blob: 19b4428d3c86b045438b7c7e766aa2ff278a429f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Implement fiemap support, which can tell you the underlying disk extents
//! backing a file.
use std::fs::File;
use std::mem;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use libc::c_void;
use log::{debug, error};
use sys_util::ioctl_iowr_nr;
use crate::hiberutil::HibernateError;
ioctl_iowr_nr!(FS_IOC_FIEMAP, 'f' as u32, 11, C_Fiemap);
/// Define the Linux ioctl number for getting the fiemap.
const FIEMAP: u64 = FS_IOC_FIEMAP();
/// The C_Fiemap structure's format is mandated by the FS_IOC_FIEMAP ioctl. See
/// the linux man pages for details.
struct C_Fiemap {
fm_start: u64,
fm_length: u64,
fm_flags: u32,
fm_mapped_extents: u32,
fm_extent_count: u32,
fm_reserved: u32,
/// The FiemapExtent structure's format is mandated by the FS_IOC_FIEMAP ioctl.
/// See the linux man pages for details.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct FiemapExtent {
pub fe_logical: u64,
pub fe_physical: u64,
pub fe_length: u64,
fe_reserved64: [u64; 2],
pub fe_flags: u32,
fe_reserved: [u32; 3],
/// The Fiemap object wraps the retrieval (via ioctl) of a file's underlying
/// extents on disk. Given a file, it will enumerate the areas of the underlying
/// partition where this file resides.
pub struct Fiemap {
pub file_size: u64,
pub extents: Vec<FiemapExtent>,
/// Sync data before creating the extent map.
static FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC: u32 = 0x1;
// Map extended attribute tree.
//static FIEMAP_FLAG_XATTR: u32 = 0x2;
// The last extent in a file.
//static FIEMAP_EXTENT_LAST: u32 = 0x1;
/// Data location unknown.
static FIEMAP_EXTENT_UNKNOWN: u32 = 0x2;
/// Location still pending. Also sets FIEMAP_EXTENT_UNKNOWN.
static FIEMAP_EXTENT_DELALLOC: u32 = 0x4;
/// Data can not be read while the file system is unmounted.
static FIEMAP_EXTENT_ENCODED: u32 = 0x8;
/// Data is encrypted. Also sets EXTENT_NO_BYPASS.
/// Extent offsets may not be block aligned.
static FIEMAP_EXTENT_ALIGNED: u32 = 0x100;
/// Data is mixed with metadata. Sets FIEMAP_EXTENT_NOT_ALIGNED.
static FIEMAP_EXTENT_INLINE: u32 = 0x200;
/// Multiple files in a block. Sets FIEMAP_EXTENT_NOT_ALIGNED.
static FIEMAP_EXTENT_TAIL: u32 = 0x400;
// Space is allocated, but no data is written.
//static FIEMAP_EXTENT_UNWRITTEN: u32 = 0x800;
// File does not natively support extents. Result merged for efficiency.
//static FIEMAP_EXTENT_MERGED: u32 = 0x1000;
/// Space shared with other files.
static FIEMAP_EXTENT_SHARED: u32 = 0x2000;
/// Define the mask of flags that would be bad to see on a file you plan on
/// operating on directly.
impl Fiemap {
/// Create a new Fiemap object and run ioctls to load the fiemap for a given
/// file. On success, returns a Fiemap object that encapsulates the extents
/// for the file at the time this routine was run.
pub fn new(source_file: &mut File) -> Result<Fiemap> {
let file_size = source_file.metadata().unwrap().len();
let extents = Fiemap::get_extents(source_file, 0, file_size, FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC)?;
debug!("File has {} extents:", extents.len());
for extent in &extents {
"logical {:x} physical {:x} len {:x} flags {:x}",
extent.fe_logical, extent.fe_physical, extent.fe_length, extent.fe_flags
// If the extent has flags that wouldn't go well with direct access,
// report that now and fail. "Unwritten" is acceptable if the file
// is to be both written and read from underneath the file system.
if (extent.fe_flags & FIEMAP_NO_RAW_ACCESS_FLAGS) != 0 {
error!("File has bad flags {:x} for direct access. Extent logical {:x} physical {:x} len {:x}",
extent.fe_flags, extent.fe_logical, extent.fe_physical, extent.fe_length);
return Err(HibernateError::InvalidFiemapError(format!(
"Fiemap extent has unexpected flags {:x}",
.context("Invalid fiemap");
Ok(Fiemap { file_size, extents })
/// Return the extent corresponding to the given offset in the file.
pub fn extent_for_offset(&self, offset: u64) -> Option<&FiemapExtent> {
for extent in &self.extents {
if (extent.fe_logical <= offset) && ((extent.fe_logical + extent.fe_length) > offset) {
return Some(extent);
/// Helper function to run the fiemap ioctl without any data to determine
/// how many extent structures are needed. In a regular file, this count
/// could go stale as soon as it is returned. This code assumes no other
/// process is manipulating the file at the same time.
fn get_extent_count(
source_file: &mut File,
fm_start: u64,
fm_length: u64,
fm_flags: u32,
) -> Result<u32> {
let mut param = C_Fiemap {
fm_mapped_extents: 0,
fm_extent_count: 0,
fm_reserved: 0,
// Safe because the param struct has been pre-initialized, uses repr(C),
// and contains only basic types.
let rc = unsafe {
&mut param as *mut C_Fiemap as *mut c_void,
if rc < 0 {
return Err(HibernateError::FiemapError(sys_util::Error::last()))
.context("Failed to get fiemap extent count");
/// Execute the ioctl to get the extents, and convert them back to an array
/// of extent structures.
fn get_extents(
source_file: &mut File,
fm_start: u64,
fm_length: u64,
fm_flags: u32,
) -> Result<Vec<FiemapExtent>> {
let extent_count = Fiemap::get_extent_count(source_file, fm_start, fm_length, fm_flags)?;
let mut extents = vec![FiemapExtent::default(); extent_count as usize];
let fiemap_len = mem::size_of::<C_Fiemap>();
let extents_len = extents.len() * mem::size_of::<FiemapExtent>();
let buffer_size = fiemap_len + extents_len;
let mut fiemap = C_Fiemap {
fm_mapped_extents: 0,
fm_extent_count: extents.len() as u32,
fm_reserved: 0,
let mut buffer = vec![0u8; buffer_size];
// Copy the fiemap struct into the beginning of the u8 buffer. This is
// safe because the buffer was allocated to be larger than this struct
// size, and the structure contains no padding bytes.
unsafe {
let fiemap_slice = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(
(&fiemap as *const C_Fiemap) as *const u8,
// Safe because the ioctl operates on a buffer bounded by the length we
// just supplied in fm_extent_count of the struct fiemap.
let rc = unsafe {
buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _ as *mut c_void,
if rc < 0 {
return Err(HibernateError::FiemapError(sys_util::Error::last()))
.context("Failed to get fiemap");
// Verify the ioctl returned the number of extents expected. This is
// safe because the C_Fiemap is defined with the C convention, and all
// members are basic basic types.
unsafe {
fiemap = std::ptr::read_unaligned(buffer[0..fiemap_len].as_ptr() as *const _);
// There seem to be instances where the FS will return a larger number
// of extents (by one) when no buffer is given, but then the smaller
// correct number once the buffer is supplied. Allow the fiemap vector
// to shrink to accomodate this, though it's weird.
if (fiemap.fm_mapped_extents as usize) < extents.len() {
"Fiemap shrunk from {} to {}",
extents.truncate(fiemap.fm_mapped_extents as usize);
if fiemap.fm_mapped_extents as usize != extents.len() {
return Err(HibernateError::InvalidFiemapError(format!(
"Got {} fiemap extents, expected {}",
.context("Fiemap changed");
// Copy the extents returned from the ioctl out into the vector.
for (i, extent) in extents.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let start = fiemap_len + (i * mem::size_of::<FiemapExtent>());
let end = start + mem::size_of::<FiemapExtent>();
// This is safe because the ioctl returned this many fiemap_extents.
// This copies from the u8 buffer back into safe (aligned) world.
unsafe {
*extent = std::ptr::read_unaligned(buffer[start..end].as_ptr() as *const _);