blob: 6238657e8463fa1fe9ac367cec6cca54433286da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "missive/compression/decompression.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/feature_list.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <base/task/thread_pool.h>
#include <snappy.h>
#include "missive/proto/record.pb.h"
namespace reporting {
namespace {
std::string DecompressRecordSnappy(std::string record) {
// Compression is enabled and crosses the threshold,
std::string output;
snappy::Uncompress(, record.size(), &output);
return output;
} // namespace
// static
scoped_refptr<Decompression> Decompression::Create() {
return base::WrapRefCounted(new Decompression());
std::string Decompression::DecompressRecord(
std::string record, CompressionInformation compression_information) {
// Decompress
switch (compression_information.compression_algorithm()) {
case CompressionInformation::COMPRESSION_NONE: {
// Don't decompress, simply return serialized record
return record;
case CompressionInformation::COMPRESSION_SNAPPY: {
return DecompressRecordSnappy(std::move(record));
Decompression::Decompression() = default;
Decompression::~Decompression() = default;
} // namespace reporting