blob: 9a39fa004727df38e0dae0092bd1c03d1c865414 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package vm_tools.vsh;
option go_package = "chromiumos/vm_tools/vsh_proto";
// Indicates the status of a connection.
enum ConnectionStatus {
// Connection status is unknown.
// Connection was set up successfully. Server and client may now exchange
// messages.
READY = 1;
// The server's target program has exited. The server will immediately close
// the connection, and the client is expected to exit after its cleanup.
// A fatal error was encountered. The connection will be closed.
// Request to set up a connection to a container. This must be the first
// message sent to the server from the client.
message SetupConnectionRequest {
// Target container. "vm_shell" is a special value to get a VM shell.
string target = 1;
// User to execute the target program.
string user = 2;
// Map of environment variables to forward.
map<string, string> env = 3;
// Deprecated. Target command. Empty indicates a login shell.
string command = 4;
// Argv of the target program to run. Empty indicates a login shell.
repeated string argv = 5;
// Initial window size (rows) of the pty.
int32 window_rows = 6;
// Initial window size (cols) of the pty.
int32 window_cols = 7;
// True if using a noninteractive client and a pty should not be allocated.
// The logic here is inverted to keep backwards compatibility with the
// current behavior (always allocate a pty).
bool nopty = 8;
// Optional: directory to set for current working directory.
string cwd = 9;
// Optional: use /proc/<cwd_pid>/cwd for current working directory.
int32 cwd_pid = 10;
// Response to a SetupConnectionRequest.
message SetupConnectionResponse {
// Status of the connection.
ConnectionStatus status = 1;
// Short description of any error encountered when setting up the
// connection.
string description = 2;
// Process ID of new shell.
int32 pid = 3;
// A message that indicates to either the server or the client a change
// in connection status.
message ConnectionStatusMessage {
// New connection status. If the connection status is changed to anything
// except READY, the recipient must shut down.
ConnectionStatus status = 1;
// Short description of any error that triggered the status change.
string description = 2;
// Return code of the command, if any.
sint32 code = 3;
// Type of stdio stream that is being sent.
enum StdioStream {
// The stream is invalid.
// This is a stdin stream, flowing from client to server.
// This is a stdout stream, flowing from server to client.
// This is a stderr stream, flowing from server to client.
// DataMessages encapsulate stdio to be forwarded between the server and client.
message DataMessage {
// Type of stream in this message.
StdioStream stream = 1;
// Data to be forwarded.
bytes data = 2;
// Indicates that the server should resize its pseudoterminal to the given
// dimensions. Sent by the client in response to SIGWINCH.
message WindowResizeMessage {
// New number of rows for the tty.
int32 rows = 1;
// New number of cols for the tty.
int32 cols = 2;
// Encapsulates a POSIX signal to be sent to the target program.
enum Signal {
// Wrapper message for all messages that can be sent to the host/client.
message HostMessage {
oneof msg {
DataMessage data_message = 1;
ConnectionStatusMessage status_message = 2;
// Wrapper message for all messages that can be sent to the guest/server.
message GuestMessage {
oneof msg {
DataMessage data_message = 1;
ConnectionStatusMessage status_message = 2;
WindowResizeMessage resize_message = 3;
Signal signal = 4;