blob: 7885a7ca11cc81f9cda4ed70fb619ab85504aa2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "vm_tools/syslog/parser.h"
using std::string;
namespace pb = google::protobuf;
namespace vm_tools {
namespace syslog {
namespace {
struct PriorityTestCase {
// Buffer that holds the string to be tested.
const char* buf;
// Number of characters expected to be consumed from the buffer.
size_t count;
// Expected severity value after parsing.
vm_tools::LogSeverity severity;
// Tests that the parser can handle properly and improperly formatted
// priority values.
const PriorityTestCase priority_tests[] = {
.buf = "<117>",
.count = 5,
.severity = vm_tools::NOTICE,
.buf = "<24975>",
.count = 0,
.severity = vm_tools::MISSING,
.buf = "<>",
.count = 0,
.severity = vm_tools::MISSING,
.buf = "<0 hi there",
.count = 0,
.severity = vm_tools::MISSING,
.buf = "5> kthxbye",
.count = 0,
.severity = vm_tools::MISSING,
.buf = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0",
.count = 0,
.severity = vm_tools::MISSING,
.buf = "<0> this should work",
.count = 3,
.severity = vm_tools::EMERGENCY,
class PriorityTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<PriorityTestCase> {
PriorityTest() = default;
PriorityTest(const PriorityTest&) = delete;
PriorityTest& operator=(const PriorityTest&) = delete;
~PriorityTest() override = default;
struct TimestampTestCase {
const char* buf;
struct tm tm;
size_t count;
const TimestampTestCase timestamp_tests[] = {
.buf = "Jan 17 23:54:11",
// clang-format off
.tm = {
.tm_sec = 11,
.tm_min = 54,
.tm_hour = 23,
.tm_mday = 17,
.tm_mon = 0,
// clang-format on
.count = 15,
.buf = "Oct 52 05:37:23",
.tm = {},
.count = 0,
.buf = "Jun 2 17:15:47",
// clang-format off
.tm = {
.tm_sec = 47,
.tm_min = 15,
.tm_hour = 17,
.tm_mday = 2,
.tm_mon = 5,
// clang-format on
.count = 14,
.buf = "Mar 24 kernel: [17.5694]",
.tm = {},
.count = 0,
.buf = "Apr 12 35:18:52",
.tm = {},
.count = 0,
.buf = "22 Feb 07:03:11",
.tm = {},
.count = 0,
.buf = "Dec 24 18:33:58 Let the countdown begin",
// clang-format off
.tm = {
.tm_sec = 58,
.tm_min = 33,
.tm_hour = 18,
.tm_mday = 24,
.tm_mon = 11,
// clang-format on
.count = 15,
class TimestampTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<TimestampTestCase> {
TimestampTest() = default;
TimestampTest(const TimestampTest&) = delete;
TimestampTest& operator=(const TimestampTest&) = delete;
~TimestampTest() override = default;
struct EndToEndTestCase {
const char* buf;
struct tm tm;
vm_tools::LogSeverity severity;
size_t content_offset;
size_t content_length;
// Tests that the end-to-end parser can properly handle all valid records. A
// valid record is defined as any string that contains only valid UTF8 code
// points. Taken from the RFC3164 examples section.
const EndToEndTestCase end_to_end_tests[] = {
.buf = "<34>Oct 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: 'su root' failed for lonvick "
"on /dev/pts/8",
// clang-format off
.tm = {
.tm_sec = 15,
.tm_min = 14,
.tm_hour = 22,
.tm_mday = 11,
.tm_mon = 9,
// clang-format on
.severity = vm_tools::CRITICAL,
.content_offset = 19,
.buf = "Use the BFG!",
.tm = {},
.severity = vm_tools::NOTICE,
.content_offset = 0,
.buf = "<165>Aug 24 05:34:00 CST 1987 mymachine myproc[10]: %% It's "
"time to make the do-nuts. %% Ingredients: Mix=OK, Jelly=OK # "
"Devices: Mixer=OK, Jelly_Injector=OK, Frier=OK # Transport: "
"Conveyer1=OK, Conveyer2=OK # %%",
// clang-format off
.tm = {
.tm_sec = 00,
.tm_min = 34,
.tm_hour = 5,
.tm_mday = 24,
.tm_mon = 7,
// clang-format on
.severity = vm_tools::NOTICE,
.content_offset = 20,
.buf = "<0>1990 Oct 22 10:52:01 TZ-6 "
" sched[0]: That's All Folks!",
.tm = {},
.severity = vm_tools::EMERGENCY,
.content_offset = 3,
.buf = "<34>Oct\u0021 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: 'su root' failed for "
"lonvick on /dev\u001Cb\x0f\x7f\xf0\xff!/pts/8",
.tm = {},
.severity = vm_tools::CRITICAL,
.content_offset = 4,
.buf = "U\u007Cse\u008A the\xe5\xc4\x4f\x05\xb6\xfd BFG!",
.tm = {},
.severity = vm_tools::NOTICE,
.content_offset = 0,
.buf = "<33>Embedded \u0000 NUL\0 characters",
.tm = {},
.severity = vm_tools::ALERT,
.content_offset = 4,
.content_length = 26,
class EndToEndSyslogTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<EndToEndTestCase> {
EndToEndSyslogTest() = default;
EndToEndSyslogTest(const EndToEndSyslogTest&) = delete;
EndToEndSyslogTest& operator=(const EndToEndSyslogTest&) = delete;
~EndToEndSyslogTest() override = default;
} // namespace
TEST_P(PriorityTest, ParsesCorrectly) {
struct PriorityTestCase param = GetParam();
vm_tools::LogSeverity severity = vm_tools::MISSING;
EXPECT_EQ(param.count, ParseSyslogPriority(param.buf, &severity));
EXPECT_EQ(param.severity, severity);
TEST_P(TimestampTest, ParsesCorrectly) {
struct TimestampTestCase param = GetParam();
// Get the current time to set the current year.
struct timespec ts;
ASSERT_EQ(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts), 0);
struct tm current_tm;
ASSERT_TRUE(localtime_r(&ts.tv_sec, &current_tm)); = current_tm.tm_year; = current_tm.tm_isdst;
vm_tools::Timestamp timestamp;
EXPECT_EQ(ParseSyslogTimestamp(param.buf, &timestamp), param.count);
if (param.count > 0) {
// The test case had a valid timestamp. Make sure it was parsed correctly.
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp.seconds(), timelocal(&;
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp.nanos(), 0);
TEST_P(EndToEndSyslogTest, ParsesCorrectly) {
struct EndToEndTestCase param = GetParam();
// Set up the MessageDifferencer.
auto differencer = std::make_unique<pb::util::MessageDifferencer>();
// Set up the expected protobuf.
auto expected = std::make_unique<vm_tools::LogRecord>();
// A non-zero content_length indicates that the buffer has embedded \0
// characters and cannot be treated as a c-string.
if (param.content_length == 0) {
} else {
// Get the current time to set the current year.
struct timespec ts;
ASSERT_EQ(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts), 0);
struct tm current_tm;
ASSERT_TRUE(localtime_r(&ts.tv_sec, &current_tm)); = current_tm.tm_year; = current_tm.tm_isdst;
// We use a tm_mday value of 0 to indicate that the log record doesn't contain
// a valid time because it's not valid for tm_mday to be 0.
if ( == 0) {
// The log record doesn't have a valid time. Tell the differencer to ignore
// the timestamp field. We will manually check it later.
} else {
// The log record does have a valid time. Make sure it is parsed correctly.
auto actual = std::make_unique<vm_tools::LogRecord>();
size_t length = param.content_offset + param.content_length;
if (length == param.content_offset) {
length = strlen(param.buf);
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseSyslogRecord(param.buf, length, actual.get()));
// Record the difference, if any, so we can print it out with the test
// failure.
string difference;
EXPECT_TRUE(differencer->Compare(*expected, *actual)) << difference;
if ( == 0) {
// The timestamp nanos will definitely not match so instead we check to make
// sure that the timestamp is approximately the same as now.
constexpr int64_t kNanosecondsPerSecond = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
int64_t diff =
(actual->timestamp().seconds() - expected->timestamp().seconds()) *
kNanosecondsPerSecond +
(actual->timestamp().nanos() - expected->timestamp().nanos());
EXPECT_LT(diff, kNanosecondsPerSecond);
} // namespace syslog
} // namespace vm_tools