blob: f1737dd28e87d1e33bbd7ab358c874d7c8d1d542 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// gRPC API exposed by the wilco_dtc daemon. Normally the consumer
// of the API is the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon.
syntax = "proto3";
package diagnostics.grpc_api;
option go_package = "chromiumos/wilco_dtc";
service WilcoDtc {
// Called when a message is sent by the diagnostics UI extension (hosted by
// the browser).
rpc HandleMessageFromUi(HandleMessageFromUiRequest)
returns (HandleMessageFromUiResponse) {}
// Called when the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon received EC event.
rpc HandleEcNotification(HandleEcNotificationRequest)
returns (HandleEcNotificationResponse) {}
// Called when the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon received power event from powerd
// daemon and event of the tracking type occured.
rpc HandlePowerNotification(HandlePowerNotificationRequest)
returns (HandlePowerNotificationResponse) {}
// Called when the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon received new configuration data
// blob, this happens when the device policy, passing this configuration data
// blob, gets updated.
// It is only a notification that the configuration data has been changed.
// The GetConfigurationData needs to be called to retrieve the actual
// configuration data.
// NOTE: calling the GetConfigurationData on every startup is highly
// recommended to retrieve the up-to-date configuration data.
rpc HandleConfigurationDataChanged(HandleConfigurationDataChangedRequest)
returns (HandleConfigurationDataChangedResponse) {}
// Called when the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon received D-Bus signal from
// bluetooth daemon that bluetooth data has changed.
rpc HandleBluetoothDataChanged(HandleBluetoothDataChangedRequest)
returns (HandleBluetoothDataChangedResponse) {}
// Parameters for the HandleMessageFromUi RPC.
message HandleMessageFromUiRequest {
// Message contents, as sent by the diagnostics UI extension. Should be a
// valid JSON string.
string json_message = 1;
// Return value of the HandleMessageFromUi RPC.
message HandleMessageFromUiResponse {
// Response message contents, as sent by the wilco_dtc daemon.
// When set, should be a valid JSON string.
string response_json_message = 1;
// Parameters for the HandleEcNotification RPC.
message HandleEcNotificationRequest {
// EC notification type.
// |type| value is located from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, i.e. only 16 bits used.
uint32 type = 1;
// EC notification payload.
// Originally, EC driver provides |uint16_t| data array which we encode to
// |payload| (i.e. |uint8_t| array) using little-endian format.
// For example, [0x0102, 0x1314, 0x2526] will be represented as
// [0x02, 0x01, 0x14, 0x13, 0x26, 0x25] payload.
// |payload| size does not exceed 12 bytes.
bytes payload = 2;
// Return value of the HandleEcNotification RPC.
message HandleEcNotificationResponse {}
// Parameters for the HandlePowerNotification RPC.
message HandlePowerNotificationRequest {
enum PowerEvent {
// Energy consuming from external power source has been started.
// Energy consuming from external power source has been stopped.
// System has received suspend request.
// System has completed suspend request.
// Must not be |EVENT_UNSET|.
PowerEvent power_event = 1;
// Return value of the HandlePowerNotification RPC.
message HandlePowerNotificationResponse {}
// Parameters for the HandleConfigurationDataChanged RPC.
message HandleConfigurationDataChangedRequest {}
// Return value of the HandleConfigurationDataChanged RPC.
message HandleConfigurationDataChangedResponse {}
// Parameters for the HandleBluetoothDataChanged RPC.
message HandleBluetoothDataChangedRequest {
// Telemetry data of the bluetooth adapter installed in the system.
message AdapterData {
// Non-empty bluetooth adapter name (e.g. hci0).
string adapter_name = 1;
// Non-empty bluetooth adapter MAC address.
string adapter_mac_address = 2;
enum CarrierStatus {
// STATUS_UP/STATUS_DOWN carrier status of the device. Must be distinct from
CarrierStatus carrier_status = 3;
// Number of connected devices.
uint32 connected_devices_count = 4;
// The data for all bluetooth adapters installed in the system.
repeated AdapterData adapters = 1;
// Return value for the HandleBluetoothDataChanged RPC.
message HandleBluetoothDataChangedResponse {}