blob: c7fb5d9e4c35b7996cfc5eb70b720fa778a6e542 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <vboot/crossystem.h>
#include "vm_tools/common/pstore.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/arc_vm.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/service.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/shared_data.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/vm_util.h"
namespace vm_tools {
namespace concierge {
namespace {
// Android data directory.
constexpr char kAndroidDataDir[] = "/run/arcvm/android-data";
// Android stub volume directory for MyFiles and removable media.
constexpr char kStubVolumeSharedDir[] = "/run/arcvm/media";
// Path to the VM guest kernel.
constexpr char kKernelPath[] = "/opt/google/vms/android/vmlinux";
// Path to the VM rootfs image file.
constexpr char kRootfsPath[] = "/opt/google/vms/android/system.raw.img";
// Path to the VM fstab file.
constexpr char kFstabPath[] = "/run/arcvm/host_generated/fstab";
// Returns |image_path| on production. Returns a canonicalized path of the image
// file when in dev mode.
base::FilePath GetImagePath(const base::FilePath& image_path,
bool is_dev_mode) {
if (!is_dev_mode)
return image_path;
// When in dev mode, the Android images might be on the stateful partition and
// |kRootfsPath| might be a symlink to the stateful partition image file. In
// that case, we need to use the resolved path so that brillo::SafeFD calls
// can handle the path without errors. The same is true for vendor.raw.image
// too. On the other hand, when in production mode, we should NEVER do the
// special handling. In production, the images files in /opt should NEVER ever
// be a symlink.
// We cannot use base::NormalizeFilePath because the function fails
// if |path| points to a directory (for Windows compatibility.)
char buf[PATH_MAX] = {};
if (realpath(image_path.value().c_str(), buf))
return base::FilePath(buf);
if (errno != ENOENT)
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to resolve " << image_path.value();
return image_path;
// Returns true if the path is a valid demo image path.
bool IsValidDemoImagePath(const base::FilePath& path) {
// A valid demo image path looks like:
// /run/imageloader/demo-mode-resources/<version>/android_demo_apps.squash
// <version> part looks like ("[0-9]+(.[0-9]+){0,3}" in regex).
std::vector<std::string> components;
return components.size() == 6 && components[0] == "/" &&
components[1] == "run" && components[2] == "imageloader" &&
components[3] == "demo-mode-resources" &&
base::ContainsOnlyChars(components[4], "0123456789.") &&
!base::StartsWith(components[4], ".") &&
components[5] == "android_demo_apps.squash";
// Returns true if the path is a valid data image path.
bool IsValidDataImagePath(const base::FilePath& path) {
// A valid data image path looks like:
// /run/daemon-store/crosvm/<hash>/YXJjdm0=.img
std::vector<std::string> components;
return components.size() == 6 && components[0] == "/" &&
components[1] == "run" && components[2] == "daemon-store" &&
components[3] == "crosvm" &&
base::ContainsOnlyChars(components[4], "0123456789abcdef") &&
components[5] == "YXJjdm0=.img";
// TODO(hashimoto): Move VM configuration logic from chrome to concierge and
// remove this function. b/219677829
// Returns true if the StartArcVmRequest contains valid ARCVM config values.
bool ValidateStartArcVmRequest(StartArcVmRequest* request) {
// List of allowed kernel parameters.
const std::set<std::string> kAllowedKernelParams = {
// List of allowed kernel parameter prefixes.
const std::vector<std::string> kAllowedKernelParamPrefixes = {
// TODO(hashimoto): This param was removed in R98. Remove this.
// Filter kernel params.
const std::vector<std::string> params(request->params().begin(),
for (const auto& param : params) {
if (kAllowedKernelParams.count(param) != 0) {
auto it = std::find_if(kAllowedKernelParamPrefixes.begin(),
[&param](const std::string& prefix) {
return base::StartsWith(param, prefix);
if (it != kAllowedKernelParamPrefixes.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << param << " was removed because it doesn't match with any "
<< "allowed param or prefix";
// Validate disks.
constexpr char kEmptyDiskPath[] = "/dev/null";
if (request->disks().size() < 1 || request->disks().size() > 4) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid number of disks: " << request->disks().size();
return false;
// Disk #0 must be /opt/google/vms/android/vendor.raw.img.
if (request->disks()[0].path() != "/opt/google/vms/android/vendor.raw.img") {
LOG(ERROR) << "Disk #0 has invalid path: " << request->disks()[0].path();
return false;
// Disk #1 must be a valid demo image path or /dev/null.
if (request->disks().size() >= 2 &&
!IsValidDemoImagePath(base::FilePath(request->disks()[1].path())) &&
request->disks()[1].path() != kEmptyDiskPath) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Disk #1 has invalid path: " << request->disks()[1].path();
return false;
// Disk #2 must be /opt/google/vms/android/apex/payload.img or /dev/null.
if (request->disks().size() >= 3 &&
request->disks()[2].path() !=
"/opt/google/vms/android/apex/payload.img" &&
request->disks()[2].path() != kEmptyDiskPath) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Disk #2 has invalid path: " << request->disks()[2].path();
return false;
// Disk #3 must be a valid data image path or /dev/null.
if (request->disks().size() >= kDataDiskIndex + 1) {
const std::string& disk_path = request->disks()[kDataDiskIndex].path();
if (!IsValidDataImagePath(base::FilePath(disk_path)) &&
disk_path != kEmptyDiskPath) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Disk #3 has invalid path: " << disk_path;
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
StartVmResponse Service::StartArcVm(StartArcVmRequest request,
std::unique_ptr<dbus::MessageReader> reader,
VmMemoryId vm_memory_id) {
LOG(INFO) << "Received StartArcVm request";
StartVmResponse response;
VmInfo* vm_info = response.mutable_vm_info();
if (request.disks_size() > kMaxExtraDisks) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Rejecting request with " << request.disks_size()
<< " extra disks";
response.set_failure_reason("Too many extra disks");
return response;
// TODO(hashimoto): Move VM configuration logic from chrome to concierge and
// remove this check. b/219677829
if (!ValidateStartArcVmRequest(&request)) {
response.set_failure_reason("Invalid request");
return response;
std::vector<Disk> disks;
// The rootfs can be treated as a disk as well and needs to be added before
// other disks.
Disk::Config config{};
config.o_direct = false;
config.writable = request.rootfs_writable();
const size_t rootfs_block_size = request.rootfs_block_size();
if (rootfs_block_size) {
config.block_size = rootfs_block_size;
const bool is_dev_mode = (VbGetSystemPropertyInt("cros_debug") == 1);
Disk(GetImagePath(base::FilePath(kRootfsPath), is_dev_mode), config));
for (const auto& disk : request.disks()) {
const base::FilePath path =
GetImagePath(base::FilePath(disk.path()), is_dev_mode);
if (!base::PathExists(path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing disk path: " << path;
response.set_failure_reason("One or more disk paths do not exist");
return response;
config.writable = disk.writable();
const size_t block_size = disk.block_size();
if (block_size) {
config.block_size = block_size;
disks.push_back(Disk(path, config));
base::FilePath data_disk_path;
if (request.disks().size() > kDataDiskIndex) {
const std::string disk_path = request.disks()[kDataDiskIndex].path();
if (IsValidDataImagePath(base::FilePath(disk_path)))
data_disk_path = base::FilePath(disk_path);
// Create the runtime directory.
base::FilePath runtime_dir;
if (!base::CreateTemporaryDirInDir(base::FilePath(kRuntimeDir), "vm.",
&runtime_dir)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create runtime directory for VM";
"Internal error: unable to create runtime directory");
return response;
// Allocate resources for the VM.
uint32_t vsock_cid = vsock_cid_pool_.Allocate();
if (vsock_cid == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to allocate vsock context id";
response.set_failure_reason("Unable to allocate vsock cid");
return response;
std::unique_ptr<patchpanel::Client> network_client =
if (!network_client) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open networking service client";
response.set_failure_reason("Unable to open network service client");
return response;
// Map the chronos user (1000) and the chronos-access group (1001) to the
// AID_EXTERNAL_STORAGE user and group (1077).
uint32_t seneschal_server_port = next_seneschal_server_port_++;
std::unique_ptr<SeneschalServerProxy> server_proxy =
SeneschalServerProxy::CreateVsockProxy(bus_, seneschal_service_proxy_,
seneschal_server_port, vsock_cid,
{{1000, 1077}}, {{1001, 1077}});
if (!server_proxy) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to start shared directory server";
response.set_failure_reason("Unable to start shared directory server");
return response;
uint32_t seneschal_server_handle = server_proxy->handle();
// Build the plugin params.
std::vector<std::string> params = {
// Note: Do not change the value "bertha". This string is checked in
// platform2/metrics/ to detect ARCVM's crosvm processes,
// for example.
// Start the VM and build the response.
ArcVmFeatures features;
features.rootfs_writable = request.rootfs_writable();
features.use_dev_conf = !request.ignore_dev_conf();
if (request.has_balloon_policy()) {
const auto& params = request.balloon_policy();
features.balloon_policy_params = (LimitCacheBalloonPolicy::Params){
.reclaim_target_cache = params.reclaim_target_cache(),
.critical_target_cache = params.critical_target_cache(),
.moderate_target_cache = params.moderate_target_cache()};
base::FilePath data_dir = base::FilePath(kAndroidDataDir);
if (!base::PathExists(data_dir)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Android data directory does not exist";
response.set_failure_reason("Android data directory does not exist");
return response;
VmId vm_id(request.owner_id(),;
SendVmStartingUpSignal(vm_id, *vm_info);
const std::vector<uid_t> privileged_quota_uids = {0}; // Root is privileged.
std::string shared_data = CreateSharedDataParam(
data_dir, "_data", true, false, true, privileged_quota_uids);
std::string shared_data_media = CreateSharedDataParam(
data_dir, "_data_media", false, true, true, privileged_quota_uids);
const base::FilePath stub_dir(kStubVolumeSharedDir);
std::string shared_stub = CreateSharedDataParam(stub_dir, "stub", false, true,
false, privileged_quota_uids);
// TOOD(kansho): |non_rt_cpus_num|, |rt_cpus_num| and |affinity|
// should be passed from chrome instead of |enable_rt_vcpu|.
// By default we don't request any RT CPUs
ArcVmCPUTopology topology(request.cpus(), 0);
// We create only 1 RT VCPU for the time being
if (request.enable_rt_vcpu())
if (request.enable_rt_vcpu()) {
params.emplace_back("isolcpus=" + topology.RTCPUMask());
params.emplace_back("androidboot.rtcpus=" + topology.RTCPUMask());
params.emplace_back("androidboot.non_rtcpus=" + topology.NonRTCPUMask());
params.emplace_back("ramoops.record_size=" +
params.emplace_back("ramoops.console_size=" +
params.emplace_back("ramoops.ftrace_size=" +
params.emplace_back("ramoops.pmsg_size=" +
VmBuilder vm_builder;
.AppendKernelParam(base::JoinString(params, " "))
.AppendCustomParam("--android-fstab", kFstabPath)
"--pstore", base::StringPrintf("path=%s,size=%" PRId64,
kArcVmPstorePath, kArcVmRamoopsSize))
.EnableSmt(false /* enable */)
if (request.enable_rt_vcpu()) {
vm_builder.AppendCustomParam("--rt-cpus", topology.RTCPUMask());
if (!topology.IsSymmetricCPU() && !topology.AffinityMask().empty()) {
vm_builder.AppendCustomParam("--cpu-affinity", topology.AffinityMask());
if (!topology.IsSymmetricCPU() && !topology.CapacityMask().empty()) {
vm_builder.AppendCustomParam("--cpu-capacity", topology.CapacityMask());
if (!topology.IsSymmetricCPU() && !topology.PackageMask().empty()) {
for (auto& package : topology.PackageMask()) {
vm_builder.AppendCustomParam("--cpu-cluster", package);
if (request.use_hugepages()) {
vm_builder.AppendCustomParam("--hugepages", "");
/* Enable THP if the VM has at least 7G of memory */
if (base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemoryMB() >= 7 * 1024) {
vm_builder.AppendCustomParam("--hugepages", "");
auto vm = ArcVm::Create(base::FilePath(kKernelPath), vsock_cid,
std::move(network_client), std::move(server_proxy),
std::move(runtime_dir), std::move(data_disk_path),
vm_memory_id, features, std::move(vm_builder));
if (!vm) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to start VM";
response.set_failure_reason("Unable to start VM");
return response;
// ARCVM is ready.
LOG(INFO) << "Started VM with pid " << vm->pid();
SendVmStartedSignal(vm_id, *vm_info, response.status());
vms_[vm_id] = std::move(vm);
return response;
int64_t Service::GetArcVmMemoryMiB(const StartArcVmRequest& request) {
int64_t memory_mib = request.memory_mib();
if (memory_mib <= 0) {
memory_mib = ::vm_tools::concierge::GetVmMemoryMiB();
return memory_mib;
} // namespace concierge
} // namespace vm_tools