blob: 3cda0ad93fa260f2049a37f127513205c34c5287 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
namespace cryptohome {
enum class MountType {
NONE, // Not mounted.
ECRYPTFS, // Encrypted with ecryptfs.
DIR_CRYPTO, // Encrypted with dircrypto.
DMCRYPT, // Encrypted with dmcrypt over a logical volume.
EPHEMERAL, // Ephemeral mount.
ECRYPTFS_TO_DIR_CRYPTO, // Vault migration.
ECRYPTFS_TO_DMCRYPT, // Vault migration.
DIR_CRYPTO_TO_DMCRYPT, // Vault migration.
// Paths to sparse file for ephemeral mounts.
extern const char kEphemeralCryptohomeDir[];
extern const char kSparseFileDir[];
extern const char kDefaultSharedUser[];
// Directories that we intend to track (make pass-through in cryptohome vault)
extern const char kCacheDir[];
extern const char kDownloadsDir[];
extern const char kMyFilesDir[];
extern const char kGCacheDir[];
// subdir of kGCacheDir
extern const char kGCacheVersion1Dir[];
extern const char kGCacheVersion2Dir[];
// subdir of kGCacheVersion1Dir
extern const char kGCacheTmpDir[];
extern const char kGCacheBlobsDir[];
extern const char kUserHomeSuffix[];
extern const char kRootHomeSuffix[];
extern const char kUserHomeSuffix[];
extern const char kRootHomeSuffix[];
extern const char kEphemeralMountDir[];
extern const char kEphemeralMountType[];
extern const char kEphemeralMountOptions[];
// Daemon store directories.
extern const char kEtcDaemonStoreBaseDir[];
extern const char kRunDaemonStoreBaseDir[];
} // namespace cryptohome