blob: b6329ba9c18fde02fd576d7db0c938314740e3b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace vm_tools {
namespace concierge {
namespace pvm {
// Path to the Parallels binaries and other assets.
constexpr char kApplicationDir[] =
// Name of the runtime directory both inside and outside of jails.
constexpr char kRuntimeDir[] = "/run/pvm";
namespace dispatcher {
// Path to VM images, as seen from the dispatcher jail.
constexpr char kImageDir[] = "/run/pvm-images";
// Path to the dispatcher socket, should be the same from inside
// and outside of jails.
constexpr char kSocketPath[] = "/run/pvm/vmplugin_dispatcher.socket";
} // namespace dispatcher
namespace helper {
constexpr char kCommand[] = "prlctl";
constexpr char kPolicyPath[] = "policy/pvm_helper.policy";
} // namespace helper
namespace plugin {
// Name of the plugin VM binary.
constexpr char kCommand[] = "prl_vm_app";
// Name of the sub-directory containing plugin's seccomp policy.
constexpr char kPolicyDir[] = "policy";
// Name of directory used by Parallels software to locate components
// inside jail when not using relative paths.
constexpr char kPitaDir[] = "/opt/pita";
// Name of the directory holding ISOs inside the jail.
constexpr char kIsoDir[] = "/iso";
// Name we give VM installation media, as seen from inside jail.
constexpr char kInstallIsoPath[] = "/iso/install.iso";
// Name of the Parallels Tools media, as seen from inside jail.
constexpr char kToolsIsoPath[] = "/opt/pita/tools/prl-tools-win.iso";
// Name of the stateful directory inside the jail.
constexpr char kStatefulDir[] = "/pvm";
} // namespace plugin
} // namespace pvm
} // namespace concierge
} // namespace vm_tools