blob: 74045ac5300d43f6f83f7558409ebf864addef95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/netlink.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST.
#include "shill/net/byte_string.h"
#include "shill/net/shill_export.h"
struct nlmsghdr;
namespace shill {
// Netlink messages are sent over netlink sockets to talk between user-space
// programs (like shill) and kernel modules (like the cfg80211 module). Each
// kernel module that talks netlink potentially adds its own family header to
// the nlmsghdr (the top-level netlink message header) and, potentially, uses a
// different payload format. The NetlinkMessage class represents that which
// is common between the different types of netlink message.
// The common portions of Netlink Messages start with a |nlmsghdr|. Those
// messages look something like the following:
// |<--------------NetlinkPacket::GetLength()------------->|
// | |<--NetlinkPacket::GetPayload().GetLength() --->|
// | | |
// -----+-----+-+---------------------------------------------+-+----
// ... | | | netlink payload | |
// | | +------------+-+------------------------------+ |
// | nl | | | | | | nl
// | msg |p| (optional) |p| |p| msg ...
// | hdr |a| family |a| family payload |a| hdr
// | |d| header |d| |d|
// | | | | | | |
// -----+-----+-+------------+-+------------------------------+-+----
// ^
// |
// +-- nlmsg payload (NetlinkPacket::GetPayload())
// All NetlinkMessages sent to the kernel need a valid message type (which is
// found in the nlmsghdr structure) and all NetlinkMessages received from the
// kernel have a valid message type. Some message types (NLMSG_NOOP,
// NLMSG_ERROR, and GENL_ID_CTRL, for example) are allocated statically; for
// those, the |message_type_| is assigned directly.
// Other message types ("nl80211", for example), are assigned by the kernel
// dynamically. To get the message type, pass a closure to assign the
// message_type along with the sting to NetlinkManager::GetFamily:
// nl80211_type = netlink_manager->GetFamily(Nl80211Message::kMessageType);
// Do all of this before you start to create NetlinkMessages so that
// NetlinkMessage can be instantiated with a valid |message_type_|.
class NetlinkPacket;
class SHILL_EXPORT NetlinkMessage {
// Describes the context of the netlink message for parsing purposes.
struct MessageContext {
MessageContext() : nl80211_cmd(0), is_broadcast(false) {}
size_t nl80211_cmd;
bool is_broadcast;
static const uint32_t kBroadcastSequenceNumber;
static const uint16_t kIllegalMessageType;
explicit NetlinkMessage(uint16_t message_type)
: flags_(0),
sequence_number_(kBroadcastSequenceNumber) {}
NetlinkMessage(const NetlinkMessage&) = delete;
NetlinkMessage& operator=(const NetlinkMessage&) = delete;
virtual ~NetlinkMessage() = default;
// Returns a string of bytes representing the message (with it headers) and
// any necessary padding. These bytes are appropriately formatted to be
// written to a netlink socket.
virtual ByteString Encode(uint32_t sequence_number) = 0;
// Initializes the |NetlinkMessage| from a complete and legal message
// (potentially received from the kernel via a netlink socket).
virtual bool InitFromPacket(NetlinkPacket* packet, MessageContext context);
uint16_t message_type() const { return message_type_; }
void AddFlag(uint16_t new_flag) { flags_ |= new_flag; }
void AddAckFlag() { flags_ |= NLM_F_ACK; }
uint16_t flags() const { return flags_; }
uint32_t sequence_number() const { return sequence_number_; }
virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
// Logs the message. Allows a different log level (presumably more
// stringent) for the body of the message than the header.
virtual void Print(int header_log_level, int detail_log_level) const;
// Logs the message's raw bytes (with minimal interpretation).
static void PrintBytes(int log_level,
const unsigned char* buf,
size_t num_bytes);
// Logs a netlink message (with minimal interpretation).
static void PrintPacket(int log_level, const NetlinkPacket& packet);
friend class NetlinkManagerTest;
// Returns a string of bytes representing an |nlmsghdr|, filled-in, and its
// padding.
virtual ByteString EncodeHeader(uint32_t sequence_number);
// Reads the |nlmsghdr|. Subclasses may read additional data from the
// payload.
virtual bool InitAndStripHeader(NetlinkPacket* packet);
uint16_t flags_;
uint16_t message_type_;
uint32_t sequence_number_;
static void PrintHeader(int log_level, const nlmsghdr* header);
static void PrintPayload(int log_level,
const unsigned char* buf,
size_t num_bytes);
// The Error and Ack messages are received from the kernel and are combined,
// here, because they look so much alike (the only difference is that the
// error code is 0 for the Ack messages). Error messages are received from
// the kernel in response to a sent message when there's a problem (such as
// a malformed message or a busy kernel module). Ack messages are received
// from the kernel when a sent message has the NLM_F_ACK flag set, indicating
// that an Ack is requested.
class SHILL_EXPORT ErrorAckMessage : public NetlinkMessage {
static const uint16_t kMessageType;
ErrorAckMessage() : NetlinkMessage(kMessageType), error_(0) {}
explicit ErrorAckMessage(uint32_t err)
: NetlinkMessage(kMessageType), error_(err) {}
ErrorAckMessage(const ErrorAckMessage&) = delete;
ErrorAckMessage& operator=(const ErrorAckMessage&) = delete;
static uint16_t GetMessageType() { return kMessageType; }
bool InitFromPacket(NetlinkPacket* packet, MessageContext context) override;
ByteString Encode(uint32_t sequence_number) override;
std::string ToString() const override;
uint32_t error() const { return -error_; }
uint32_t error_;
class SHILL_EXPORT NoopMessage : public NetlinkMessage {
static const uint16_t kMessageType;
NoopMessage() : NetlinkMessage(kMessageType) {}
NoopMessage(const NoopMessage&) = delete;
NoopMessage& operator=(const NoopMessage&) = delete;
static uint16_t GetMessageType() { return kMessageType; }
ByteString Encode(uint32_t sequence_number) override;
std::string ToString() const override;
class SHILL_EXPORT DoneMessage : public NetlinkMessage {
static const uint16_t kMessageType;
DoneMessage() : NetlinkMessage(kMessageType) {}
DoneMessage(const DoneMessage&) = delete;
DoneMessage& operator=(const DoneMessage&) = delete;
static uint16_t GetMessageType() { return kMessageType; }
ByteString Encode(uint32_t sequence_number) override;
std::string ToString() const override;
class SHILL_EXPORT OverrunMessage : public NetlinkMessage {
static const uint16_t kMessageType;
OverrunMessage() : NetlinkMessage(kMessageType) {}
OverrunMessage(const OverrunMessage&) = delete;
OverrunMessage& operator=(const OverrunMessage&) = delete;
static uint16_t GetMessageType() { return kMessageType; }
ByteString Encode(uint32_t sequence_number) override;
std::string ToString() const override;
class SHILL_EXPORT UnknownMessage : public NetlinkMessage {
UnknownMessage(uint16_t message_type, ByteString message_body)
: NetlinkMessage(message_type), message_body_(message_body) {}
UnknownMessage(const UnknownMessage&) = delete;
UnknownMessage& operator=(const UnknownMessage&) = delete;
ByteString Encode(uint32_t sequence_number) override;
std::string ToString() const override;
void Print(int header_log_level, int detail_log_level) const override;
ByteString message_body_;
// Factory class.
class SHILL_EXPORT NetlinkMessageFactory {
using FactoryMethod = base::Callback<std::unique_ptr<NetlinkMessage>(
const NetlinkPacket& packet)>;
NetlinkMessageFactory() = default;
NetlinkMessageFactory(const NetlinkMessageFactory&) = delete;
NetlinkMessageFactory& operator=(const NetlinkMessageFactory&) = delete;
// Adds a message factory for a specific message_type. Intended to be used
// at initialization.
bool AddFactoryMethod(uint16_t message_type, FactoryMethod factory);
std::unique_ptr<NetlinkMessage> CreateMessage(
NetlinkPacket* packet, NetlinkMessage::MessageContext context) const;
std::map<uint16_t, FactoryMethod> factories_;
} // namespace shill