blob: 7c336c6a5e8b8ff9b4353741ac0ca905f0141212 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API exposed by the ChromeOS mojo service manager.
// NOTE: This mojom should be kept in sync with the copy in Chromium's repo in
// src/chromeos/components/mojo_service_manager/mojom/mojo_service_manager.mojom
module chromeos.mojo_service_manager.mojom;
import "mojo_service_manager/lib/mojom/time.mojom";
// Manages services provided by processes running on the system.
// The argument |service_name| should match the regex ([a-zA-Z0-9._\-]+).
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next Method ID: 4
interface ServiceManager {
// Registers a service to the service manager. Callers should set disconnect
// handler on another end of |service_provider| to handle errors.
Register@0(string service_name,
pending_remote<ServiceProvider> service_provider);
// Requests a service from the service manager. The |receiver| will be bound
// to the service. In the case that the service is not registered, if
// |timeout| is null, the |receiver| will be bound after the service is
// available. If |timeout| is not null and the |receiver| cannot be bound
// after |timeout|, it will be reset. Callers should set disconnect handler on
// another end of |receiver| to handle errors.
Request@1(string service_name, mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? timeout,
handle<message_pipe> receiver);
// Queries the state of a service.
Query@2(string service_name) => (ErrorOrServiceState result);
// Registers an observer to observe the state of services. The observer can
// only receive the events related to the services which the callers are
// allowed to request. Callers should set disconnect handler on another end of
// |observer| to handle errors.
AddServiceObserver@3(pending_remote<ServiceObserver> observer);
// Provides services to other processes. Provider processes implement this and
// register it to the service manager.
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next Method ID: 1
interface ServiceProvider {
// Requests to bind the |receiver| to the corresponding mojo interface. The
// |client_identity| can be used to identify the requester processes.
// Note: the implementations can reset |receiver| to return errors. They
// should use the error codes defined in |ErrorCode| enum when returning
// errors.
Request@0(ProcessIdentity client_identity,
handle<message_pipe> receiver);
// Observes the service events. Requester processes implement this and register
// it to the service manager.
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next Method ID: 1
interface ServiceObserver {
// Is called when service events occur.
OnServiceEvent@0(ServiceEvent event);
// The identity information about a process.
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next Field ID: 4
struct ProcessIdentity {
// The SELinux security context.
string security_context@0;
// The process id.
uint32 pid@1;
// The user / group id.
uint32 uid@2;
uint32 gid@3;
// The result of ServiceManager::Query.
// Next MinVersion: 1
union ErrorOrServiceState {
// The result if succeeds.
ServiceState state;
// The error if fails.
Error error;
// The state of a service.
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next Field ID: 2
struct ServiceState {
// The service is registered or not.
bool is_registered@0;
// The identity of the owner of the service. This is omitted if the service
// is not registered.
ProcessIdentity? owner@1;
// The event about a service.
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next Field ID: 3
struct ServiceEvent {
enum Type {
// The default value for forward compatibility. All the unknown value will
// be mapped to this.
[Default] kUnknown,
// The service is registered.
// The service is not registered.
Type type@0;
// The name of the service which triggers the event.
string service_name@1;
// The dispatcher of the event. It is the process which registered or
// unregistered the service.
ProcessIdentity dispatcher@2;
// A generic error type for functions to return error.
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next Field ID: 2
struct Error {
ErrorCode code@0;
string message@1;
// The error code for |struct Error| and the disconnect handlers. This is used
// in the disconnect reason of all the mojo handles (namely, message pipe,
// receiver and remote) which are sent to |ServiceManager|.
// Note that in the disconnect handlers, this is casted to |uint32| and has no
// guarantee that the value can be casted back to this. Always check if the
// value is between 1 and |ErrorCode::kMaxValue| before casting it.
// NextMinVersion: 1
enum ErrorCode {
// The default value for forward compatibility. In struct |Error|, all the
// unknown value will be mapped to this.
// In disconnect handlers, if the handle is reset without a reason, the error
// code is 0. So this enum starts from 1 to be distinguish from that.
[Default] kUnknown = 1,
// Timeout is reached.
// The caller is not permit to perform the operation.
// The service has already been registered.
// The service cannot be found.
// Unexpected os error.