blob: 09095c4f3cd3d2a82b41711a51e1822b00883141 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains Mojo structs representing nullable primitives - since Mojo
// doesn't support these natively, when we want a primitive parameter or return
// value to be optional, we need to wrap it in a nullable struct.
// TODO(crbug/657632): Remove this file if Mojo adds support for nullable
// primitives.
// NOTE: This mojom should be kept in sync with the copy in Chromium's repo in
// src/chrome/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/nullable_primitives.mojom.
module chromeos.cros_healthd.mojom;
// Optional uint8 field.
struct NullableUint8 {
// The value of the uint8.
uint8 value;
// Optional int16 field.
struct NullableInt16 {
// The value of the int16.
int16 value;
// Optional uint16 field.
struct NullableUint16 {
// The value of the uint16.
uint16 value;
// Optional uint32 field.
struct NullableUint32 {
// The value of the uint32.
uint32 value;
// Optional uint64 field.
struct NullableUint64 {
// The value of the uint64.
uint64 value;
// Optional double field.
struct NullableDouble {
// The value of the double.
double value;