blob: 944b9d52c88cf1a8b14f9c97321e29354ab03847 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 3
// Datatypes and interfaces of handwriting recognition API.
// NOTE: This mojom exists in two places and must be kept in sync:
// Chromium: //chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/
// Chrome OS: src/platform2/ml/mojom/
// Note: Other repos downstream of Chromium might also use this mojom.
// Example: A backwards-compatible mojom change (and corresponding
// implementation change) can be made in Chrome OS first, then replicated to the
// clients (Chromium, other downstream repos) later.
// Use //chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/ to help
// replicate Chrome OS-side changes over to Chromium.
module chromeos.machine_learning.mojom;
import "ml/mojom/time.mojom";
// A single point in an ink stroke.
struct InkPoint {
// (x, y) coordinates of the point. The upper-left corner of the writing area
// is (0, 0). The positive x-axis points to the right. The positive y-axis
// points down.
float x;
float y;
// Optional TimeDelta from the point was captured relative to the beginning of
// the ink. So first point of a request should have t=0.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? t;
// A single ink stroke.
struct InkStroke {
// The set of points representing the stroke.
array<InkPoint> points;
// The writing guide shown to the user during input.
struct WritingGuide {
// Size of the writing area. The writing area must have (0, 0) at the top
// left.
// width is the max value of x-axis (to the right) and height is the max
// value of y-axis (to the bottom).
float width;
float height;
// Options that will influence the recognition output.
struct RecognitionContext {
// The writing guide shown to the user when the ink was captured.
WritingGuide? writing_guide;
// The context before the written text.
string? pre_context;
// Defines a handwriting recognition query.
struct HandwritingRecognitionQuery {
// The set of ink strokes to be recognized.
array<InkStroke> ink;
// The optional context in which the ink was generated.
RecognitionContext? context;
// Maximum number of results to be returned.
uint32 max_num_results;
// If true, returns the segmentation results. This will make the response
// struct much larger.
bool return_segmentation;
// Represents a contiguous range of ink. Start and end strokes / points are
// inclusive.
struct HandwritingRecognizerInkRange {
// Zero-based start- and end-stroke indices in the ink strokes.
uint32 start_stroke;
uint32 end_stroke;
// Zero-based start- and end-point indices with the start / end strokes.
uint32 start_point;
uint32 end_point;
// A segment defines the substrokes that are associated with a substring of the
// recognized text.
struct HandwritingRecognizerSegment {
// The substring of the recognized text represented by this segment.
string sublabel;
// The ink ranges represented by this segment.
array<HandwritingRecognizerInkRange> ink_ranges;
// The ink segmentation information.
struct HandwritingRecognizerSegmentation {
// The grouping of the cut strokes into characters.
array<HandwritingRecognizerSegment> segments;
// One possible candidate from the handwriting recognition.
struct HandwritingRecognizerCandidate {
// The recognized text.
string text;
// Scores will most often correspond to -log(p(c)) or a scaling thereof, so
// lower scores represent higher confidence.
float score;
// The stroke segmentation that was used to generate the result.
HandwritingRecognizerSegmentation? segmentation;
// The handwriting recognition response.
struct HandwritingRecognizerResult {
// Status of the recognition response.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum Status {
OK = 0,
ERROR = 1,
Status status;
// The recognition candidates with additional alternatives, sorted by lower
// score first (lower score present higher confidence).
array<HandwritingRecognizerCandidate> candidates;
// The specification of a handwriting recognizer.
struct HandwritingRecognizerSpec {
// The language the recognizer will handle. Only "en" (for english) and
// "gesture_in_context" (for gesture) are supported.
string language;
// Path to the language pack to use (downloaded by Chrome via DLC).
// If unset, ml-service will try to find the model from rootfs based on the
// `language` field above.
[MinVersion=1] string? language_pack_path;
// Path to already-installed handwriting recognition library (downloaded by
// chrome via DLC).
// If unset, ml-service will try to find the library from rootfs.
[MinVersion=2] string? library_dlc_path;
// The mojom interface for performing the recognition of handwritten text.
// Next ordinal: 1
interface HandwritingRecognizer {
// Performs handwriting recognition on a set of ink strokes, and returns a set
// of alternative recognition results.
Recognize@0(HandwritingRecognitionQuery query) =>
(HandwritingRecognizerResult result);
// Enum indicates the result of LoadHandwritingModel in mlservice.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum LoadHandwritingModelResult {
OK = 0,
// Deprecated enum values.
// If both USE.ondevice_handwriting and USE.ondevice_handwriting_dlc
// are not defined. (checked in chrome)
// If the required language is not in an allowlist, "en" and
// "gesture_in_context" for now. (checked in chrome)
// If the user goes to chrome://flag page and manually disable
// handwriting or handwriting_dlc. (checked in chrome)
// if the USE.ondevice_handwriting_dlc is enabled, but dlc is not
// on the device. (checked in chrome)
// If the dlc is on the device, but InstallDlc returns an error.
// (checked in chrome).
// If dlc is installed successfully, but GetDlcState returns an error.
// (checked inside MachineLearningServiceImpl)
// if loading fails. (checked inside HandWritingLibrary)
// if getting the function pointers fails. (checked inside HandWritingLibrary)
// If loading model files fails. (checked inside HandWritingLibrary)