blob: 35ed68e44a67bc0ad773eaa20953a78e05684f50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package shill.mobile_operator_db;
message FilterRange {
// Numerical range to filter a value.
required uint64 start = 1;
required uint64 end = 2;
message Filter {
// A filter can be one of the following types.
enum Type {
IMSI = 1;
ICCID = 2;
SID = 3;
required Type type = 1;
// A regular expression specifying the values that are *accepted* by this
// filter. The field to be tested is chosen by the |type|.
// The regular expression should be specified as an extended POSIX regular
// expression.
optional string regex = 2;
// Rather than a regular expression, the filter can be expressed by one
// or several numerical ranges.
// The value will be accepted if start <= value <= end for one of the ranges.
repeated FilterRange range = 3;
message LocalizedName {
required string name = 1;
// Language is specified with two letter language codes. See xml:lang.
// If missing, language is assumed to be "en".
optional string language = 2;
message MobileAPN {
required string apn = 1;
repeated LocalizedName localized_name = 3;
optional string OBSOLETE_gateway = 4;
optional string username = 5;
optional string password = 6;
repeated string OBSOLETE_dns = 7;
enum Authentication {
PAP = 1;
CHAP = 2;
// Shill will default to CHAP when an username or password is used, and no
// authentication is provided.
optional Authentication authentication = 8;
optional bool is_attach_apn = 9 [default = false];
enum IpType {
IPV4 = 1;
IPV6 = 2;
IPV4V6 = 3;
optional IpType ip_type = 10 [default = IPV4];
message OnlinePortal {
enum Method {
GET = 1;
POST = 2;
// Some OnlinePortals are only valid for a restricted set of SIDs/MCCMNCs etc.
// Use this filter to restrict when the OnlinePortal is valid.
// The OnlinePortal is assumed to be valid if the filter is not provided.
optional Filter olp_filter = 1;
required Method method = 2;
required string url = 3;
optional string post_data = 4;
message Data {
// A unique identifier for this M[V]NO.
required string uuid = 1;
optional string country = 3;
// List of localized names for this provider.
// If provided, the first is chosen as the default.
repeated LocalizedName localized_name = 4;
// Indicates that this provider requires roaming and the customer is not
// charged additional for roaming. This is particularly useful for some MVNOs.
optional bool requires_roaming = 5 [default = false];
repeated OnlinePortal olp = 6;
optional int32 mtu = 7;
// Use the 'localized_name' above for the operator name in the UI with a
// higher priority than the information coming from the SIM card.
optional bool prioritizes_name = 8 [default = false];
// 1. currently, only filtering by MCCMNC type is processed
// 2. Filter against serving operator info to decide if HOME provider has
// requested roaming enabled by default, update |requires_roaming|.
repeated Filter roaming_filter = 9;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// GSM specific properties [21 - 40]
// MCCMNC is the concatenation of MCC and MNC.
// MCC is a three digit ITU E.212 Mobile Country Code (e.g. '310' or '409')
// and MNC is a two or three digit GSM Mobile Network Code.
repeated string mccmnc = 21;
repeated MobileAPN mobile_apn = 22;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CDMA specific properties [41-60]
repeated string sid = 41;
repeated string nid = 42;
optional string activation_code = 43;
message MobileVirtualNetworkOperator {
repeated Filter mvno_filter = 1;
// When nested under an MNO, the data provided in an MVNO is used to augment
// the data provided by its MNO. All provided top-level fields in
// |MobileVirtualNetworkOperator::data| *replace* the corresponding top-level
// fields in |MobileNetworkOperator::data|. No attempt is made to merge lists
// etc.
required Data data = 2;
message MobileNetworkOperator {
required Data data = 1;
repeated MobileVirtualNetworkOperator mvno = 2;
// The database inevitably contains some duplicate MobileNetworkOperators that
// are impossible to distinguish using MCCMNC/name. In such a case, this bool
// may be set to pick out one of the duplicates as the intended operator.
// Note that if you're using this property, you should DTRT, and find out why
// there is an ambiguous entry in the database.
// TODO(pprabhu): Add a presubmit-hook to ensure that no more than one of the
// duplicates is earmarked.
optional bool earmarked = 3;
// Top-level message.
// The Database is a single message of type |MobileOperatorDB|.
message MobileOperatorDB {
repeated MobileNetworkOperator mno = 1;
repeated MobileVirtualNetworkOperator mvno = 3;