blob: 2c99750c0cbf2f6ebe8c7df7676803e5dd3e138b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/callbacks.h"
#include "shill/default_service_observer.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
#include "shill/vpn/vpn_driver.h"
namespace shill {
class KeyValueStore;
class VPNService : public Service,
public DefaultServiceObserver,
public VPNDriver::EventHandler {
VPNService(Manager* manager, std::unique_ptr<VPNDriver> driver);
VPNService(const VPNService&) = delete;
VPNService& operator=(const VPNService&) = delete;
~VPNService() override;
// Inherited from Service.
std::string GetStorageIdentifier() const override;
bool IsAlwaysOnVpn(const std::string& package) const override;
bool Load(const StoreInterface* storage) override;
void MigrateDeprecatedStorage(StoreInterface* storage) override;
bool Save(StoreInterface* storage) override;
bool Unload() override;
void EnableAndRetainAutoConnect() override;
TetheringState GetTethering() const override;
bool SetNameProperty(const std::string& name, Error* error) override;
VirtualDeviceRefPtr GetVirtualDevice() const override;
// Power management events.
void OnBeforeSuspend(const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void OnAfterResume() override;
// Inherited from DefaultServiceObserver.
void OnDefaultLogicalServiceChanged(
const ServiceRefPtr& logical_service) override;
void OnDefaultPhysicalServiceChanged(
const ServiceRefPtr& physical_service) override;
virtual void InitDriverPropertyStore();
VPNDriver* driver() const { return driver_.get(); }
static std::string CreateStorageIdentifier(const KeyValueStore& args,
Error* error);
void set_storage_id(const std::string& id) { storage_id_ = id; }
// Returns the type name of the underlying physical service.
std::string GetPhysicalTechnologyProperty(Error* error);
// Returns true if the service supports always-on VPN.
bool SupportsAlwaysOnVpn();
// Inherited from VPNDriver::EventHandler. Callbacks from VPNDriver.
void OnDriverConnected(const std::string& if_name, int if_index) override;
void OnDriverFailure(ConnectFailure failure,
const std::string& error_details) override;
void OnDriverReconnecting(base::TimeDelta timeout) override;
// Inherited from Service.
void OnConnect(Error* error) override;
void OnDisconnect(Error* error, const char* reason) override;
bool IsAutoConnectable(const char** reason) const override;
friend class VPNServiceTest;
FRIEND_TEST(ManagerTest, FindDeviceFromService);
FRIEND_TEST(VPNServiceTest, GetDeviceRpcId);
FRIEND_TEST(VPNServiceTest, GetPhysicalTechnologyPropertyFailsIfNoCarrier);
FRIEND_TEST(VPNServiceTest, GetPhysicalTechnologyPropertyOverWifi);
FRIEND_TEST(VPNServiceTest, ConfigureDeviceAndCleanupDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(VPNServiceTest, ConnectFlow);
static const char kAutoConnNeverConnected[];
static const char kAutoConnVPNAlreadyActive[];
RpcIdentifier GetDeviceRpcId(Error* error) const override;
// Create a VPN VirtualDevice as device_.
bool CreateDevice(const std::string& if_name, int if_index);
void ConfigureDevice();
void CleanupDevice();
// Initializes a callback that will invoke OnDriverConnectTimeout() after
// |timeout|. The timeout will be restarted if it's already scheduled. If
// kTimeoutNone is passed in, only cancels the current timeout, if any.
void StartDriverConnectTimeout(base::TimeDelta timeout);
// Cancels the connect timeout callback, if any, previously scheduled through
// StartConnectTimeout.
void StopDriverConnectTimeout();
// Called if a connect timeout scheduled through StartConnectTimeout
// fires. Cancels the timeout callback.
void OnDriverConnectTimeout();
std::string storage_id_;
std::unique_ptr<VPNDriver> driver_;
VirtualDeviceRefPtr device_;
// Indicates whether the default physical service state, which is known from
// Manager, is online. Helps distinguish between a network->network transition
// (where the client simply reconnects), and a network->link_down->network
// transition (where the client should disconnect, wait for link up, then
// reconnect). Uses true as the default value before we get the first
// notification from Manager, this is safe because the default physical
// service must be online before we connect to any VPN service.
bool last_default_physical_service_online_;
// The current default physical service known from Manager.
std::string last_default_physical_service_path_;
base::CancelableClosure driver_connect_timeout_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<VPNService> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace shill