blob: be6fce28ac08ee5c18f0eeff6d576dbb601f3c83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Our Python generator removes the "_serialized_" namespace when generating
// the code, to avoid symbol clash with the code generated by flatc.
namespace cryptohome._serialized_;
// Defined the attributes that may be used in this schema file.
attribute "serializable";
// Encryption algorithms used in the user secret stash.
enum UserSecretStashEncryptionAlgorithm : int {
AES_GCM_256 = 1, // AES-GCM-256
// Container for the encrypted user secret stash. It can be persisted to disk
// as-is.
table UserSecretStashContainer (serializable) {
// The algorithm used for encrypting UserSecretStashPayload.
encryption_algorithm:UserSecretStashEncryptionAlgorithm = null (id: 0);
// This is the encrypted UserSecretStashPayload.
ciphertext:[ubyte] (id: 1);
// The random IV used by the encryption algorithm.
iv:[ubyte] (id: 2);
// The GCM tag generated by the block cipher.
gcm_tag:[ubyte] (id: 3);
// Holds multiple wrapped (encrypted) representations of the main key, each
// wrapped using a different intermediate key.
wrapped_key_blocks:[UserSecretStashWrappedKeyBlock] (id: 4);
// Version of Chrome OS on which this particular user secret stash was
// originally created. The format is the one of the CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION
// field in /etc/lsb-release, e.g.: "11012.0.2018_08_28_1422". Empty if the
// version fetch failed at the creation time.
created_on_os_version:string (id: 5);
// Holds the USS main key, wrapped (encrypted) using an intermediate key.
table UserSecretStashWrappedKeyBlock {
// The wrapping ID that allows the programmatic layers to identify the
// intermediate key needed for decrypting this table.
wrapping_id:string (id: 0);
// The algorithm used for encrypting the USS main key.
encryption_algorithm:UserSecretStashEncryptionAlgorithm = null (id: 1);
// This is the encrypted USS main key.
encrypted_key:[ubyte] (id: 2);
// The random IV used in the encryption of the USS main key.
iv:[ubyte] (id: 3);
// The GCM tag generated by the block cipher.
gcm_tag:[ubyte] (id: 4);
root_type UserSecretStashContainer;