blob: 725525e01ee86decbfdfdbe6d43f4f705fb972a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include <libhwsec-foundation/error/error.h>
#include "libhwsec/error/tpm_retry_action.h"
#include "libhwsec/hwsec_export.h"
/* The most important function of TPM error is representing a TPM retry action.
* MakeStatus<TPM1Error>/MakeStatus<TPM2Error> converts the raw error code from
* the daemon to a Status object.
* For example:
* StatusChain<TPM1Error> status = MakeStatus<TPM1Error>(
* Tspi_TPM_CreateEndorsementKey(tpm_handle, local_key_handle, NULL));
* And it could also creating software based TPM error.
* For example:
* StatusChain<TPMError> status =
* MakeStatus<TPMError>("Failed to get trunks context",
* TPMRetryAction::kNoRetry);
* Using Wrap() could wrap a TPM error into a new TPM error, and it
* would transfer the retry action to the new TPM error (due to Wrap
* overload).
* For example:
* if (StatusChain<TPMErrorBase> status = GetPublicKeyBlob(...))) {
* return MakeStatus<TPMError>("Failed to get TPM public key hash")
* .Wrap(std::move(status));
* }
* And it could also overwrite the original retry action.
* For example:
* if (StatusChain<TPM2Error> status = MakeStatus<TPM2Error>(...)) {
* return MakeStatus<TPMError>(
* "Error ...", TPMRetryAction::kNoRetry).Wrap(std::move(status));
* }
* It can also be used with status_macros helpers. For more info see
* `platform2/libhwsec-foundation/error/status_macros.h`.
* MakeStatus<TPM1Error>(
* Tspi_TPM_CreateEndorsementKey(tpm_handle, local_key_handle, NULL),
* AsStatusChain<TPMError>("Failed to create endorsement key")));
namespace hwsec {
namespace unified_tpm_error {
typedef int64_t UnifiedError;
// Note on the unified error code:
// The unified error code unifies error code from various TPM versions,
// furthermore, it also unifies error code from the generic TPMError (that
// contains a string) and the TPM-related errors on Cryptohome side. For all
// valid values of unified error code, it is expected that it'll map one to
// one to one of those errors above.
// For the encoding of the unified error code, TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 error code
// already coexist in the same error space, so they will remain intact, except
// the extra kUnifiedErrorBit.
// For the other error codes, such as those from elliptic curve, tpm_manager,
// or the generic variant of TPMError, they'll be mapped into the later 3072
// error codes of the trunks layer.
// A layer in TPM error encoding is a 4096 error code allocation with the same
// 12-15 bit. There's already 1 layer allocated to trunks (0x7000), but trunks
// doesn't need the entire 4096 error code encoding space, and thus the later
// 3072 of them is allocated to TPMError and related.
// The allocation is as below: (base is kTrunksErrorBase)
// base+0x000 to base+0x3FF Allocated to trunks.
// base+0x800 to base+0x87F Allocated to tpm_manager error.
// base+0x880 to base+0x8FF Allocated to tpm_manager/nvram error.
// base+0x900 to base+0x97F Allocated to elliptic curve and related.
// base+0xC00 to base+0xFFF Allocated to hashed TPMError.
// When reporting the unified error code, bit 16 (0x10000) is set to indicate
// that it's a unified error code.
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorMask = 0x0FFFFLL;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorBit = 0x10000LL;
inline constexpr int64_t kUnifiedErrorLayerMask = 0x0F000LL;
// Note: This is enforced by static_assert in
inline constexpr UnifiedError kHwsecTpmErrorBase = (7 << 12);
// Note: All the *Max entries below are inclusive.
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorTpmManagerBase =
kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0x800;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorTpmManagerMax =
kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0x87F;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorNvramBase =
kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0x880;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorNvramMax =
kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0x8FF;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorECBase = kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0x900;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorECMax = kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0x97F;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorHashedTpmErrorBase =
kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0xC00;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorHashedTpmErrorMax =
kHwsecTpmErrorBase + 0xFFF;
inline constexpr UnifiedError kUnifiedErrorHashedTpmErrorMask = 0x3FF;
} // namespace unified_tpm_error
// A base class for TPM errors.
class HWSEC_EXPORT TPMErrorBase : public hwsec_foundation::status::Error {
using MakeStatusTrait = hwsec_foundation::status::ForbidMakeStatus;
// TPMErrorBase is the base of all TPM-related error in libhwsec.
using BaseErrorType = TPMErrorBase;
explicit TPMErrorBase(std::string message);
~TPMErrorBase() override = default;
// Returns what the action should do after this error happen.
virtual TPMRetryAction ToTPMRetryAction() const = 0;
// Returns a unified error code.
virtual unified_tpm_error::UnifiedError UnifiedErrorCode() const = 0;
// If there's any hashing that is used to derive the unified error code, then
// this method print out the original content before hashing so that we can
// discover what the hashed unified error code was when we're debugging.
virtual void LogUnifiedErrorCodeMapping() const = 0;
// A TPM error which contains error message and retry action. Doesn't contain
// an error code on its own.
class HWSEC_EXPORT TPMError : public TPMErrorBase {
// Overload MakeStatus to prevent issuing un-actioned TPMErrors. Attempting to
// create a StatusChain<TPMError> without an action will create a stub object
// that caches the message and waits for the Wrap call with an appropriate
// Status to complete the definition and construct a proper TPMError. That
// intends to ensure that all TPMError object propagated contain an action
// either explicitly specified or inherited from a specific tpm-type dependent
// error object.
struct MakeStatusTrait {
class Unactioned {
explicit Unactioned(std::string error_message)
: error_message_(error_message) {}
// Wrap will convert the stab into the appropriate Status type.
auto Wrap(hwsec_foundation::status::StatusChain<TPMErrorBase> status) && {
using hwsec_foundation::status::NewStatus;
return NewStatus<TPMError>(error_message_, status->ToTPMRetryAction())
const std::string error_message_;
class Unmessaged {
explicit Unmessaged(TPMRetryAction action) : action_(action) {}
// Wrap will convert the stab into the appropriate Status type.
auto Wrap(brillo::ErrorPtr err) && {
using hwsec_foundation::status::NewStatus;
std::string result;
if (err) {
result = base::StringPrintf(
"BrilloError(%s, %s, %s)", err->GetDomain().c_str(),
err->GetCode().c_str(), err->GetMessage().c_str());
} else {
result = "BrilloError(null)";
return NewStatus<TPMError>(std::move(result), action_);
const TPMRetryAction action_;
// Returns a stub that doesn't convert to Status. The stub will wait for a
// Wrap.
auto operator()(std::string error_message) {
return Unactioned(error_message);
// Returns a stub that doesn't convert to Status. The stub will wait for a
// Wrap.
auto operator()(TPMRetryAction action) { return Unmessaged(action); }
// If we get action as an argument - create the Status directly.
auto operator()(std::string error_message, TPMRetryAction action) {
using hwsec_foundation::status::NewStatus;
return NewStatus<TPMError>(error_message, action);
TPMError(std::string error_message, TPMRetryAction action);
~TPMError() override = default;
TPMRetryAction ToTPMRetryAction() const override { return retry_action_; }
unified_tpm_error::UnifiedError UnifiedErrorCode() const override {
return CalculateUnifiedErrorCode(ToString());
void LogUnifiedErrorCodeMapping() const override;
static unified_tpm_error::UnifiedError CalculateUnifiedErrorCode(
const std::string& msg);
const TPMRetryAction retry_action_;
} // namespace hwsec