blob: ed8e991ded7c0d5dcd142284ca7f9e6f9b350994 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script contains common helper functions to use with LVM-based stateful
# partitions. These helpers are useful for both install and startup
# scripts.
# Fetches the volume group name on the device. Empty if the device is not a
# valid physical volume or if it doesn't have a volume group set up on it.
get_volume_group() {
local physical_volume="$1"
pvdisplay -C --quiet --readonly --noheadings --separator '|' \
-o vg_name "${physical_volume}" | tr -d '[:space:]'
# Generate a random label, used for volume group name generation.
generate_random_label() {
local n
for n in $(od -A none -tu1 -N16 /dev/urandom); do
# 36 doesn't evenly divide 256 so there's slight bias here.
n=$(( n % 36 ))
if [ "${n}" -lt "10" ]; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
printf "${n}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
printf "\\$(printf '%03o' $((n - 10 + 0x41)))"
# Try to validate the volume group name: if another volume group exists with the
# same name, regenerate the volume group name. Bail out after 5 tries.
generate_random_vg_name() {
local vg_name
local _
for _ in 1 2 3 4 5; do
# If there is no volume group on the device with the generated vg name
# return.
if ! vgdisplay "${vg_name}" >/dev/null; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
printf "${vg_name}"
# Gets device size in bytes.
get_device_size() {
local device="$1"
blockdev --getsize64 "${device}"
# With multiple logical volumes per user, we need more than 1 physical extent to
# store the physical volume metadata. Therefore, there may not be enough space
# to store the data for O(100) logical volumes. We set aside 4 physical extents
# (the default PE size is 4MB). Additionally, we need to set aside some space
# the thinpool's metadata. thin_metadata_size estimates the metadata size for
# storing a maximum of 200 logical volumes as <2% of the size of the thinpool.
get_thinpool_size() {
local physical_volume="$1"
echo $(( $(get_device_size "${physical_volume}") * 98 / (100 * 1024 * 1024) ))
# Thin provisioning tools uses a util to calculate what the metadata size should
# for give a device and maximum number of thinpools associated with the device.
get_thinpool_metadata_size() {
local thinpool_size="$1"
thin_metadata_size --block-size 4k --pool-size "${thinpool_size}M" \
--max-thins 200 --numeric-only -u M
# By default, create thin logical volumes at 95% of the size of the thinpool.
get_logical_volume_size() {
local physical_volume="$1"
local thinpool_size
thinpool_size="$(get_thinpool_size "${physical_volume}")"
echo $(( thinpool_size * 95 / 100 ))