blob: e4341b5432097a9bc0508859656685d5d0daf0b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "trunks/trunks_export.h"
namespace trunks {
namespace csme {
// An interface for performing pinweaver provisioning.
class TRUNKS_EXPORT PinWeaverProvision {
PinWeaverProvision() = default;
virtual ~PinWeaverProvision() = default;
// Sets and commits salting key for CMSE. Creates and persists the salting key
// if not done yet. performs no-ops if the salting key is already provisioned
// (i.e., committed to CSME). Returns `true` iff the salting key is (already)
// committed.
// Note that the salting key creation requires empty owner password by design.
virtual bool Provision() = 0;
// Issues `InitOwner` CSME command. Returns `true` iff the operations
// succeeds.
// Note that this operation requires empty owner password by design. Also, it
// requires the salting key to be provisioned first.
virtual bool InitOwner() = 0;
} // namespace csme
} // namespace trunks