blob: a457ee49cad6515661d9ef8df23df15332b4e479 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libhwsec-foundation/crypto/elliptic_curve.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/strcat.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include "libhwsec-foundation/crypto/big_num_util.h"
#include "libhwsec-foundation/crypto/error_util.h"
namespace hwsec_foundation {
// static
std::optional<EllipticCurve> EllipticCurve::Create(CurveType curve,
BN_CTX* context) {
// Translate from CurveType to NID.
int nid = NID_undef;
switch (curve) {
case CurveType::kPrime256:
nid = NID_X9_62_prime256v1;
case CurveType::kPrime384:
nid = NID_secp384r1;
case CurveType::kPrime521:
nid = NID_secp521r1;
if (nid == NID_undef) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid curve type " << static_cast<int>(curve);
return std::nullopt;
crypto::ScopedEC_GROUP group(EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(nid));
if (!group) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create group of EllipticCurve type="
<< static_cast<int>(curve) << " NID=" << nid << ": "
<< GetOpenSSLErrors();
return std::nullopt;
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM order(BN_secure_new());
if (!order) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate BIGNUM structure: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return std::nullopt;
if (!EC_GROUP_get_order(group.get(), order.get(), context)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get EC_GROUP order: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return std::nullopt;
return EllipticCurve(curve, std::move(group), std::move(order));
EllipticCurve::EllipticCurve(CurveType curve,
crypto::ScopedEC_GROUP group,
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM order)
: curve_(curve), group_(std::move(group)), order_(std::move(order)) {}
EllipticCurve::~EllipticCurve() = default;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT EllipticCurve::PointAtInfinityForTesting() const {
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT result = CreatePoint();
if (!result) {
// The error is already logged by CreatePoint().
return nullptr;
if (EC_POINT_set_to_infinity(group_.get(), result.get()) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set point to infinity: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return result;
bool EllipticCurve::IsPointValid(const EC_POINT& point, BN_CTX* context) const {
return EC_POINT_is_on_curve(group_.get(), &point, context) == 1;
bool EllipticCurve::IsPointAtInfinity(const EC_POINT& point) const {
return EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group_.get(), &point) == 1;
bool EllipticCurve::IsPointValidAndFinite(const EC_POINT& point,
BN_CTX* context) const {
return IsPointValid(point, context) && !IsPointAtInfinity(point);
bool EllipticCurve::InvertPoint(EC_POINT* point, BN_CTX* context) const {
if (EC_POINT_invert(group_.get(), point, context) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to invert EC_POINT: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return false;
return true;
int EllipticCurve::ScalarSizeInBytes() const {
return BN_num_bytes(order_.get());
bool EllipticCurve::IsScalarValid(const BIGNUM& scalar) const {
return BN_is_negative(&scalar) == 0 && BN_cmp(&scalar, order_.get()) < 0;
int EllipticCurve::AffineCoordinateSizeInBytes() const {
unsigned int degree_bits = EC_GROUP_get_degree(group_.get());
return (degree_bits + 7) >> 3;
bool EllipticCurve::GetAffineCoordinates(const EC_POINT& point,
BN_CTX* context,
BIGNUM* y) const {
if (!IsPointValidAndFinite(point, context)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get affine coordinates: input point is invalid or "
return false;
if (EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates(group_.get(), &point, x, y, context) !=
1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get affine coordinates: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return false;
return true;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT EllipticCurve::CreatePoint() const {
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT result(EC_POINT_new(group_.get()));
if (!result) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate EC_POINT structure: "
<< GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return result;
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM EllipticCurve::RandomNonZeroScalar(BN_CTX* context) const {
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM secret(BN_secure_new());
if (!secret) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate BIGNUM structure: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
// Loop until generated secret is non-zero.
do {
if (BN_priv_rand_range(secret.get(), order_.get()) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate secret: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
} while (BN_is_zero(secret.get()));
return secret;
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM EllipticCurve::ModAdd(const BIGNUM& a,
const BIGNUM& b,
BN_CTX* context) const {
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM result(BN_secure_new());
if (!result) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate BIGNUM structure: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
if (BN_mod_add(result.get(), &a, &b, order_.get(), context) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform BIGNUM modulo addition: "
<< GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return result;
bool EllipticCurve::AreEqual(const EC_POINT& point1,
const EC_POINT& point2,
BN_CTX* context) const {
int result = EC_POINT_cmp(group_.get(), &point1, &point2, context);
if (result < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to compare points: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return false;
return result == 0;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT EllipticCurve::Multiply(const EC_POINT& point,
const BIGNUM& scalar,
BN_CTX* context) const {
if (!IsPointValid(point, context)) {
<< "Failed to perform multiplication: input point is not on curve";
return nullptr;
// Check if scalar is smaller than the curve order. Note that this is not
// strictly required by EC_POINT_mul, but we make it here as a requirement for
// safety and performance reasons - multiplication performs in constant time
// if scalar is smaller than the curve order.
if (!IsScalarValid(scalar)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform multiplication: input scalar is not "
"in the expected range [0..curve order-1]";
return nullptr;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT result = CreatePoint();
if (!result) {
// The error is already logged by CreatePoint().
return nullptr;
if (EC_POINT_mul(group_.get(), result.get(), nullptr, &point, &scalar,
context) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform multiplication: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return result;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT EllipticCurve::MultiplyWithGenerator(
const BIGNUM& scalar, BN_CTX* context) const {
crypto::ScopedBIGNUM scalar_mod(BN_dup(&scalar));
if (!scalar_mod) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate BIGNUM structure: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
// We are normalizing scalar by adding the group order to it. If the result
// is not in the range [0..curve order-1] fails as described in
// EllipticCurve::Multiply.
if (BN_is_negative(scalar_mod.get()) == 1) {
if (!BN_add(scalar_mod.get(), order_.get(), scalar_mod.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add group order: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
if (!IsScalarValid(*scalar_mod)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform multiplication: input scalar is not "
"in the expected range [-curve_order..curve order-1]";
return nullptr;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT result = CreatePoint();
if (!result) {
// The error is already logged by CreatePoint().
return nullptr;
if (EC_POINT_mul(group_.get(), result.get(), scalar_mod.get(), nullptr,
nullptr, context) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform multiplication with generator: "
<< GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return result;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT EllipticCurve::Add(const EC_POINT& point1,
const EC_POINT& point2,
BN_CTX* context) const {
if (!IsPointValid(point1, context) || !IsPointValid(point2, context)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform addition: input point is not on curve";
return nullptr;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT result = CreatePoint();
if (!result) {
// The error is already logged by CreatePoint().
return nullptr;
if (EC_POINT_add(group_.get(), result.get(), &point1, &point2, context) !=
1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to perform addition: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return result;
crypto::ScopedEC_KEY EllipticCurve::PointToEccKey(const EC_POINT& point) const {
crypto::ScopedEC_Key key(EC_KEY_new());
if (!key) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate EC_KEY structure: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
if (EC_KEY_set_group(key.get(), group_.get()) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set EC group: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
if (!EC_KEY_set_public_key(key.get(), &point)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set public key: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
// EC_KEY_check_key performs various sanity checks on the EC_KEY object to
// confirm that it is valid.
if (!EC_KEY_check_key(key.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create valid key:" << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return key;
bool EllipticCurve::EncodeToSpkiDer(const crypto::ScopedEC_KEY& key,
brillo::SecureBlob* result,
BN_CTX* context) const {
if (!IsPointValidAndFinite(*EC_KEY_get0_public_key(key.get()), context)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to EncodeToSpkiDer: input point is invalid or "
return false;
unsigned char* buf = nullptr;
int buf_len = i2d_EC_PUBKEY(key.get(), &buf);
if (buf_len <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to encode public key to SubjectPublicKeyInfo format: "
<< GetOpenSSLErrors();
return false;
crypto::ScopedOpenSSLBytes scoped_buffer(buf);
result->assign(buf, buf + buf_len);
return true;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT EllipticCurve::DecodeFromSpkiDer(
const brillo::SecureBlob& public_key_spki_der, BN_CTX* context) const {
crypto::ScopedEC_KEY ecc;
const unsigned char* data_start =;
ecc.reset(d2i_EC_PUBKEY(nullptr, &data_start, public_key_spki_der.size()));
if (!ecc) {
<< "Failed to decode public key from SubjectPublicKeyInfo format: "
<< GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
crypto::ScopedEC_POINT result(
EC_POINT_dup(EC_KEY_get0_public_key(ecc.get()), group_.get()));
if (!result) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get public key: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
if (!IsPointValidAndFinite(*result, context)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "DecodeFromSpkiDer failed: input point is invalid or "
return nullptr;
return result;
crypto::ScopedEC_Key EllipticCurve::GenerateKey(BN_CTX* context) const {
crypto::ScopedEC_Key key(EC_KEY_new());
if (!key) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate EC_KEY structure: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
if (EC_KEY_set_group(key.get(), group_.get()) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set EC group: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
if (EC_KEY_generate_key(key.get()) != 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate EC key: " << GetOpenSSLErrors();
return nullptr;
return key;
bool EllipticCurve::GenerateKeysAsSecureBlobs(
brillo::SecureBlob* public_key_spki_der,
brillo::SecureBlob* private_key,
BN_CTX* context) const {
crypto::ScopedEC_Key key = GenerateKey(context);
if (!key) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate EC_KEY";
return false;
if (!EncodeToSpkiDer(key, public_key_spki_der, context)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to convert EC_POINT to SubjectPublicKeyInfo";
return false;
if (!BigNumToSecureBlob(*EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key.get()),
ScalarSizeInBytes(), private_key)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to convert BIGNUM to SecureBlob";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace hwsec_foundation