buffer and cleanup pstore.
std::vector<EfiCrash>::const_iterator efi_crash;
for (efi_crash = efi_crashes.begin(); efi_crash != efi_crashes.end();
++efi_crash) {
LOG(INFO) << "Generating kernel efi crash id:" << efi_crash->GetId();
std::string crash_type, crash;
if (efi_crash->GetType(&crash_type)) {
if (crash_type == "Panic" && efi_crash->Load(&crash)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Reporting kernel efi crash id:" << efi_crash->GetId()
<< " type:" << crash_type;
if (!crash.empty()) {
if (!HandleCrash(
crash, std::string(),
kernel_util::ComputeKernelStackSignature(crash, arch_))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to handle kernel efi crash id:"
<< efi_crash->GetId();
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring kernel efi crash id:" << efi_crash->GetId()
<< " type:" << crash_type;
// Remove efi-pstore files corresponding to crash.
return !efi_crashes.empty();
bool KernelCollector::CollectRamoopsCrash() {
std::string bios_dump;
std::string kernel_dump;
std::string signature;
if (LoadParameters() && LoadPreservedDump(&kernel_dump)) {
signature = kernel_util::ComputeKernelStackSignature(kernel_dump, arch_);
} else {
if (LastRebootWasBiosCrash(bios_dump))
signature = kernel_util::BiosCrashSignature(bios_dump);
else if (LastRebootWasNoCError(bios_dump))
signature = kernel_util::ComputeNoCErrorSignature(bios_dump);
else if (LastRebootWasWatchdog())
signature = kernel_util::WatchdogSignature(kernel_dump);
return false;
if (kernel_dump.empty() && bios_dump.empty()) {
return false;
return HandleCrash(kernel_dump, bios_dump, signature);