blob: a27419364134b8a9fc05dc86bc90fbe59747d8da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/cancelable_callback.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/callbacks.h"
#include "shill/eap_credentials.h"
#include "shill/mockable.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
#include "shill/store/key_value_store.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class Error;
class EventDispatcher;
class Manager;
class Metrics;
class ProcessManager;
class PropertyStore;
class StoreInterface;
class VPNDriver {
// Note that the Up and Down events are triggered by whether the default
// physical service is online. This works in most cases, but in some
// scenarios, we may want to connect to a VPN service when the service is not
// online but only connected (e.g., the VPN server is in the same IP prefix on
// the LAN), events based on the connected state is more meaningful in those
// cases.
enum DefaultPhysicalServiceEvent {
// The default physical service becomes online from any other state.
// There is no online physical service any more.
// The default physical service changed from an online service to another
// online service.
// Passed in and registered in ConnectAsync(). Currently implemented by
// VPNService.
class EventHandler {
// Invoked on connection or reconnection done. The interface name and index
// of the VPN interface are passed via parameters. GetIPProperties() is
// ready now.
virtual void OnDriverConnected(const std::string& if_name,
int if_index) = 0;
// When a failure happens, the driver will clean up its internal state. This
// event is supposed to be triggered only once before the next call of
// ConnectAsync().
virtual void OnDriverFailure(Service::ConnectFailure failure,
const std::string& error_details) = 0;
// Indicates the driver is trying reconnecting now. Note that this event
// might be triggered multiple times before OnConnected or OnFailure
// happens. |timeout| suggests the handler how long this connection attempt
// might take at maximum.
virtual void OnDriverReconnecting(base::TimeDelta timeout) = 0;
~EventHandler() = default;
// Might be returned by ConnectAsync() or OnDriverReconnecting(). Indicates
// the VPNService should not set a timeout for this connection attempt.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kTimeoutNone = base::Seconds(0);
virtual ~VPNDriver();
// When this function is called, a VPNDriver is responsible for 1) creating
// the network interface (either by interacting with DeviceInfo or by letting
// another program do this), 2) starting and configuring the VPN tunnel, and
// 3) after VPN is connected and the network interface is known by DeviceInfo,
// invoking callbacks in |handler| to notify the VPNService of connection
// success (or other events).
// Returns a timeout value which suggests the handler how long this connection
// attempt might take at maximum.
virtual base::TimeDelta ConnectAsync(EventHandler* handler) = 0;
virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
virtual IPConfig::Properties GetIPProperties() const = 0;
virtual std::string GetProviderType() const = 0;
// Makes the VPN driver fail because of the connection timeout. The driver
// will clean up its internal state, and invokes OnDriverFailure to notify the
// event handler of the failure reason.
virtual void OnConnectTimeout() = 0;
// Registers properties with |store|. These properties are exposed and can be
// read and/or written via RPC. The list of properties is controlled by: 1)
// all properties in |properties| are included, 2) GetProvider() provides a
// read-only "Provider" property, 3) the inherited class can override this
// function to register more properties.
virtual void InitPropertyStore(PropertyStore* store);
// This group of functions control the interaction between persistent
// |storage| and |args_|. Also see the function with the same names in Service
// and VPNService.
virtual bool Load(const StoreInterface* storage,
const std::string& storage_id);
void MigrateDeprecatedStorage(StoreInterface* storage,
const std::string& storage_id);
virtual bool Save(StoreInterface* storage,
const std::string& storage_id,
bool save_credentials);
virtual void UnloadCredentials();
// Power management events.
virtual void OnBeforeSuspend(const ResultCallback& callback);
virtual void OnAfterResume();
virtual void OnDefaultPhysicalServiceEvent(DefaultPhysicalServiceEvent event);
mockable std::string GetHost() const;
KeyValueStore* args() { return &args_; }
const KeyValueStore* const_args() const { return &args_; }
const EapCredentials* eap_credentials() const {
return eap_credentials_.get();
// Represents a property in |args_|, which can be read and/or written over
// RPC, and loaded from and/or saved to storage (the accessibility is
// controlled by flags). Each inherited class should define the list of
// properties it has, and pass this list to the constructor of this class.
struct Property {
enum Flags {
kEphemeral = 1 << 0, // Never load or save.
kCredential = 1 << 1, // Save if saving credentials (crypted).
kWriteOnly = 1 << 2, // Never read over RPC.
kReadOnly = 1 << 3, // Never write over RPC.
kArray = 1 << 4, // Property is an array of strings.
const char* property;
int flags;
VPNDriver(Manager* manager,
ProcessManager* process_manager,
const Property* properties,
size_t property_count,
bool use_eap = false);
VPNDriver(const VPNDriver&) = delete;
VPNDriver& operator=(const VPNDriver&) = delete;
ControlInterface* control_interface() const;
EventDispatcher* dispatcher() const;
Metrics* metrics() const;
Manager* manager() const { return manager_; }
ProcessManager* process_manager() const { return process_manager_; }
// Registered for "Provider" property, which can be read over RPC. All
// accessible properties defined in |properties_| are included.
virtual KeyValueStore GetProvider(Error* error);
friend class VPNDriverTest;
static const char kCredentialPrefix[];
void ClearMappedStringProperty(const size_t& index, Error* error);
void ClearMappedStringsProperty(const size_t& index, Error* error);
std::string GetMappedStringProperty(const size_t& index, Error* error);
std::vector<std::string> GetMappedStringsProperty(const size_t& index,
Error* error);
bool SetMappedStringProperty(const size_t& index,
const std::string& value,
Error* error);
bool SetMappedStringsProperty(const size_t& index,
const std::vector<std::string>& value,
Error* error);
Manager* manager_;
ProcessManager* process_manager_;
const Property* const properties_;
const size_t property_count_;
KeyValueStore args_;
std::unique_ptr<EapCredentials> eap_credentials_;
} // namespace shill